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You searched All Keyword(s): power dressing in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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I Was Modest

Amtol, Reazuddin Bazar, Chittagong
with a simple dressing up
slimy beauty she was before me
busy in Eid shopping

she was seeking something best for her
for celebrating the Eid near
I was walking by behind
as if it was gravitational power

but I couldn't tell, "You look simply beautiful."
cause I was modest in character 

- Sunday, June 9, 2019 Chattogram

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Iconic Women

there are women immediately known as soon as the public sees their photo
dressing in beautiful things, showing up completed in a comforting way
we think we know them, because we have seen them on the screen
or we have read about them in magazines or in newspapers

iconic women, who influence our own fashion decisions
do they know the power they hold? are they aware of our feelings?
I wonder if they consider us when they get dressed or choose a car?
Do they have any idea that we are always watching, to see how?
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Dressing Up

Dressing Up
David J Walker

Dressed as if the place was packed 
With men and women dressed from
Expressions of power and success 

Red power tie 
	Blue blazer 
		Black oxfords

Black dress 
Low cut slow 
To the 
		Silver pearls below
Daring to show 
Enough to know 
what you are missing
And stilettos if you dare 

	And faked 
	But going nowhere 

	Biding time 
With the 401K crowd 

Direct deposits 
		Adding up
While dressing up
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Costumed creatures of the night,
Cinderellas and Snow Whites,
Power Rangers and Superman,
Pumpkins, pirates, Peter Pan.

Off they go in pure delight,
With watchful parents still in sight.
"Trick or treat!" the children sing,
In anticipation of sweet offerings.

Candy, gum and other treasures,
Guaranteed to bring them pleasure,
Fill their bags up as they go.
Door by door their booty grows.

Halloween brings back fond memories,
Of childhood fun with friends and family.
Dressing up and making believe,
Are what I like best about All Hallow's Eve.

Kim Merryman   9/25/11
for Russell Sivey's Halloween contest
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Secondary Numbing Number Two

I gave my all to thee
then fell to my knees
feeling robbed.

I was given Risperdal
that released me of rage
against my foolish ways
floating on cloud nine
that held my self-centered ways at bay.

I had to have thee
loving little old me
as if tulips held the power and smell of love.

I was not alone; and
clamored to your kindness
yes, the number of times you arrived
dressing me anew
driving me to banquets
my heart was in it for all the wrong reasons:
the loss of my eldest brother
the loss of my eldest sister
the shedding of addiction skin.

I gave my all to thee, and
I feared you left me dangling.
I threw lemon merengue pie in your face, and
learned a lot about love, and spiritual maturity.
It's true you drove from New York to big sky country
seeing for yourself I was fully wedded.


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The Sociology of the Empress and Mrs Thatcher

An empress, or the wife of an emperor, 
Had great domestic power outright, 
Tremendous personal dictation over, 
Her dressing aids and fashion sight. 

She could criticise the food for happiness, 
Sleep with whoever servants she liked, 
Could advise on political appropriateness, 
In matters important, by her mate hiked. 

Businesswomen in the seventies sank, 
Found it hard to surface in a male world, 
Because they were going out with rank, 
Downing the empress’s domestic hold. 

So Mrs Thatcher changed my life straight, 
Enabled many women to lead and earn, 
By retaining their domineering weight, 
Whilst determining, managing to govern.  

I did not give to her my vote, I rejected, 
But I sure did appreciate her step, progress, 
The connection between empress selected, 
And the businesswomen without regress.
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Black And White

Angels and brides do come in white.
All things beautiful, light and bright.
Demons and witches prefer black,
evil ways and means to attack.

White, pure, inspiring, eternal love,
gift of peace, freedom, and turtle dove.
Black signifies ever cold darkness 
spreading in the heart unchaste blackness.

Pretty seven colours add up to white.
Black has powers that take away the light.
White and black, colours contrast in nature
bringing out emotions that birth, nurture.

Black, the preferred choice of people in power,
dressing in black suit, shoes, case, car, all over.
Black is so tempting just as all bad things are,
White is regal virgin canvas above par.

Character is ever etched not in black and white,
are dubious shades of grey that are seldom slight.
Colours have character, beware the type of light,
that shines upon them to help us wear what is right.
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January 23 Praises to God Bible Meditations Based on Exodus 16-18

Key Verse – Exodus 16:4 Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.

