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Spiritualist Poems - Poems about Spiritualist

Spiritualist Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spiritualist to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spiritualist.

Premium Member A poet plus spiritualist
Apart from writing poetry, who are we cannot be defined, for we wear many hats. Looking back at life thus far, we clearly see, that though destiny bowls and consciousness bats, for the most part we’ve been tied to...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, poets, spiritual,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member I Am a Tree Hugging Spiritualist
I am going on a sabbatical And the first thing I wonder is Will my trees greet me If I leave for a week? I was only gone once before For a week And my trees waved me into my driveway. I...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, tree,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Spirituality In This Family
Ethereal? Status quo around here. Making their soul presence felt, but not seen. Do not need Ouija boards, my family. A voice yells “STOP!” It is immediate. God is in these angelic messages. He is in my soul, saving me...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Difference Between a Ghosthunter and Spiritualist
The clairvoyant believe that spirits are real based on our creed and their interpretation. I...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, death, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Spiritualist Dance
Knowing death will come Does not assuage its pain, Knowing life is done Does not erase the same. Certain gaps remain Defined by breathless air, Whiffs of the cremain Lingering, longing there. Come upon by chance "A goose stepped on my grave," Did its holy...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, death, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme

Ghosthunter Or Spiritualist You Decide
She gave a call at 6 am she needed my advice the little one she could not sleep his ghost was always there I packed my bag and went to her for VIP extole the sewing...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, surreal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ghost Hunter In Spiritualist Events
DEAD Ghosthunter or Spiritualist Spiritualist realm can or can not be our friend One thing for curtain there nothing to play with Spiritual realms careful they are real and Seal no deals with the devil's beware kiss "Paranormal Investigators" think...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, allusion, science, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member the spiritualist spirit -
the ether is alive with oscillations pulsations and electric frequencies satellite and shortwave...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, analogy, mystery, myth, mythology,
Form: Rhyme
Spiritualist Not For the Contest
I beg to differ on your point of view when spirits want to talk, they don't ask you they enter only hearts with portal gape and no I don't permit, recorder -tapes She was a mother...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Spiritualist -Signs of Souls
Spiritualist -Signs of Souls Fragmenting eyes of sorrow of baneful tears that demons burrow Stealing Cupids arrow and the elusive songs of the morning sparrow Encroaching black mass revels jubilantly to break the mirror's glass Within the barbarous brass...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, conflict, dark, lost, pain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ghost Hunters and Spiritualists
G goblins, ghouls and ghosts H haunted houses, blood running cold with fright O ornery children...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, death, perspective,
Form: Acrostic
Spiritualist, Medium and Deceiver
Spiritualist, Medium and Deceiver What a wonderful gift he has, Speaking to Mother who passed, To reach her from the other side, My troubled mind eased at last. Clever Man, Oh clever man, How you deceive these people so, Bewitched by...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, betrayal, death, emotions, how
Form: Rhyme
The Spiritualist
There was a young spiritualist from Avoca, Who was in a casino playing poker, He saw in the light ...Read the rest...
Categories: spiritualist, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Book: Reflection on the Important Things