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Spot Poems - Poems about Spot

Spot Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spot to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spot.
X-Marks-the-Spot is a tickling game Which is traced upon someone’s bare back. In childhood, we played it and often it caused A goose-bump filled giggling attack. My kids got the treatment when bathtime arrived And my grandson when he was...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, childhood, grandson,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member God's Favorite Spot in the Universe
When a mother bird decides to build a nest She selects a spot that she deems is best. The sheer survival of her species rest On the precious eggs she lays in that nest. When God decided he would...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, bible, care, earth, god,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member 7 Spot Winner a song
©7 Spot Winner - Artimus The Poet, Susan Manley 12/24/2024 Inspired by a meme and my boyfriend. ...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, computer, fun, funny love,
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Sweet Spot
Sweet Spot On the ever shifting sands of time The spectrum of human action balances On a fulcrum between extremes: Total government and tyranny on the Left Zero government and anarchy on the Right, Two ways that on paper may...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, history, perspective, political, society,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member when I spot a squirrel
When I spot a squirrel It is never common, ordinary or naked They are usually fully dressed without a smile The one I spied this morning wore a blue shirtwaist When she ran up a tree, I saw white...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, animal, humor,
Form: Free verse

saving your spot
we used to sit there with a pile of stones throwing them hard seeing which ones would make it farther and that bench was halve rust but you still loved it sitting on the air if you must oh, the trees...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, friendship,
Form: Ballad
Point And Spot
trying to set that neat point the point is big, to small spot...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, poetry,
Form: Tristich
Tourist Spot
Cranes drop on water Lodge and lull for a buffet Bathe awhile and fly....Read the rest...
Categories: spot, beauty, bird, engagement, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Hot Spot
I just knew that I'd better not stop Caressing her from bottom to top It was getting real hot When I hit the right spot But by then I was too pooped to pop Prequel to "Johnny on the Spot"...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, lust,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Johnny on the Spot
I lost my hair and I lost my pep That's why I lost the spring in my step But I couldn't go on When my manhood was gone And I lost my wife to Johnny Depp...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Sweet Spot
(Pema on Turkish Rug, 2023) The Sweet Spot Remarkably, right on the cusp Between the tangible and intangible Sit the old tribal weavings Of the near to far East. I’m sure to many Both there and here This subtle distinction of delicate balance Goes...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, art, heart, spiritual,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member their sweet spot
she waits for her lover watching every sailor as they disembark from the clipper ship she knows best recognizing his curly hair she lights up Algeciras Bay, their sweet spot...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, love,
Form: Free verse
The Right Spot
Time to touch the forbidden button Years of searching for its location Time is not on my side Countless hours dedicated for a split decision My youth hindered my coordination Going left, knowing I wasn't...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, environment, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
My Spot Amongst The Bustle
Every day feels like a race Always some job to do Or person to please I'm all over the place I always thought it was just me Looking to escape the madness Even just for an hour Somewhere to flee I found a...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, friendship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member a spot of tea in the sea
Said squid to snail, “let’s have a spot of tea.” Mermaid was invited, and she arrived at three Grandpa fish read a book about a tale of the sea. They had such a lovely time, it was an...Read the rest...
Categories: spot, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Monorhyme

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