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Solemnest Poems - Poems about Solemnest

Solemnest Poems - Examples of all types of poems about solemnest to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for solemnest.

Have I Not Told You
...Have I not told you lately how I love you... so much? Do not you hear it in the sound of my voice? Or whenever I reach for you; pray not my love's lost it's touch! Has my arms not welcomed you;......Read the rest...
Categories: solemnest, cheer up, devotion, love,
Form: Prose
A Lonely Star Shone One Night
...A lonely star shone one night; By a grave, he stood all alone in white. The muffled sounds of a laughter gone so soon blew near With whistles of a heart’s solemnest thoughts, And, thus, he discov......Read the rest...
Categories: solemnest, death, star, lonely, star,
Form: Ballad

Book: Reflection on the Important Things