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Top 25 Results (Member Poems)

You searched All Keyword(s): poorly prepared in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Madam Chair, could we please get to the point
Let’s decide today which group we will appoint

Too much effort and time has already been spent
Already deep in our budget there is a major dent

Last year unanimously, Browns’ were appointed
This year we would like another company instead

The stench of poorly made products is burning our nose
Are we prepared to suffer more lost with another dose

All our company’s resources, time and energy is sapped
While Browns’ continue to splurge and margaritas sipped

Are we going to be content and in our easy chairs sit
While our time, finances and energy go down to the pit 

Written by: Joy Wellington

For Catie's contest "Word Games"

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Hurt Held Your Pillow

Last night, I slept again with anger. This morn, my hurt held your pillow. Gone, have you trip-sobered a thought for me, or our heart’s cracked carousel, poorly operated? I never prepared to wed drink addiction or create a home where deceit married fear. Layers, upon sad stares grow walls of distance as I daily wonder just which end is near. I felt I saw us. Infatuation blind eyes Drowned in your brown eyes. No alcohol antenna. Attraction saw less than felt.
... CayCay Jennings 8-13-16 Crystalline - 2 lines, syllable count 9/8, unrhymed Kimo - 3 lines, syllable count 10/7/6, unrhymed Quatrain - 4 lines, 11 syllables each line, lines 2 and 4 rhyme Tanka – 5 lines, syllable count 5/7/5/7/7 unrhymed
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When My Son Became a Man

When My Son Became a Man

Now that you're twelve I would just like to say
Your whole future my son will be forged from today
I would really like you to be prepared for tomorrow
So you never have to look back upon your life with sorrow
And what I tell you right now may someday help you enhance
All of the outcomes in life when you must take a chance
So come sit with me and we'll share a chat by the fire
You can tell me all the things out of life you desire
What is it you hope this life will turn out to be
Let us talk of your future and what you foresee
What will you do when you go out on your own
Will you be starting a family or just living alone
Do you have any plans like will you have a career
Or are you just going to labor for year after year
I know that this is a big bite to chew on as a kid
But I would like you to go farther than I ever did
And I know that you’re smart I just can't help but to worry
Cause I know just how life can sneak up on you in a hurry
When you start making choices you have options galore
Every one that you make will just keep bringing you more
And when you choose poorly you'll find you just shut a door
And once it's closed you'll never know what was in store
You need to think through every choice that you make
Cause some day you'll regret almost every mistake

By: Jeremy Siedlecki
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Enter Sword Depart Slain

(1) Approaching with calculated strike, my psyche your aim; you anticipate my demise.
(2) With kind-hearted souls, vulnerability is oft misjudged. Frailty the frock we wear…?
(3) You presume pure passion and palpable tenderness portray a sappy sweetheart. Rather, love’s
(4) blaze ought infer diversified pleasures, boundless paths to endless expression, and intensity for life 
(5) as well as love. The old cliché… and you have assessed poorly, my friend. Thus, your lamentable plight. 
(6) For I am warrior, through and through. This blood courses through veins with same magnitude and 
(7) ferocity as impassioned lover and will not be wasted on you! So, when you come, come prepared 
(8) for every move will be countered, every thrust deflected, all advances refused. Your endeavor to 
(9) unhinge me, drive me mad, even insane will lead to your last breath, defeat, undeniable pain.  
(10) Great risk for ‘tis no match which can be scored. Exists but one conclusion when one lives by the sword…

For If you live by the sword then you die by the sword Poetry Contest
By Silent One

(Note: Though it appears not to have met the 10 line maximum requirement, it was 10 on my word document. I've decided to take a chance by submitting it while I consider reconfiguring this already condensed piece. I numbered each line to show where the line breaks occur ~Thank you so much for your patience :)
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Blockhead Buzz

did you know that the first food & drink ever consumed on the moon was
the “communal wafer” & the prospective wine that goes with it?
did you know that buzz aldrin actually asked
if he could have a moment’s silence in order to take his
prepared “communion wafer & wine” before neil armstrong made his
first step out onto the surface of the moon?

please, take a moment,
all rational individuals in the room,
to have a seat---
for the stupidity may overwhelm even the strongest amongst us,
sending us hurling
into the walls,
head first.

let us offer up that
this was not 
“one small step for man &
one giant leap for mankind,”
but rather one small step for one man
in a sequence of narrow-minded
itty-bitty steps,
which offered nothing but the assurance to him that
he was closer to the fictional creation
conjured up by delusional men in a desert
thousands of years ago
with nothing but time on their hands
and the sheer cockiness to assert
a way of life for
the rest of humanity
on the basis of one
which was edited & re-edited a million times over
to suit whatever maniac
acted as if this fictional character was behind themselves
at any given time in history.

had buzz been a non-believer in anything but the
progress of humanity & the amazing
possibilities that came with such positive hopes for
our own betterment in the
without tying all of his dreams to ulterior motive
through obligation to a book &
a cult of murderous, self-righteous, psychotics, 
then perhaps our first steps might not have been
by the same disease that presently continues to
plague our species &
stand in the way of any real future
which we may have.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things