PRAISE BE TO GOD WHO PROVES US Praise be to God for proving us whether we: Walk in His laws, or wander from His light Worship Him lovingly, or waver against Him lousily Wax wisely in His lessons, or wane in our lusts Win through His lordship, or wiggle from His leadership Exodus 17:2 Praise be to the Lord for admonishing us when we chide and complain: Murmuring against His provisions Maneuvering against His providence Mocking His power Moving against His purpose Missing His plan Exodus 18:4 Praise be to the Saviour for He is our help: Delivering us from Satan’s sword Deterring us from selfishness’ stature Defending us from soulwinning’s smitings Driving us from self-sufficiency’s sacrifice Dressing us from scarcity’s spoilage. Amen!
January 23, 2024
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Not Cancer

‘Cancer is not for me!’ June screamed 
This is the nightmare that she dreamed
Staring at her reflection in the mirror
For this to happen is her worse fear

Maintaining her attractive thin waist
Dressing in style with impeccable taste
Mountain hiking working up a heart rate
An all-natural healthy diet she ate

Alaska where air is clean winter is wet 
More than unlikely for her to expect 
Anything other than feeling her best
Certainly not a lump on her breast

For her family it was devastating to hear
For her it was sad and crystal clear
Now a soul lost in the feeling of doom
On a gray cloud not present in the room

Opening a brewery her new life adventure
A future of health and wealth not cancer
Married her true love career on the rise
Onlookers see peace and love in their eyes

June and Stephen’s love is concrete
Because of their bond this will be beat
Forget lost hope forget lost faith
With each other cancer has no face

Their true love will conquer and destroy
With positive thought it will bring back joy
Remember the indisputable power of each kiss
And all that will remain in the future is bliss
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A Prayer of a Footballer

O Lord! Thou art my Coach
I shall never be defeated
 Strengthen me for this game
As I humble call on your name 

Invigorate my heart, mind and body
When I fall, pick me up and energize me
Grant me the tenacity to win every ball
And courage to stand whatever befall

Yea, though my opponents frighten me
Like roaring Lions out of their den
My great Coach always inspires me
Your pep talk! Your word! Uplifts me

Though fear and despair bites me
Like venomous snakes out of the shadow
My Lord is with me everywhere I go
You prepare a strategy to defeat my foe

When the final whistle is blown
And the team heads to the dressing room
May my Lord, the great Coach when He calls my name
Say “Gideon! You played like a Lion, you played the game” 

And surely victory, glory and goodness 
Will hunt me all the days of my life
And I shall look up to my Coach forever
Walking with me now and ever!

The Poet Preacher © 2014

Ps 18:39 My Coach has fortified me with strength [energy, power, strategy, capability] for the battle [big game, contest, combat]: He has subdued [vanquished, beaten, massacred, overpowered] my opponents.
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Free To Roam

Love's vibes sneered at my sunken face
And bid me to hear, booming from the
Calling clouds, that what I had idealised about
Is in fact nothing else other than figments
Of my own imagination!

I breathed in my anguish
While the rising winds
Seemed to tell me
That I have now become a soul,
Who is free to roam in a world
Which can be beautiful
If lived with caution
But can be dangerous
If lived frivolously!

Fists clenched, I let the tears dry up
On my face and set my new destination
As the many lands found on the other side
Of the calm ocean's horizon!

And while roaming, I came across poets
Bearing the same mindset as I do,
All living to allow their inner oceans
To thrive in their freedom
And felt, at last, like I have hit home!

I have been roaming for quite a while
And I am overjoyed at the discovery
Of new cultures, new delicacies,
New savours, new dressing styles,
New forms of poetry and other writing styles,
New forms of arts, and even new forms
Of that power which we all call God!

And so far,
I regret not having been set free
And having been given the opportunity
To roam!

21 Jan 2023
Pick - A Title Vol 34
Sponsored by Edward Ibeh
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Third Party Truth...

Truth,in today's world,is a vexing word,
by what standard does the superior inferior discern?
is the notion,preconcieved,absurd,
or is it unjust,because of what we learn...

Convenient truth is subjective at best
more circumstantial than accidental,
objectively penetrating conflict to rest
massive testing of ensnared coincidental...

