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Mothertree Integrity

How might Earth's underground narrative
of a sacred Tree
speak most profoundly
of old growth economic
and political
environmental trauma?

A question I forgot to ask
when I was younger
and more disabled
and WhiteMale monotheistic

How might even Republican Red MotherTrees
avoid secularized Self-serving
by Capitalizing Other-deserving

Instead of
separating and unequalizing
retributive justice disvalues
pimped by StraightWhiteMonoTheisticMale privilege
to criminally punish
with disturbing chronic anxiety and fear
approach/avoiding issues of naturalbody v spiritualmind
lack of peak experienced integrity

about being personally fed and bred
not through unhealth 
and best when separated,
and less co-related,
and not a sustainably healthy interdependent organism
AND a fake-wealthy unresilient organization
AND [more saliently sacred] nation
AND monoculturing 
anthrosupremacist society
without remorse for threatening
sacred MotherTrees

A historically patriarchal-capitalist
LeftBrain verbal monoculturing 
anthro-supremacist vendetta
against the unconditionally warm co-passionate
communion communication
expected of a MotherTree
in a healthy, robust forest

Constantly repurposed 
and mined
and pumped
and glorified,
and let go,
squeezed in
and freely exhaled,
to embrace
and release
Other's Mother MinoriTree narratives,
springing up from underground rememories

To discover what Her AnthroTree words
and nomial saps
communicating variables uncovered
co-relationships recovered
positive and negative correlations
balanced and rebalancing
exclamatory sun-touched peaks
and declamatory dark valleyed phrases

Her ecocidal phases
of non-applause pause
might betray fear of drought

negative core EarthLife feelings
emerging from fading 
polyculturing health
creolizing wealth

And monotheistic despairing loneliness
of self-love EarthLoss of forest life
in eternal desert isolation

From love's multiculturing potential 
and risks of monoculturing hate
and fear 
without MotherTree's polycultural rebate

Of Win/Win surprising Aha! peak 
and above the waist 
of core and trunk and spine experiences,
ecstatic and/or exotic and/or erotic,
and Win/Lose frustrations
and sadness
about kinda stupid male-volent 
weed-choked competitions,
while prying for more therapeutically peaceful
throb and thrilling 
thunderstorming outcomes.

How might this TreeEgo's trauma narrative
disengage from ecocidal Lose/Lose 
forests of despair
to search for deeper roots
toward Earth health care
through restoring therapeutic justice
and cooperative peace repair

Restoring ego/communal 
cooperative TaxPayers
for MotherTree Inside Peace/Outside Justice

Embracing universal warm
unconditionally uniting health care values

uncovering extended pre-historical family trees
recovering from Othered long-suffering
sawdusted up
drought and buggy matriarchal herstories
of chronic ecofeminist trauma

Suffering win/lose servants
shading EarthStressed blisterings

To recover systemic win/win health care
forest re-constitutional optimization
co-invested resilient MotherTree Systems
in inter-religiously reconnected 
deep reproductive learning
cooperative ecopolitics
of MotherTree CoMediators.

She may hear and touch
what AnthroTribe is feeling
and She cares about our mutual empowerment

And S/He is curious about
our potential sacred meaning
co-invested nurture
of our MinoriTree's Trauma

Therapeutically rehashed 
smashed MotherHistory
of EarthTribe governing 
Taoistic root and branched
system reconnecting Trees.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck


Book: Reflection on the Important Things