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You searched All Keyword(s): interrupter in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Inclement Weather

Nature’s conductor
At times an interrupter
Birds fly with caution

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Money On the Matriarch

She is insatiable;predatory
In business always valedictory
Sees no conflict of interest in her position
Spurns financial disclosure requisition

She strides like a colossus, speedily
Eating smaller fry greedily
Using as an opportunity every disrupter
Allowing nothing or nobody to be an interrupter
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Projecting Myself a New One

I project myself a new one
depending upon who I am with

I can be a listener or an annoying interrupter.
I can be charming, or mean to the point of idiocy.

I project my persona ahead, testing the waters,
to see how much they can take,
to figure out what I can stand,
and what we can both tolerate
at this second 

projecting is the only way
to arrive.
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cat and dog speak

Why don’t you stay home and play? The dog asked.
I explained the correlation between working and money.
You cannot eat money! Said the cat.
No, but money buys your kibble, I said.
The cat stuck out her tongue.
I don’t need food! Said the dog.
I need you to stay home and pet me.
I need to be part of the family.
We do not need you working.
I want her to work said the cat.
The dog was surprised.
I saw it in his eyes.
Why? Asked the dog.
She just stuck out her tongue at me said the cat.
So the cat is an interrupter and a liar.
Who knew?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things