Can the verity remain a falsity
compounded by unverified knowledge,
only to further ahead a fallacy
compromised opportunity,bestowed to the privileged...

What mutual compact convened the truth
inclusively contained,exclusive it remains,
power to dictate how they chooseth
numbers and letters neatly arranged...

If the suffix "-th" is a third party additive
dressing what's true,as unattached favor
one truth versus another,explaining all expletives,
symbolic language enacting disclaimer...

Whom is superior,and whom is inferior?
what is the greater than quality,versus
the lesser than quality...
...consequential to why?


verbatim ac litteratim
...vincit omnia veritas,
verbum sat sapientiest
magna est veritas et praevalebit...

word for word,and letter for letter
...truth conquers all things,
a word to the wise is sufficient mighty and will prevail...
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Death Dealer

She’s the neighborhood dope dealer,
always dressing good
Wearing her bling-bling ... 
and her 9-mil Five-O squealer killer
She runs with the night dirty boys,
she’s a death dealer
Vampire priestess soul stealer
In her thigh V-cut Cleopatra dress,
black Grim Reaper brim lowered ... 
Always got a couple of boy and girl packs
stuffed in the bra of her breast
Ready to call her favorite re-up number
She gets pissy, power drunk mad,
cups up with her trusted strapped crew
If you ain’t got her money,
then she suggests
you do what cha’ gotta do
To make square the deal 
you’re folded into
She don’t care one way or the other:
Sell out your mama, your daddy ... 
your sister or your brother
Pimp your woman or man ... 
son or daughter, whose ever your best friend
It don’t matter to the death dealer
Don’t pentagram circle the pact,
then try to shortchange her with a weak excuse why — 
she gon cut cap blast you in the back
Making out all friendly
when she bullet knife you with a sneak attack
The last image you gon see
is a tattooed feline dressed in funeral black,
should you turn empty on your promise 
Death dealer gon deal some pain to you,
dead or alive
Death dealer got the premo brain killer too,
should your heart survive
Death dealer says
she like the lucky ones ...
Asking ever so sexy deadly:
do you need a black widow wife?
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Halloween's Brightest Ballerina

In this world, everyone wishes for something.
Some are frivolous, like wanting a diamond ring.
Others are serious, like wanting to get better when ill.
Not every wish can be granted by God's goodwill.

Things happen in life and we don't know why.
Even when we don't want to, we have to say goodbye.
If I had a special power that I could use for good, 
there is one girl I would give it all up for if I could.

This year I am giving her the best Halloween she ever had.
We will walk around and I'll smile, even though its sad.
She is dressing up like a ballerina or tiny dancer.
I'll be a superhero, but my powers can't take away her cancer. 

If I had superpowers that I could sacrifice for her, 
I'd give them up in a minute, that's for sure.
Even if giving them up, meant that I would be gone,
there is no question, I'd sacrifice myself so she could go on.

So I would use my one wish and use my powers, 
so she can live on and in the spring, smell the flowers.
Only seven years old, but her body it just couldn't handle.
So close the book, ring the bell, light the candle.

Next time you are wishing for that new thing at the store, 
remember that life is what some people are wishing for.
Maybe one day we will all be grateful for what we've got.
We'll see that we have a life, and be thankful for this one shot. 

***By Chris Matt for Linda Marie's contest “Bell, Book and Candle.”***
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(Great white place)

Many have heard but few have seen
The beauty that lies with the heart of Africa
It folks, falls, flora, wildness life, wildness animals, lakes, rives, 
This is a place with the strength of a lion and flies as an eagle
Primitive and naïve is not in our vocabulary-cultural identity
Our dressing speaks of our roots, environment and pride 
Come and experience our greatness in the Estosha National Park

I am built stronger as the lion and taller to see my future as the giraffe
I am built to stand the waves of life as the crocodile – so beautiful
I am built with powerful vision just as an eagle-to see beyond my failures
I am built as wise as the cobra and humble as the dove – hilarious
I am built with a large heart for forgive – hefty heart, big as elephant 
I am built with strength in hands as the horns of a buffalo – splendor 
Come and experience our greatness in the Estosha National Park

We are people of all colors, cultures but communion in one as chameleons
We are people and place of peace, pleasure and leisure -  Etosha
We are people of attitude of gratitude and as multitude as springbok 
We are people pleasers; I am black with white heart- the beauty of zebra 
We are people that can survive in the draught-the power of Oryx
We are people with dark skin as the rich soil of Africa, dark as impalas
Come and experience our greatness in the Estosha National Park
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The Personification of Success

The Personification of Success
Success when seen with my eyes looks like quilts, diaries, prayers chastening rods and lots of hugs, off to school and then to college even marriage too.
Success smells like pastures with cows horses and chickens in a coop, orchids in the meadows, daisy’s and pine and big tall paper trees and  Squirrels running on the power line ; rabbits running through the bushes, smoke from the wood left from previous campers which lingers .
Success taste like a 
 feast on the table with lots of apple pies,  you know  Turkey with dressing  rice with gravy , and  a green beans recipe you got from your neighbor.
Success sounds like laughter, cheering and little children playing .grandma and grandpa giving sound advice; oh wait it sounds like my fast car playing melodies on the radio I like to hear; and my favorite TV shows and funny episodes.
Success I can touch it my with my hands, because it  
Feels like real possessions from my labor, I can sigh with relief because of my achievement. I really work hard and do what is right and I am free to live good. 
Success Is  displaying charity through  the lenses of hope giving  with only  good intentions asking nothing in return as was  taught to you  and  displayed by  people who have come before you  ; for Instance, you recall  your parents , Pastors ,teachers , mentors and friends. Their success exemplifies just how it should be.
                    The end.
By Felicia Elizabeth Jefferson written for my Children to inspire them to follow after success.
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Darkness Insight

Immoral codes of conduct displayed 
as the blind begin leading us 
haywire inside cover ups 
a spiral down 
lacking moral conscious 
burning democracies seal

Dressing up barbaric acts 
Coldly to suit arms astray 
two left feet without wings 
you will fall ill with agendas of greed.

Pure and simple facts 
power hungry nations are involved 
stealing lands filled with riches 
gas joker sinfully lusting blood drenched diamonds
gold filled with the burning desires of their pride 
consumed hateful anti matter spills out

Black oil means control and domination 
over energy and water a must to turn coils 
rewind around living waters 
our gift from heavens source
a basic right to existence

Now we who see the light 
know the truth so to speak honestly 
it has only one face open to suggestions 
Dirty secret societies exist elitists club members

Liars run for government's these days 
filled with falsehoods that has no valid grounds 
truly naked to fowl deeds exposed underhanded 
Deeper than ice we see cold darkness cuts 
in certain acts and deeds bared to the bone 

Those who purge this planet 
The frozen hearted beasts 
killing innocence of children 
they are unholy in God's light

This whole world in truth 
is running upside down with excuses 

I can see war looming close 
as the deceiver gains power 
over the peoples freedom chains exposed 
to choose correctly brainwashed slaves

For peace and goodness sake 
open your soul turn away from the fire 
before only ash remains smothered 
hope shines dressed in white
Darkness you cloud horizons sky 
mushrooms dawning light 
without mercy and dignity
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Just For Me

Everything has a beginning and an end
So drop the facade, we don't have time to watch everyone pretend
Here we are in college, partying day and night
We wake up in strange places, knowing it isn't right
Yet here we are, still being fake
We all know what we truly want, do we hide for our own sake?
Scared of what the future brings
We talk like we want the car and a shiny ring
Let's all agree to just be true
It just makes it easier for me and you
Let's paint a picture, of where we want to be
The start of our story, beginning with our own family tree
Here I am alone, but along comes Sally
I want something more, no time to dilly dally
We start to talk, we start to date
And somewhere along the way, I realize this was fate
I buy a ring, I want to propose
But I get so nervous, and on one knee it shows
Before I can finish, she utters one word
She quickly says "yes", is that really what I heard?
I stand on my feet, we kiss for what feels like an hour
Being around this woman, I feel like I have a super power
I feel like this is it, I am truly whole
I feel it in my bones, and in my very soul
So we get married, and a year goes by
Then something happens, my oh my
My wife comes to me in awe, an expression I can't explain
She looks so shocked, almost insane
She show me a little stick, it just shows a little plus
She says it's time, it's happened to us
We look forward to dressing our own child
A life so calm, but yet so wild
We all were children, till our children smiled
Something so innocent, something so new
And you have your significant other standing next to you
Two people, and now three
And years ago I thought I'd be living my life... Just for me
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Slippered Millionaires

Slippered Millionaires

This early morning, there was in early circulation in whatsapp, a form of social media...
A picture of a seated Steve Jobs, he of the era defining IPhone phenomena...
Emblazoned across this simple picture was a most interesting comment...
About the simplicity of the man who unleashed a digital world of entertainment. .

