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Slovenia Poems - Poems about Slovenia

Slovenia Poems - Examples of all types of poems about slovenia to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for slovenia.

Premium Member Slovenia Waterfall
SLOVENIA FOREST WATERFALL Your journey to the waterfall will be through forest green where sunlight never touches all where everything looks fresh and clean, and if you list, you'll hear the call of life that's never seen. And...Read the rest...
Categories: slovenia, beauty, nature,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Road To Slovenia In Haiku
ROAD TO SLOVENIA in Haiku H 13...In A Bosnian Village "Burn the houses down gather all the people up bus them out of town." ©...Read the rest...
Categories: slovenia, abuse, christian, discrimination, hate,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Mssr L'Vampyre and the Slovenia Werewolf
MONSIEUR L'VAMPYRE AND THE WEREWOLVES OF SLOVENIA While walking on a path sublime accustomed to at times, when I'm just going neither here nor there-- but all content to only passing time; from my Chateaux not...Read the rest...
Categories: slovenia, horror, scary,
Form: Blitz

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

From the National Poet of Slovenia In a Language People Understand - E Pluribum Anus
RIPAE BENI DEAU VER In modus fasciculumque Brady pus. Rogationes, confractum egemus. Minara excommunica Ripa nostra, sus amica, Sic superbum precum, pape beatus. Story: The National Poet Of Slovenia In A Language People Understand moves in mysterious ways. Just ignore him. the rest...
Categories: slovenia, angel, angst, art, bible,
Form: Limerick
From the National Poet of Slovenia In a Language People Understand - the Ruins of the Ancien Regime
Farewell, then, AUKN boss, The next this year makes three. By the time they find a substitute, Slovenes will be at sea. He tried to cover his behind; AUKN boss of bosses, As every week, balances grew bleak: He weighed merits and...Read the rest...
Categories: slovenia, absence, allegory, analogy, animal,
Form: Ballad

Theo-Oligarchic Happenings In Slovenia
URAN'S WILLY Taking sides in discussions holily About whether Uran used his willy Means you're trapped in their game - Either side is the same: Cock distracts, cash departs, crowd stays silly. Story: The National Poet Of Slovenia In A Language People...Read the rest...
Categories: slovenia, betrayal, bible, character, conflict,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry