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The People with Wings

 The People with Wings
 It was a huge photograph of an eye – an amazing eye that now drew everyone to Mecca.  It was said to belong to one of the ‘People with Wings,’ and, was the only evidence of them being sighted on earth.  When people gazed into it –it was as if they became one with the universe.
The center of the eye was a hologram, that ended for all time, the illusion that all men were separate beings.    By some mysterious phenomenon, the eye reflected each individual as they looked into it. It acted as a mirror of complex sub-atomic dimensions where each person could see all things in the universe, infinitely connected,
At first glance the eye appeared like a large flower with lashes encircling it, as precise as daisy petals. Then the photograph took on a dimensional aspect and was a kaleido-color of lavender and green- appearing to be all lavender for one moment, and in the next instant it was a brilliant fleuro-tropic green. Upon looking directly into the center, the hologram effect gave a sensation of underlying symmetry that went on, as if into infinity.
So mesmerizing was this effect from the photograph, that whoever gazed into it started to fall forward .  A buffered rail and a padded falling area prevented them from actually doing so.  Another strange phenomenon about the eye was a holophonic sound which changed dramatically with each individual that stood in front of it.  As if the eye were reflecting a sensitivity to the frequencies of individual cell traits.  There had been many stories of miraculous healings of terminal diseases, simply from the changes in consciousness affected from staring into this holographic eye.

window of each soul~
Infinity reflected~
Peace flies on dark wings

 It was easy to see how such a photograph could change the course of history by this miraculous influence it had on all the biological life on earth.
 The photograph of the eye was housed in a huge glass dome on the highest hill in Mecca.Here the sun shone on it every day and the moon and stars shone down on it every night.  Previously, it had been located in the largest museum there, but was found to be rapidly fading without direct exposure to celestial light.  It was beyond scientific explanation, how this photograph of a holographic  eye seemed to glow with life.  
It had been manifest in the Year 2020.
It was a miracle really, how the Global war that was threatening to erupt because of terrorism from the Middle East, was circumvented.
It all began during Evening Prayer time in Mecca.  As everyone rose from bowing down in prayer, a domed object bathed in amethyst light appeared in the Eastern sky.  It hovered there sending out almost unbearably high - pitched frequency.  This happened for three nights in a row and for the next three nights it appeared with a green glow and the sounds that emitted were almost in-audible.  On the seventh night the strange craft suddenly flashed a brighter amethyst, and then- in silver light, people with wings started descending from the craft as if they were gliding down invisible ropes.  Their wings were of the most un-imaginable beauty.  Some were like intricately, veined leaves. The wearers of the leaf wings wore garments like delicate flower petals, and were surrounded in alluring, other-worldly perfumes.  Some had wings like great eagles and they wore sky blue garments.  Some had batwings and were strangely dressed in swirls of light and dark.  The most unearthly wings were comprised of eidolons of strange symbols that changed continuously, making the being appear and disappear with each flap of their wings.  Their wondrous appearance inspired so much awe that no-one dared approach them.
The one with the greatest eagle wings stepped forward.

He did not speak in human tongue and yet all were able to understand his message instantly, as if mankind was an extension of the same fundamental creation as the winged people.  As he communicated his eyes were the riveting focus but somehow - someone was able to disengage  from the force long enough to take a photograph.
 The message was nothing new.  The same knowledge was there, but there was a twist to it.  “We are the whole in every part.”  Although it was something everyone knew was true,  coming from such a visitor, it was the fulcrum vital enough to stop the un-ending violence that had been spinning out of control throughout the world. “What we do to others we do to ourselves”
In that instant the people with wings caused a terrible premonition of the destruction of the earth to appear.  It flashed like a cataclysmic explosion - not only on the people in their immediate presence but across the world
Every individual felt the pain of death in an immediate and terrifying way. For one instant every life form on earth experienced dying and the shock of infinite emptiness brought the age old realization to every mind at once, that all of nature is a seamless web.
 In that Doomsday instant, past, present and future existed simultaneously.
Love and respect for the Earth was re-born in every human heart.
Man was transformed to respect an inner truth and divine love of the planet Earth.  When the stunned populations recovered they understood at last the open-ended question of existence. 
There were no names given of the winged people.
They ascended into their strange craft and de -materialized as if they had never been there
at all.
Curiously, when the photo of the winged leader was developed- only one of the eyes was visible.
This was the eye that was on display in Mecca.

the eye of God sees~
all things for all eternity~
Trust in His wisdom~

Copyright © Suzanne Delaney


Book: Reflection on the Important Things