The comment was about this brilliant technocrat who singlehandedly defined this era...
 It touches upon the simple ways this iconic man chose to downplay his enormous wealth ..
He flaunted not a single bit of his wealth, perpetually in blue jeans and displaying no wealth...
For Steve Jobs the man with 138billions to his name, there's no need for a  Gucci belt....
No Armani suit, no D&G shoes, no Rolex watch and not a single piece of jewellery...

Yup for this man with billions to his famous name, the goal is to be rich not to look rich...
The trappings of power and wealth, these are for lesser men seeking to look so rich...
And back from where I come from, there are plenty of such self made millionaires. ...
They are regularly on their rounds about the town, simply dressed in shorts and slippers..
O yes, back there in yhat rustic small town,  we have our slippered millionaires...
They are as friendly  as you can possibly get, and they do not put on airs...

Yup, Steve Jobs will feel just right standing right among them...
But it does make someone like me, one of the unfortunate ones....
Wonder to no end, maybe I should feel like a million bucks...
Because dressing simple or casual, however you call it...
That is an easy one, t  shirts  and shorts, Japanese slippers...
Why, class of 75, there are plenty of them to be found there...
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Commendable Inspection Outcome June 13th, 2023

Commendable inspection outcome June 13th, 2023

Schwenksville scribe set himself task
re: expresses glad tiding
forthwith for public views
in consonant with figurative
elbow grease did use
yielded nothing but rave reviews
as attested courtesy
eager disbelievers waiting in long queues
could hardly contain myself
regarding said stellar news,
and call English language as mine muse
to communicate pleasant reception

courtesy gentile management
none of whom call themselves Jews
pleasant surprise, when
regional property manager Pam Floreen,
gushed effusively commenting accolades,
exuding positive unsolicited feedback
(such praise forthcoming never experienced
since yours truly and the missus
inhabited one bedroom apartment B44;
July 1st marks sixth anniversary;
here at Highland Manor)
aforementioned feedback imbues

me with giddiness and relief
versus one experience
when Lisa Varley Wacker
(rounded out management team
after getting hired February 1st, 2023)
came down harsh as if her figurative fuse
got lit, cuz she severely
give us a dressing down,
I cannot excuse
inflicting an unpleasant psychic bruise
authoritarian power
I believe she did abuse.

Regular ongoing light maintenance
(cleaning refrigerator, mopping,
sweeping, vacuuming, et cetera) I write
helps tamps down anticipatory anxiety
most frequently decreasing after twilight
when on site management
leave for the day
a quiet state of mind quite
not readily apparent
to any casual observer,

which panic stricken disposition
ofttimes pervaded
dreams of mind at night,
so essentially lingering after effects
of satisfactory inspection
finds me feeling high as a kite
carrying away to ecstasy
a baby boomer of average height
these honest to dog these words
hoop fully as truthful fanciful flight.
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I seek peace that will give rest of all my work
Where do I run to meet you Mr. Peace?
I would love to see you embrace my heart, my body and my soul,
The labor pains I do have are scars that fill me with sorrow,
The desire I long for is like a dream coming true,
But how do I close this ocean of disaster and pain,
The mountain of suffering tires my hands and legs,
I have no outfit to climb it up,
Tell me my friend, is the prince of peace real or a fairly tale,
Where is his castle I really need to know?
How does he look like, and how much power does he have,

Look no further they told me,
Your problems are just like a brick of an eye,
Hold faith in you and He is coming,
He will never run nor hurry but always on time,

I can’t hold the pain anymore, I answered,
See the wounds inflected on my body,
They remind me of my last job that I got peanuts,
Why then tell me, He`s always on time yet my wounds need dressing,
My children to, have got needs, so is my wife,
I work hard than my boss for the price of one bird,
Is peace the result of justice, for my life is full injustices,
What is the price and can I pay it in installments,

