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Short Dizain Poems

Short Dizain Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short Dizain poems by PoetrySoup poets. Search the short Dizain poetry form by poem length and keyword.

My Heart
my heart is like a singing bird whose nest is in a watered show my hear is like an apple tree it will continue to grow every day!...

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Form: Dizain

One Man
he is up high
lives in the sky
he never pass you by
on you is a eye
if you fall
he pick you up like ball
just call he made us all
put him in your plan

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Categories: adventure, faith, fear,
Form: Dizain
A Family Affair
I am the darker brother
If you are confused
Wait until you see our father
My mother swells well
Too. She is the fairer sex
There are miles to walk
Between her tears and God....

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Categories: social,
Form: Dizain
Thoughts of You
I waited for you
But you never came
Promises you'd be here
Just another lie again

I'm a fool
For believing yo
I'll never learn

companionship thoughts
thoughts of:


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Categories: lost love
Form: Dizain
to stop me? it is
already that--silence
after the big-draft

nearly One
nearly Trip

to the fundus of scream
to the red of storm

and this flux of hope
an ecstasy

to my life...

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Categories: anxiety, body, cry, desire, destiny, how i
Form: Dizain

Premium Member Toils of Night
The feathery dusky violets,
Of a purplish vaulted sky royal,
Tickles the genteel soles of twilights,
It wakes to a bluing chambered hall,
Whilst ups a blanched dress as white stars sprawl...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: analogy, imagery, moon, motivation, night, perspective, uplifting,
Form: Dizain
to finish to disappear
to leave: this being's flux
You and Me by Universe

there the flesh
where the silence

an abstraction
a change in Us

to survive city
to live angel

our streets mysteries...

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Categories: angel, destiny, metaphor, nature, philosophy, romantic,
Form: Dizain
Urban Academy
again this constrution
the Earth concept
its sky my chaos

only the Woman
mildly her desires

after our naked bodies
according to the pure mind

to be a city
to live its space

street by street...

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Categories: city, crazy, life, philosophy, sexy, sky, urban,
Form: Dizain
Saint Lazarus In the Rain
too beautiful for me? okay
I arrange my fluids
in curve ecstasy

a vibrant meditation
and it is all

I will be philosopher of love
an esthete of the bodies

without desire
without passion

a pure soul...

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Categories: april, beauty, birthday, joy, me, paris, philosophy,
Form: Dizain
Like a Novel
of art -- I am her delirium
in a human's darkness
of being -- this Nothingness

our two worlds Paris
our illusions the street

there I catch my destiny
where her trance resuscitates

a mystery
a hope

our prayers...

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Categories: art, baby, conflict, cry, dark, nonsense, writing,
Form: Dizain
Khloe Kennedy April
her way to touch the sky
her light in mine
her soul on my destiny

I like our dawns to two
her stains of silence

I like nova fire
these vibrations to caress

I like our mad fantasies
their dust of instant

an instinct of existence...

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Categories: beautiful, beauty, creation, fairy, girl, happiness, hope,
Form: Dizain
she is wine
and the pink bread
my cake besides

what is already her first name
the name of her fanciful desire

I am part of the sky
where her mind vibrates

I will be the soul of the honey
in this free drunkenness

our eternal love...

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Categories: america, life, love, muse, mythology, paris, travel,
Form: Dizain
Free Cee Now This One Is Profundity At It's Finest

My neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Hornblower had a lawn mower that broke on them
And if you smoke pot and your mouth gets dry don’t eat crackers or you’ll choke on them
                                © 2012…..PHREEPOETREE ~free cee!~...

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Categories: computer-internet,
Form: Dizain
Mom of Life
Mom, you're the best
Every single day I'll repeat
And much more you're blest
I can shout in the street
Let 'em know on my tweet

You are my star
You shoot without a scar
A friend, a mother, a wife
And more you are
My mom of life

©Radiant March 2014...

