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End Of Summer Poems

These End Of Summer poems are examples of poetry about End Of Summer. These are the best examples of Summer End Of poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Women look at us with unsettling eyes, undulating like the sea in a summer storm
Women look at us with unsettling eyes, undulating like the sea in a summer storm,
Hiding within their depths a universe of dreams, entwined with longing...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: summer, fantasy,

Premium Member Fireweed
I'm gonna get going Friday morning
I'd like to stay but but it's best I'm going
Things don't feel like they should be
So I'll hit the road...

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Categories: summer, love,

Summer Heatwave
Agonizing shrieks, -lips curl, wink*
before I was weak, -savage entity
spellbound dreams, -madness deity
grotesque fusing.           ...

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Categories: summer, dark, death, deep, extended

Premium Member When Summer Is Gone
Another streak of blazed discovery 
  tumbles upon this month's vanishing ember,
that I gaze at an abandoned coastline 
   washing off this...

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Categories: summer, august, goodbye, seasons,

When summer gone temperatures hot cease
Autumn says hi!
When summer gone

Bluer, clearer fresher skies
3 month span, twix spring autumn
Alpha Omega spawn

When summer gone
Metrological difference sun position...

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Categories: summer, analogy, appreciation, endurance, engagement,

Premium Member When summer is gone
Cheers from boats with colorful sails fade,
The surfer’s smile wanes as the warmth subsides,
In parks where families with picnics stayed,
Their chatter gone, when summer is...

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© Jay Narain  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: summer,

Premium Member When Summer is Gone
Will a closure come more slowly
than a Summer's breeze goodbye?
where twilight hides in a darker realm of gray
and the Summer's last days are met

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Categories: summer, nature,

Premium Member Saying Goodbye To Summer

"A fallen leaf is nothing more than
summer's wave goodbye."


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Categories: autumn, summer,

Premium Member When Summer Is Gone
In twilight's early shadows, when summer has passed
      A wandering lost soul whose heart has strayed

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Categories: summer, age, feelings, introspection,


There’s a pause, when Summer is gone
With autumn trying its very best to please
Winter is always there, hiding in the wings
To formalise...

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Categories: summer,

Premium Member Metamorphosis

Line of inquiry:
blessings from above
transformed lust to love
delusion to illumination
earth-heaven bilocation

It wasn’t spring, with all its flowery shadows
Who taught me wonders too startling to explain

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Categories: summer, appreciation, baptism, blessing, change,

July's Lament
July whispers secrets through the scorching air,
A furnace of days, relentless in its glare.
The sun, a tyrant, rules the endless skies,
As weary souls beneath it...

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Categories: summer, appreciation, seasons, sunshine,


A summer's breeze gently tells a lie
About how all nature is soft and kind
Yet underneath, where we don't see
There is no room for any...

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Categories: summer, confusion, irony,

Premium Member Indian Summer
Incredible warmth at October’s end kisses GoddesS
Nature, and the only thing I can think about is yoU
Do you recall the time we first met so...

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Categories: summer, seasons,

Premium Member end-time
summer heat, fires, floods
the planet; people, dying;
and yet, we were warned....

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Categories: environment, planet, summer,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things