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Symbolism Poems | Examples of Symbolism Poetry

Symbolism Poems - Examples of all types of symbolism poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous poem examples for symbolism.
Premium Member This Idle Track
Still...Is life. On a precipice. Leave your lights down low, and listen... ...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, dark, extended metaphor, introspection,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member As the City Sleeps
I mourn. For the houses, as their lights die out. One, by one. I stop. I start to see… Through the other side of glass, as the city sleeps at night. ...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, grief, introspection, metaphor, night,
Form: Free verse
Where Have All The Young Men Gone
Where are all the young men Gone, Seems to echo in the lyrics of a song. We know unfortunately where they have gone, And it still goes on. We’ve witnessed many milestones in our lifetime, We had moments...Read the rest...
Categories: dedication, patriotic, symbolism,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Things
He was enamored by the way of things, the color, the shape, the sound and all that his senses could take in whether the thing was large or small or in-between or was superior in the hierarchical order of things. A...Read the rest...
Categories: metaphor, simile, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fairground Rides
I've already forgotten the sound of your voice. But, this noise, of fairground rides and mustard, makes me think, ...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, anxiety, extended metaphor, hurt,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Swimming Lessons
My words ...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, anxiety, extended metaphor, fear,
Form: Free verse
Chaos and Being
Our entire universe is of chaos endlessly churning away, So how the do you expect us apes To find meaning each day While we're burning and learning and working for pay Thinking surely, surely there's a better way? There Is Not ...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, age, dark, funny, introspection,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sea Views
Speak to me of midsummer, ...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, anxiety, conflict, dream, mental
Form: Free verse
Can I ever breathe again or do I have to drown in the worst of me countless loose ends swirling in my head darkness has overshadowed the crest within days have gone by, turning into mist heaved my sorrows...Read the rest...
Categories: conflict, introspection, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Gift of the sun chaser
Mankind, once a wonderful creation favored above the rest. Was given a perfect planet, and told to try their best. They gave their word of honor, and so the pact was made. But as promises were broken, the...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, deep, encouraging, inspiration, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Summer in England
A mandolin ...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, metaphor, nature, romantic, sensual,
Form: Lyric
The growing tree
There is a part of that still bleeds A part of that I was supposed to shed How a snake sheds its skin It will not leave Almost Like a slab of metal forced into...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, feelings, growing up, nature,
Form: Free verse
Eye of the storm
Eye of the storm By Michelle Morris 06/07/2024 In the stillness of my being I feel like the eye of the storm It is quiet and calm within me Whilst I'm surrounded by noise and forms There's music and celebrations...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, angel, encouraging, god, life,
Form: Free verse
Earth Ambassador
I visit certain places deep within my mind Returning there time after time offers a form of relief A respite from recurring thoughts that constantly seek On autopilot I walk in my sleep with eyes wide open at times A bridge...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, introspection, philosophy, poetry, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Stairway To The Abyss
Climbing a stairway into the mind without steps In a room with no windows only doors without keys Just silence on deaf ears so it's as quiet as kept It's dark like a dead sleep with no life to it's...Read the rest...
Categories: symbolism, imagery, introspection, perspective, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Specific Types of Symbolism Poems

Definition | What is Symbolism in Poetry?

Poems Related to Symbolism

metaphor, comparison, analogy,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things