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You searched Exact Keyword(s): thankful in category: for him and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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What I'M Thankful For

Thanksgiving will be here soon
I have so much to be thankful for
My love, our union is still in tune
I'm still in love, more than before
You are at the top of my long list
Of all the things I'm thankful for
Your sweet kisses, I can't resist

Alexis Y

Details | Light Verse |

Ever More Lord God I Love You So- -

I do love you so, LORD; Ever more than I love myself; Ever more than a single breathe; This the air I breathe, I believe; Is a gift from God? O’ I am so thankful for.. I thank you, I thank you Lord; Thank you God for creating me; Thank you Jesus for Calvary; Ever more than I love myself; God I thank you for giving me breath; Ever more than I love myself; Ever more than a single breathe; I do love you so, O' LORD, My GOD;
4/25/19 April 2019 Premier 9, Any Theme, Any Form, Up to A Max Of 14 ( F O U R T E E N ) Lines Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Brian Strand
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Guilty Pleasure

My darling you are a without doubt my guilty pleasure
Your love is something I hold dear beyond measure

The moment you waltzed into my life, I came alive
All of my senses began to work in overdrive

I think it was love at first sight
You were hands down my Mr.right

I never believed in the word soulmate
until you came and changed our fate

Our first kiss left me breathless
It was followed by your sweet caress

Sweet heart you alone own my heart
You had it right from the very start

I don’t just happen to love you,I like you
And I  know you feel the same way too

My darling Thanksgiving Day Is coming real soon
And I’m thankful for you, as we sit under the moon

Alexis Y.
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Which Was the Son Who Is Your Father

Which was the Son,  WHO IS YOUR FATHER

Which was the son 
Of all man
Where does he come from
Comes from
We have
same Father
Which was the son of Adam 
Which was the Son of God
Some of us had three Fathers
In our life
One Spiritual God the Father
One Spiritual Lucifer/Satan Father of lies
One natural physical dad "you fill in the blank_______________"
My father name is
Are you thankful
Question is you know who your daddy is
Have you repented are you temporary one of Satan's kids
As Maury Povich would say, "Do you know who the father is?"
"And the results are in ____________Your daddy is?, 
"Satan, you are not the father"

 Which was the Son,  WHO IS YOUR FATHER

St. Luke 3:23-38

written words by James Edward Lee Sr.
Details | Terzanelle |

She Dreams of Him

Your mind has designed the perfect lover
That sensitive man of your special dreams
You wait for him to rip off the covers

Late night dinning with kisses and moon beams
You are awake and still dreaming of him
That sensitive man of your special dreams

Alone in the night the lights grow dim
Thinking about love and what it all means
You are awake and still dreaming of him

Real life may not always be filled with steam
You try to be thankful but it seems hard
Thinking about love and what it all means

With imagination you play the card
Even though you're aware it isn't real
You try to be thankful but it seems hard

In the end you can't help how you feel
Even though you're aware it isn't real
Your mind has designed the perfect lover
You wait for him to rip off the covers

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Just Three Letters


Just three letters
That represents just three words that mean more than a profession, that mean the best on earth.

I have personal experience of their dedicated care and compassion. I would shine a candle for them in the darkest night. I would for them stand and fight with all my might.


Not just three letters
Not just representing three words
Without their care and compassion we’d be in so much hurt
So, next time you get the opportunity to be thankful; you better stand and clap. Because these hero’s amongst us for you would never take the slack.

Just three letters 
But not just three things. Dr’s, Nurses and carers and all the support that their care brings.

Be thankful that they are there because no matter what colour your skin, you’ll get the very best care that humanity can bring.
Details | I do not know? |

The Friend I Wanted

*Best friend*

On a shiny day
With a little pray
I asked for a friend
A friend who can be mine
To wipe my tears
To make me cheer
To show me way
Whenever I say
I asked the lord to send a friend 
Just the one who can be mine...

The one with deeds 
Who can lead
Make me feel 
That I have a zeal
A friend to listen me talk
Whenever I speak 
Whenever we walk
Whenever we share
I wanted a unique friend
Just the one who can be mine...

A friend of cheers
Who can wipe my fear
Make me feel safe
Whenever I feel bad
To make me smile
To give me care
A humble friend 
To tolerate me
I prayed for a cheerful friend 
Just the one who can be mine... 

