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Solid Gray

Solid gray skies
   Over daylilies trying to bloom
    Several different species so colorful
      Open only a day, live life to the fullest
        What have I done with my nearly 29,151 days

Birds fly in
  Mostly to feed from birdseeds
     The feeders need a refill so they can eat
       Those birds usually fly in, overfill before a rain
          Another day of possible showers so they have to eat

Fresh seed put out
  Mockingbirds zoom across flowerbeds
     Land, catch a bug, zoom out
       Another mockingbird lands on the cement
          Bobbles along like a roadrunner

Redbirds flock in
  Hit the red feeder that matches his color, perfect camouflage
    Boy, he is eating gourmet food
      From the buffet
         Rakes out what he doesn't like

Sparrows fly in
   Feast upon the discarded seed
      That landed upon the cement
        They gobble up those small seeds
           Fill up in just a small amount of time

Female red cardinal
   Flies in and lands on a wood feeder, aged, grayed with time
    It seems to match her color perfectly
      She is harder to see since she blends in
        She fills up and flies away

   No susurrus in the pines
      No crows cawing all the time
        Just the symphony of songbirds tickling my ears
          And the cymbals clanging out woodpecker's notes

A few minutes out on the porch
   How it makes my day
     Now a zephyr begins to move
        Stirring the asparagus and spirea
           Wow! A break in the clouds.

The sunlight beams
   Casting its morning light
      Across my wildest dreams
         A flower garden with more plants
            To feed the birds, bees and butterflies

Thank you
  God for your creation
    For your gift of flowers
      A mixture of clouds, rain and sunshine
         All of life upon this earth


Copyright © Sara Kendrick


Book: Shattered Sighs