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Read Filipinos Poems Online



Pearl of the Orient Seas surely am I 
                         in my strategic geographical position
Heralding beauty and glory bestowed 
                by the Almighty along my precious history
Influenced with varied cultures indeed  
                 blest with unique identity of global impact
Liberty-led, I’m propelled by my great
                                citizens, surely freedom loving…
Independence prevails over me, conquered
                             by my heroes of valor and integrity
Propped upon truth of sovereignty 
                            securing our territory with peace…
Philippines am I, verily dear, prospered 
                      priceless gem to my treasured people
Imparting to them my God-blest*
                    of grand purpose and functional interest
Nourishing every citizen with ideals  
                               upheld by constitutional nurture
Effectively delivering services through 
     	                officials who are responsibly efficient…
Settled am I as shining pearl to the
                  world marked by my FILIPINOS’ stature!

*Psalm 33:12 King James Version 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...

February 10, 2024
Personification in Acrostic form
1st place, "Pearl of the Orient" Poetry Writing Contest
Sponsored by Jcb Brul; judged on 2/25/2024

Copyright © Beata Agustin


Book: Reflection on the Important Things