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The Legend of Justin Case - Both Audio and Text

Justin Case - the weirdest guy in the all of Buxton county - did a lot o’ crazy things that most would never try,
And even weirder - just before he’d do the things he did - he’d scribble up a will and sign it, “Just in case --- I die!”

Cyrus Pitlick swears that he remembers seeing Justin saddle up - at ten years old - a big old Brama bull,
And he’s convinced that Justin’s common sense got all screwed up when - only seconds later - Justin landed on his skull!

Delbert Kidwell told me just a week ago last Sunday - back when he was just a kid, the only man in town
That owned and drove a model T would nearly lose his mind when Justin, like the fool he was, would - make him run him down!

Just to prove his point that cars like his were not that heavy, Justin actually threw his scrawny body ‘neath the wheels
Just as old man Thorndike putted past him by the diner!  Then claimed - when he survived - that he’d been “wondering how it feels

To have a car run over you!”  Some actually called him brave, but, buddy - far as I’m concerned - the guy was close to nuts… 
Though I’ll admit that lettin’ a car drive right across your belly…knowin' it could crush your innards…takes a lot o’ guts!”

Little things like that were early signs that he was whacko.  People say he scribbled up a will ‘bout once a week! 
“Just in case I die” became his nickname after high school, and everyone that knew the guy believed he was a freak!

Tony Mazerrati says the two of them were climbing mountains in New Mexico when, half way up a wall -                                                                                                             Looking down a thousand feet, he turns and says to Tony, “Have you ever contemplated what it’s like to fall?”

“You wait here!” he calmly said - while scribbling up a will. Tony watched him carefully sign it, “Just in case I die.”                                                                                                   “If I live,” he added, “though it’s pretty much straight down…this should give me some idea of - how it feels to fly!”

Mike LeMaster claims he watched as Justin teased a rattler...weaving ‘round in front of him…just daring him to strike! 
After scribbling up a will, the way he always did, he signed it “Just in case I die,” then handed it to Mike.

Sticking out his arm to take the hit, the rattler struck him...seconds after Justin stated, “This is just a test.
I’m conducting research with some antidotes I made …and this is how I’m gonna learn - which of them’s the best!”

Packy Tuscadero - who was one of Justin’s buddies - says that they were camping in the Buxton County park,
When, just before the sun came up, they heard a bunch o’ Grizzlies milling through the trash containers, out there in the dark.

Justin - as expected - penned a will to give to Packy, signed it, “Just in case I die”, then turned to him and said, 
“Wish me luck, good buddy. I just have to know for sure if bears, in fact, will leave a person be - if they play dead!”

“If that rumor isn’t true, well…you can have my Harley…Cyrus gets my fishin’ poles…and Delbert gets my dog,
But I don’t think they’ll bother me, if I sneak up real quiet, then dive in near the garbage bins and lay there like a log!”

See why people say that he was brave?   Matter o’ fact - everyone I know thought Justin Case was quite the man. 
Except (as we would come to learn) of all his crazy exploits, Agnes Case - his feisty wife - was definitely not a fan!

Turns out how he met with his demise is quite ironic. After all the crazy stunts he’d pulled throughout his life, 
Justin’s curiosity, at last, would do him in. Keen to know how angry it would make his ornery wife,

As she took a shower, he surprised her when he said - while peering at her naked body through the frosted glass,
“Can’t believe how good you look behind a frosted makes your skin look smoother…and does wonders for your ***!”

Bursting from the shower, Agnes - being twice his size - and strong as hell - grabbed hold of him and turned him upside down, 
Jammed his fractured skull into the stool, and held it there, until the scrawny fool - who’d fin’ly gone too far - had drowned!

A clever gal, she understood she’d have to find a way to make the law believe it was an - “accidental death,”
So Agnes told the cops, “He was attempting to determine just how long - while under water - he could hold his breath!”

She’d scribbled up a will that left her everything he owned, forged his name, then left it by the toilet where he’d died.                                                                                             Because of all his other stunts - the coroner believed her,                                   
so - on his death certificate, he entered.......SewerCide!

   FYI: I’ll be posting several of my AUDIO files on the soup over the next month or three, most from my 4 new AUDIO-CDs, along with many more text files from my books of verse. 
   Because, as with most academically undisciplined poets, depending entirely on the mood I’m in at writing time, my pieces vary greatly from meaninglessly comical to meaningfully poignant, and a few are, admittedly, slightly irreverent. If you happen to enjoy “traditional verse” - and appreciate great variety, check out my website at: --- or Google me. After 58 years (2/15/21), of penning verse and authoring young-adult and suspense books, I’m easy to reach! I've also got a bunch of my verse posted on Youtube, and a few samples listed on Ebay...both findable by simply searching: "Mark Stellinga". 


Copyright © Mark Stellinga


Book: Reflection on the Important Things