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High School Poems

These High School poems are examples of School poems about High. These are the best examples of School High poems written by international poets.

Premium Member feels
Let’s talk about feelings - feelz.
Does anything else really matter?
Ok, sure - health - yeah, right up there.

Covid was my generation’s depression (literally).
Maybe not for...

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Categories: school, depression, emotions, encouraging, fun,

The Classroom's Bloom
In our school, there's a bustling classroom
with eager minds that shine and zoom
through lessons, one by
one, reaching high.
From a teacher's
nurturing care,

In this learning tree, young...

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Categories: children, school, student,

Endangered Education
In halls once filled with promise bright,
A shadow creeps and dims learning's light.
Reform, a word with noble aim,
Now, threatens all in education's name.

Standardized tests, a...

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Categories: school, education, psychological,

Premium Member Witch from Minnesota
Her spell remains over me 44 years later

Once a bumblebee has kissed the nectar of Snapdragon
The creature is fever of succulence

She says, “You kiss so...

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Categories: school, change, childhood, feelings, high

Shiny Smiles
I sit rotting on my phone
And as I look at the girls on my screen
Straight teeth and shiny smiles
How I long to be what they...

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Categories: school, anxiety, for teens, high

Premium Member Purple Butterflies and Raindrops on Roses
Purple Butterflies and Raindrops on Roses

Open my eyes. See the window covered in tiny beads of wet. Hear the raindrops on roses that line the...

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Categories: school, butterfly, children, evil, loss,

Though a Democrat, I play the devil's advocate
Though a Democrat, I play the devil's advocate...

after reading the article
(published in the July + August 2024
issue of Mother Jones)
titled Raging bull - Donald Trump's

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Categories: school, america, boxing day , celebrity,

Lesbian in the locker room
I'm willing to worship
Any girl that calls me a name other than disgusting 
The world is progressive 
But it has not moved forward 
I turn...

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Categories: school, anti bullying, spoken word,

Premium Member Rangitoto School Daze
In my youth's frolic at King Lear and Pi
  all my daze was a Shakespearean tale.
Not algebra, not prose did edify
  yet test...

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Categories: school, youth,

Old Swimming Hole
Was a swimming hole down south
     where the bullheads chewed your feet,
Though there's no need to worry

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Categories: high school, history, life,

Eclipse In life
There are times you see
The visual image of things getting tough.
Friends go and you're left a fish in dry sea
Roads that were straight begin to...

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© Mzee Mach  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: school, inspirational, journey, meaningful, mentor,

Growing up so very fast
Moments like these are meant to last
A child only moments before
Now her future unsure
A child still is she
A woman she must...

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Categories: school, encouraging, for teens, growth,

Premium Member in-coming
Something’s happening, let’s call it sunrise, for now,
and summer vacation in Geneva, in umm.. 10 hours.
My heart-beat is spiking, like a flag or kite flying.

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Categories: boyfriend, school, student, summer,

Premium Member protests
If you’ve read any of my delicious, hand-crafted vignettes and listened to us talk, you’ll know that my roommates and I are critical thinking swifties...

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Categories: school, appreciation, celebration, education, freedom,

Premium Member Propitiation
I had lunch with Randy, between classes today. It was a perfect day. The sky was an infinite, capri blue, the wind was stirring the...

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Categories: friendship, humor, school, student,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things