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Categories: mom,
Form: Dizain
ocean - a beautiful naked woman
a pseudo of her makeup
a smile that the soul drank

this indescribable face
these curves endlessly

she give birth the galaxy
she resuscitates the indefinite

is this my destiny
is she my desire

this absolute ecstasy...

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Categories: baby, beach, beautiful, beauty, freedom, funny love,
Form: Dizain
My life was dark and dreary
She was bright and saving
With her I was no longer weary
She had the best timing
She was there when I needed her saving
She gave me attention
She flooded me with affection
She was in love
I gave her all my attention
I am in love....

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Categories: feelings, i love you,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member Equal Inequals
friends can be equals
do unto others as you...
or be inequals

teachers and students
or the parent and child
of the same sharing

friendship peace and trust
delight and like mindedness
enjoyment of love

self recognition
and sharing greater pursuit
toward virtues' heights...

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© Sand Blown  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allegory, appreciation,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member Almost a Dizain
What if it were only seven?
Or five?
Are the rules so strict in heaven?
sparked with energetic jive
tradition grooved in breast-fed mood
believing not that bucks are food
can cause a soul to wonder.
The soul pursues that which is good
and doesn't peacock squander.


Workin' on it...

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Categories: mystery,
Form: Dizain
To the Chipmunk In the Garden
I will not beseech you
stop stuffing yourself near to exploding
even though I feel a need to
take the sunflowers, blossoms eroding
heads bowed in solemn, silent foreboding
save the seeds
ignore the needs 
of one so wild
and bold as he feeds
to allay the memory of freeze on this August day so mild...

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Categories: animal, august, food, garden, memory, seasons,
Form: Dizain
Love and Poetry Precious Labor
love is superior labor,
In my poetry I predict
I'm sure what I affirm simply
in abundant  pureness  flavor
  with strong whirlwind of love actions 
My poetry so rich of rhymes
as my  clear writing indicates
have all inspiration in faith
to promote peace is  my duty
poetry is loving  junction...

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Categories: allegory, allusion, love, metaphor, poetry,
Form: Dizain
Ghost Theory
she made of me a being of floor
quite a small walker in the sky
a researcher in the scream of angel

I am the imperfect where the mouth speaks
I am the ugly because the soul is quiet

and the rest of my theory
my small prose of the arguments


for the love of the faithful love...

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Categories: abuse, addiction, allusion, analogy, angel, anxiety, sky,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member Sweet Sound of Bells Ringing
sweet sound of bells ringing

she was his big ball of wax
her wick dipped in oil
he lit her flames to the max
for his nightly spoils

their love steamed to a boil
candle light so bright
every single night
the rocking bed sang
lullabies so right
until their bells rang

connie pachecho


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Categories: love, romance,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member Around My Heart
The softest double edged sword 
on my own to not get hurt,
lost inside my vision board; 
Finding a rose in the dirt 
will I become a convert?  

Blunt end of the sharpest blade 
hard not to become dismayed; 
I hope I don’t fall apart 
trusting the words that we trade;
Walls come down around my heart....

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Categories: emotions, feelings, loneliness, love hurts,
Form: Dizain
Why Would He Give Us More
if we cant give thanks for the little we do have ,then we must be really poor .for even the peasants gave thanks ! and they didnt have much more ,(than us)yet we still fuss and being sore ,then praying to God to help us , but what for. if we cant thank him for the little we have , then why would he give us more.....

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Categories: inspirational, thanks, thanks,
Form: Dizain
I see her walking down the hall
With her perfect hair and face
She's got everyone under her spell, it makes me bawl
As I will never be in her place
Or have all of her grace
My feelings have become a blur
Of how I'll never be her
I try to change it
Try to find the cure
But now I just need to quit


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© Megan L   Create an image from this poem.
Categories: deep, grief, hate, how i feel, hurt,
Form: Dizain

Book: Shattered Sighs