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Wednesdays At Six

Wednesdays At Six It’s my night to meet with Liz To tell her “bout my private biz" She mulls it over then tells me how it really is You see it’s her job To listen to me cry and sob Imagine that… She gets paid the listen to me Most therapists say: “Having a little anxiety attack? How about some nice Prozac” Or Can’t sleep, feeling lost and alone? “How about some nice Trazadone” Or “Manic Depressive? Feel like a Bum? How about some nice Lithium” Not Liz… She gives appropriate drugs Better yet she gives big hugs Encourages me my thoughts to share Teaches me to live again if I dare To break free from loss and pain Knowing from the truth I might gain MORE FREE TIME FOR BOTH OF US! On Wednesdays at six Pat LeDuc 3/7/18 For Liz I'd give everything to see her again on Wednesdays..miss her so much

Copyright © Patricia Leduc


Book: Shattered Sighs