Oh my God
I'm so thankful to Lord
He sent a friend 
More than I asked for
Who can bear with me
Whenever I stir his mind
Who is ready to fight
Whenever I am in fright
He gave me more than I ever asked 
For you are the friend He sent...
Details | Free verse |

Forever and Always

Happiness and joy is what I feel all around me
So thankful for the day that you found me
I sit and reminisce about the good times and the life we made
I would not trade it even if millions of dollars were paid
Remembering the times like where we were when we shared our first kiss
how beautiful things are….with you it’s pure bliss
Remembering our first date and how you were always on time never late
then came the second date….we could not wait
Twenty years later and it still feels like that first and second date  
The kids are going off to college and the house will be ours once again
All these years later I still have my best friend
Loving every moment of being your wife…twenty years ago when you asked
was the happiest day of my life
I hope to spend twenty plus twenty and twenty years again loving you
You are an amazing man and from day one have always stayed true
We have seen a lot come and seen a lot go…I am just so thankful that with you I
will continue to grow
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I La La La La Love U Part 1

Woman of God
You are
Ever faithful
Always so adorn
Ever worshipping thee Lord
For this I' thankful
In this I do declare, that I
That I

I la la la la looe you
I la la la la love you
I love, love, love, love, love you so

You and the Lord
Are more than worthy
And I love you, I love you so
Yes you the Lord and God
I love, love, love, love, love you so

You beat the odds
In this I am so proud
Woman of God
You are
Splendid your beautiful
And the color of your faith
The Lord has enlisted you, oooh

So pure and you
Endure your blessedness
Is heaviness
In this I do declare, that I

I la la la la looe you
I la la la la love you
I love, love, love, love, love you so
You and the Lord
Are more than worthy
And I love you, I love you so
Yes you the Lord and God
I love, love, love, love, love you so

You are an irresistible worshipper
You beat the odd 
In this I am proud
Woman of God
You are
loved and I la la la la love you

written words by James Edward Lee Sr.
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You Stole My Heart

You Stole My Heart

Thought I knew what true and unconditional love
Meant until I had you to have for many years
You made me smile, laugh, roll my eyes and
Sometimes cry, but I would not trade those
Times and memories for anything in the

Some say you and I were a lot alike, some
Ways I agree especially with the affairs
Of the heart for we always wore it on
Our sleeve, to me there is nothing
Wrong with that

Daily I miss every little thing about you
Too many to describe, so thankful to
GOD that he brought you into my life
Even though our time together was not
Long enough

Today I know you are in a much better
Place, free from this horrific world
For I know you are with two of the
Most amazing persons that anyone
Could ever know, your grandparents

Celebrate your life and all the love
And joy you brought to anyone
Lucky enough to know you
Precious boy, for today is your birthday

Sending you all my love my nephew
Who always had my heart, you stole
That twenty-eight years ago today

Happy Birthday Steve

All my love Aunt Nette

©: Kismetyen: AG 10/29/2014
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I'Ll Forever Love You

Just like yesterday, I met my mine
Didn’t know what was love, until I found you
Never knew we would come this far
Never knew it would turn this sweet
You taught me to love, you taught me to care
On your wings, u made me rest
Gave me ur love when I was neglected

You taught me to live, and not just exist
You’re a gift to me, I’ll treat you with all gentleness
Just like a mother’s dotting love, upon her babe
You’re just everything
I’ll forever love you
My man!
I’ll forever cherish you

When I look back at the past
I remember how you brought me up
With all the love in you
U treated me like you’ve never done to any woman
My soul can just but say, 
You’re so one of your kind

Why are you so kind?
An epitome of goodness
You love me so completely
So lucky to have you
A girl you never once looked at
All I can do  now, is thank my maker
For bringing you along my path

With everything in me
My whole heart is screaming!
Let cold winds blow
Let the heavens fall
Let the whole world go empty
I’ll forever stay
And be with you my love

The whole of me is grateful
Thankful for what my life has turned out to be
Through your careful moulding, I’m made to be a model
The soul within is screaming
I’m forever grateful

You will always be the one
Let the skies be blue
Our love will stay anew
I miss you deep within

With tear drops on my pillow
I'm screaming for you my love
That I’ll forever love you!
Details | Rondeau Redouble |

Thank You My Love

My life was dull with hints of gray,
                 No longer am I sad and blue. 
                 I’m grateful we met that sweet day, 
                And I see this big world anew. 

                  Before you, didn’t know love was true, 
                  Our union formed in early May.  
                  Your soft kisses feel like morning dew. 
                  My life was dull with hints of gray. 

                I’m so happy love had a say, 
                  I cannot believe how time flew. 
                 Darling, you’re my home, I won’t stray. 
                 No longer am I sad and blue. 

                I don’t bite more than I can chew, 
                All my fears, doubts are kept at bay. 
                You saved me, we’re such a good crew, 
               I’m grateful we met that sweet day 

                 I’m thankful when we sit and pray. 
               You enlightened my point of view. 
                 Now I have a love for ballet. 
                And I see this big world anew. 

               Took me on a trip to the zoo, 
                And bobsledding on a giant sleigh. 
                Introduced me to Irish stew, 
                You taught me how to make a lei. 
                       Thank you, my love.                         