Behold I am the prince of peace he told me,
I looked behind me and saw His light and power,
I hereby do set you free, He held me,
Fear not, for wealth is mine just like peace,
Love is your greatest treasure for peace to be yours
Run freely for I will cloth you with the best cotton and silk,
The world is not just, but my own will be done in it,
Disaster will always be in your life but I will always carry you to safety,
For I am the first and the last,
My name seals your blessings,

At once my wounds were lifted and my price glorified by His presence,
Today see my life and always live in His ways,
His weapon of choice is love and peace to the patient.
his very name is EMMANUEL
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Thoughts While Cooking a Warm Lamb Salad

Warm Lamb Salad. Sounds  mmm......I've shopped for the
ingredients. Planned my start - as timing is 
all important in  preparing good food…..
and Oh! fresh ingredients. It's obvious I take an interest in
favorable results. My thoughts wander as I chop
fresh basil for the dressing, fresh rosemary for the meat. 
The local supermarket has come a long way in supplying 
every need. As I work I wonder, 
“What must it be like - to be famous?”
If I had been a celebrity would I have married Elvis? 

Maybe I might have saved him from himself.
Pricilla didn't. Mmmmmmm the rosemary is aromatic while
the lamb is cooking. 

How would I handle fame? 
It is a closed door to me. I think of all the dead stars I have loved.
 I feel the grief. Such tragedy weighs heavily - amid 
 red onions and baby arugula .
I wish I could have known any of them without
 the chance of losing my enchantment 
from personal familiarity - or their shortcomings. I search the refrigerator. 
Wine for the cook! Sip…….then a blaze of insights
as I pile the greens onto an serving platter.

What does fame do to a person's mind?
Some say it brings arrogance. Maybe the difference depends on
how that someone handles power, money, or vanity.
Or how much sway any of it has over them. Mostly, it 
must depend on the handling of disillusionment. Perhaps if
Princess Di had stayed at home with her boys, she may have avoided a fatal accident-but that's a value judgement and maybe Marilyn
might have been more careful of whom she committed 
adultery with -yet another value judgement.

Hot lamb sliced and spooned over the greens. 

And with that my thoughts turn to Joe Dimaggio and his motives
with the roses. Did he send them out of love and loss 
for her -or for what publicity it might have 
bought. So back to Elvis-
If you are adored by millions- world-wide- how must it 
feel to be rejected by the someone you wanted the most? 

Deep thoughts to be having - over a warm lamb salad.
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In the shadow of the night, when the wind weaves endless spells

In the shadow of the night, when the wind weaves endless spells,
There you stand, eternal rock, at war with time itself.
The night, with its new moon voice, whispers to you its secrets,
And you, living stone, clench your soul in the citadel of mystery.
Dawn brings you serenades from the infinite, hails you undefeated,
Watching as the universe regains its voice,
In the dialogue of the wind, in the celestial solstices,
You hide your soul, a relic, in a smile stolen from unbound times.
From the depths, the past measures you with ash-filled gazes,
Holding within memories sealed in ancestral oblivion,
You remember how you unleashed dreams, letting the music of your heart reign,
And you rest your forehead in the palm of eternity, dressing in the garment of silence.
Listening to the whisper of the cold seasons,
Your fingers open the frozen chest of your ancient pain.
Your soul, caught between two worlds, in crystalline silence,
Counts your heart's steps on the thin path of time,
Turning your gaze upon yourself, seeking in the mirror of the present,
Examining your eyes, lost among the leaves of time.
The wind interweaves its song with your being,
You are the rock in the face of the storm, the stone in the temple of the night,
Dawn kisses your existence with promises of strength,
You are the power, carved in the heart of the world.
With your hand, you capture the wind, hold onto the rock of fate,
Turn yearning into beads of dew,
Seal the pain in the stone heart, crown it with oblivion,
Embrace the infinite, bind your soul to the sky,
Tie spring to your footsteps, lighting your path,
And you walk the road of life, weaving a song of freedom with your smile.
In the magic of the night, you rise, an unyielding rock,
In the embrace of silence, you are an unsolved sphinx,
And as dawn spills its light, you take on its courageous song,
Living statue, in a story where each step becomes mystical.
The wind becomes your companion, lighting the candles of hope,
You hide in stone an eternal fire, a trap for forgetting.
In your hands, you mold eternity,
And your heart, a tall tree, embraces the sky in rare harmony.
Thus, on the paths of life, fearless, with spring beneath your bare feet,
You step to the rhythm of an everlasting song, in a world where every moment is magical.
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My Love, Josefin Slab

