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Suits Poems - Poems about Suits

Suits Poems - Examples of all types of poems about suits to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for suits.
Premium Member Her hair suits her purposes
She wears her hair this outrageous way to try and put off adults. She has no use for adults, they lie, and they are mean. All adults? She thinks so Due to her experiences. She dyes her hair an odd...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, women,
Form: Free verse
Suits of Meat
Clueless, wandering suits of meat With eyes open but remaining blind Unknowingly searching for the truth Harming the tragic and the joyous Tragedy offers pious shelter Pain is a seductive mistress Clueless, wandering suits of meat Happiest when lost in the shadows Dreaming...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, life,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member January
January welcomes a new year, still dressed in bright suits. Shy January brings new expectations but also fear. We dream about a new life, we try to find out about new routes. Freezing mornings cut our skin with...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, allegory, allusion, beauty, birth,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Why do you dress in suits
Groovy giraffe Moots with his bony knees Slips and slides and calls out “geez!” Fashionable, yet, not dapper, not in any way. His confidence is enormous, and here to stay. Why do you dress in suits? We ask old...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Of Strong Suits and the Rest of Us
Show me a suit that fits comfortably Underneath is a body toned to a 'T' Covering up God's imperfection determinedly The rest of...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, fashion, jealousy, motivation,
Form: Rhyme

The Men In Suits
The men in suits Light a fire They pretend to be enemies Though they really are the best of friends Every move, watching the world, Burn to flames Public protests for garbage, whilst Many are killed, destroyed, silenced Criminals live in wonderland Innocents are...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, corruption, future, political, sad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member What Suits Her
"All a man really wants, is a girl who looks good in a bikini." - Jack Freestone ---------- Though the suit has us somewhat engrossed, I’m inclined to share this quick riposte: though those patches and string scarcely cover a...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, appreciation, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Suits You
This Alien extension Acquired tragically Is rejected unconsciously As minute defences Wage war mercilessly Vulnerable as combat rages Transformed while I'm dead Reborn with us United Are you my friend?...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, life,
Form: Free verse
Best Suits In Your Ashes
People often says- What makes me raise? If it's your feelings then gone- left me alone- But is it true? Can it be as much obvious as was you? Thrill to capture the moments we had-not so bad. I really hate...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, dark, lonely, lost, lost
Form: Rhyme
Life Suits
Life is full of plenty tricks Called tactics So apply secrets to your success As salt to your soup wear a cup of facial smile To purge away your inner pains See the beginning before it end So you can...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, courage, deep, destiny, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Survival Suits Her
Survival suits her and for those who pay attention, who look closely, it’s in the way she moves. The way she talks. The way she carries herself. She has a flame burning inside her sparking a fire in you. One that burns a...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, mental illness, recovery from,
Form: I do not know?
Suits You
pulling words from the space between the open arms of c's that never meet no glue will fix mistakes that live within the past My doppelganger lies beside me head to to toe Anonymous keeps the twins as prisoners and...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Suits Me
There a spot in time and space that was all mine alone now she fills it...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Depression Suits You
Depression suits you Your badge of honor Hidden to no one Understood by you Your identity Fiercely holding Close to your heart Empty feelings Your own mantra Lack of hope Sorrowful In a rut Dreary Alone Sad...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, depression,
Form: Diminished Hexaverse
Different Suits
I was sitting at the table, cards revealed one by one. The dealer full of evil sin, Me, all I wanted was some Fun. I had waited for my play. I held all five royal spades. The loser...Read the rest...
Categories: suits, betrayal, conflict, courage, deep,
Form: I do not know?

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