Contest: Double The Fun
Sponsor: Joseph May
Details | Narrative |


Everywhere she went
She sprinkled some ashes
Leaving a part of him
Releasing a bit more of her sadness
lessening that ache
as she celebrated him
remembering his goodness

I was not everywhere
still I took part in the ritual
releasing a bit of my own sadness
As I remembered him
I held back the tears
Instead I let a smile cross my lips
He had lived his life well

His ashes were sprinkled in a family orchard
at the base of a tree
A place of great beauty
Spectacular like his soul
His ashes of the end of a dock on lake Okanagan
Oh how he loved the beach
Wishing to play along the waters edge
like the big kid he was at heart
But he'd never learnt how to swim
Still his ashes floated with ease
Now he has no limitations
I left a bit of him on a sailboat
So he can be carried to new places
After all he loved to travel

His ashes came with us to Italy
In spirit he was part of our adventure
I laughed when my mom told me
She spinkled him in the Vatican 
She was gleeful
My mom the rebel
Playful and brave
One of the many reasons he loved her so
He was with us in Florence
His essences there along ancient streets
In vineyards
and quaint villages

We traveled to the Amalfi Coast
Along winding roads
More like a donkey path than a highway
Mom in the backseat saying oh shit
Not usually one to swear
Bob's ashes in her pocket
I don't know if she thought of him then
Later she remembered their time in Greece 
He was never far from her mind

Somehow this ritual
Made me smile
It is added to my memory
Allowing me to be thankful for Bob
For mom
For a life well lived
For a love well loved
A soulmate celebrated
and remembered!

For Judy's contest about mom's

This poem I wrote about my mom speaks to what an amazing woman she is.
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To the Boy Who Broke My Heart

I’m not mad,
I don’t think I ever could be.  
Or, at least, I don’t think I could ever be mad at you.
I am angry at myself though. 
I’m angry I allowed myself to get so attached.
I’m angry I allowed someone to yet again be in control of my emotions.

I don’t despise you,
I never could. 
How could I hate someone who gave me so much to be happy about?
I do hate the way I feel though.
I hate how I used to love waking up at five in the morning even if it meant I only saw you for five minutes the whole day.
I hate how every time someone mentions your name, or I see a picture of you or something that reminds me of you, I feel like I’m getting stabbed with a thousand knives.  
I don’t hate you…
I swear.

I’m not going to lie and say I’m not sad,
because it feels like you tore my heart into a million pieces.
I won’t lie and say I didn’t cry,
I don’t think I have ever shed the amount of tears I did the night you ended things.
I’m not going to sit here and say I’m over you,
Because I’m not and I don’t know when I will be.

You gave me a lot to be thankful about.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy before.
But then, in a blink of an eye, you took it all away.
And I had no control of the situation or how you feel.

I guess that’s my problem.
I give and I give until I give everything I have to give.
I give and give no matter how much the other person is giving.
I give and give until I’m empty.
And once you’re empty, it’s hard to get full.
I empty it all out to the wrong people,
Just for them to leave.

I don’t hate you 
Nor am I mad at you.
It’s my fault anyways, 
I gave you the opportunity to learn my secrets, my fears, my interests, my everything.
But you chose that my everything was not everything for you.
I’m sorry I wasn’t everything for you…
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Everybody Loves Raymond

I never knew how this could be true
Until I myself began to love Raymond too
The last man to kiss on these sweet lips
The passion and excitement of him I truly miss

Others called him Raymond, but I called him Ray
Because of the light and sunshine he brought to me each day
He is the only man that can trigger my heart 
And makes it pitter patter
And can get me to a place in this world 
Where nothing else even matters

There will be a day when I will run across Ray
But then what will I do? Better yet, what will I say?
Our eyes will say what our mouth won’t speak
As my heart pitter patters and my flesh gets weak
He can trigger that fire in one quick sec
I smile as I sit back, reminisce and reflect

My body will be ready and so will my heart
But my mind will know for sure, that this is not the time to start
No, no, no, no second string, or side piece
Not even his “lil Boo”
For that is something neither one of us is not about to do

Time, circumstances and certain situations
Were the reason why we never had sexual relations
Some flashy moments and hot, passionate kisses
Would be as far as we both would go
I wonder, ooh I wonder, but I guess we’ll never know

Although we came close and there were times 
That became extremely heated
His gentle hugs and soft caress was really all I needed

I’m grateful and thankful he exposed me to greater
I didn’t know love like this in my younger days, I had to wait til later

Sometimes I wonder and sit in a daze
My love for this man, I am truly amazed
Such a compassionate man, so fragile with me
I love our quiet moments and how it used to be

Will I ever be intimate?
Will there ever be another who could take me to this height?
If I ever come across him, then maybe I just might

Don’t know if everybody else still loves Raymond
But I know I surely do
He’ll always have a place in my heart and this is oh so true

Distant love doesn’t mean a thing and has never faded away
And that is why I can say, I still love Raymond this day

Book: Reflection on the Important Things