My love, Josefin Slab
My first thought the time I wake up
My inspiration in moments I create art
My joy when we chat and laugh together
My strength when I'm on job
The last person I contact before my sleep
The only girl in my mind
The beautiful creature I found
With your sweetest voice and charming smile
With your amazing chatting emoji and laughs
And that walking-dancing baby emoticon
With your crazy mind I love
One with wonderful picture posing
With your brilliant yogurt skin color
With your perfect dressing fashion
With your fantastic ideas and advice on me
From your inner attracting power
A person I can submit my soul to
A person I commit to end in love with
I'm too favored to meet and know you
It isn't enough saying I'm crazy about you
You made me love
You're my weakness.

You make mincemeat of attention on calling my name
It's splendidly something we're grabbing ourselves at
My sleight of hand is premiered by your discernment
But understate yourself in giving someone a drubbing
And provide no rooms for amendments on your skids
Which depreciate the possessions in your proficiency
To affect wiping the floor with joyous love of ours
Really that it needs our synergistic ink to put on paper
I wish to destruct that part of you, likewise you'd
Unto me to paint the tints, shades and tones of loveliness
To sketch the signs of courage and put tolerance details
Keeping warm hues and cold saturations on our tongues
Kindly I request to open your mind and meet with mine
That we can share such fruitiness as matching goals
Safely and sufficient enough getting to our destined cliff
Though you impairs the ontology behind, I quite wonder!

I'm no more down at heel as you slowly met
And no longer experience little love laughs
Which solemnly stole my entire belief on
To smell the sense of dirt on our papers
By free graphite shine no other can see
In that a wild manner stirring sincerity up
My keen to rub the dots of one another
An eraser whose outcome is dusty
The pixels I granted to suit the resolution
The saturation of my tolerance being warm
With all recipes from your soul make up
Frozen springs partly exploiting our intent
A little I'd hatch is a one you crossed
A garment you wore set your eyes into no blink
That my feet found no sand to stand on
But only sweet regrets and sad charms to fall in.
Details | Rhyme |

Musicals - Part 1

Have you ever been in a musical show?
I have done some, so this is how I know.
They first hooked me when I was in high school,
but stage fright made me feel the fool.

So, I began on the backstage crew,
Oh the things we had to do.
Painting sets and handling props, 
sometimes I wished I was a farmer harvesting crops.

Dressing all in black the day of the show
moving sets in the dark so no one would know.
We did some things that only a crew can do
I'll try to list a few here for you.

For example, during the "King and I",
There is a tearful scene with a Buddha to cry.
Since our Buddha was a person who spoke to Tuptim,
We did all in our power to get a laugh out of him.

Two of us moved his pedestal onstage,
his scene was to be all the rage.
We had to hide below his pedestal for his soliloquy,
So we tried to crack him up for all to see.

I worked behind the scenes again, for "My Fair Lady",
Some of the things we did there were also shady.
Professor Higgins takes a big drink in one scene
so we decided to pull one of our pranks on him.

The bottle he poured from was usually filled with ginger ale,
when we switched it to the real stuff he turned pale.
He could barely speak the next few lines
and was off key in his song the next time.

The classic we pulled was in "The Unsinkable Molly Brown",
our prank was the talk of the town.
If you don't know the story let me enlighten you
because then you may get a laugh or two.

Molly is aboard the Titanic's first trip
and the scene has to deal with the sinking of the ship.
We had a lifeboat with people on stage with waves across the floor,
she gets their attention by firing several shots in the air.

During the final dress rehearsal before show night
we knew this scene would be just right.
The Titanic sinking in the background, the waves, the lifeboat,
Molly pulls her pistol, raises it to the sky, and began to shoot.

The auditorium goes silent as the people raise their eyes to her to engage,
When a rubber duck came flying from the wings and landed on stage.
You never saw a director as mad as that
if she had a gun she would have blown off your hat.

"Who did that? Who did that?" was all she could say,
as the stage crew just laughed as we went on our way.
I finally got the nerve to perform in some shows later on,
But for now...this is just an introduction.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things