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Slur Poems - Poems about Slur

Slur Poems - Examples of all types of poems about slur to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for slur.

Woke is a New Slur
Woke is New Slur “I guess, woke is nothing but a new slur against people like me, right? Let me tell you, friend. Like Ariel, I want black people to be where they will be accepted....Read the rest...
Categories: slur, anger, appreciation, art, desire,
Form: Free verse
A Soft Bitter Slur
Now, in her solitude she sits draped in mock fur, As the movie spool ends, silver lights begin to fade, So, she slurps on her sorrows with a soft bitter slur ‘The sheer backless organza’ – a...Read the rest...
Categories: slur, career, emotions, heartbreak, pain,
Form: Villanelle

Premium Member Slur
Slur in time move side to side deter all hesitation; Transfer of lively hormones, pure magic set in motion; Buy one more heighten the buzz, high on what it’s feeding me; My mind is on...Read the rest...
Categories: slur, emotions, feelings, happiness, happy,
Form: Lento

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

One second of Joy is another second of sorrow One minute of triumph is another minute of defeat It seems that all I see now is a blur I cannot speak anymore without a slur I hear many...Read the rest...
Categories: slur, anger, angst, betrayal, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Racial Slur Avoided
"Do not incur a racial slur!" Hearing this I laughed And started on that path. Big things started...Read the rest...
Categories: slur, humor,
Form: Free verse

Racial Slur Did Occur
Racial Slur Did Occur We heard that Trump said a racial slur; Which right before our eyes did occur; Intimidating; Humiliating; Yet, what it was never knew for sure. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: slur, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member A Racial Slur
In this day and age there's still racial slurs Thought all that was over but it still occurs Adam Jones was the target Human scum at their darkest How can these low lifes justify this ugly curse...Read the rest...
Categories: slur, sad,
Form: Limerick
Blurred Slur Cure
Loud, ruthless, drunken slur Visions of family blur Matters not what they think As long as she gets one more drink Watching from the sidelines A visit turned internal binds Do I stay and help them? Younger siblings, emotions dim Can't...Read the rest...
Categories: slur, angst, confusion, depression, family,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry