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Barkin Mad Rap

Its the working classes prolific breedin’
That ends up with their needin’
Handouts when Trident needs replacin’
Buck house needs renovatin’
Royal weddin’ funds need allocatin’
Brexit needs payin’ for
And so much much more

if we tax the rich and make ‘em grieve
They’ll only up and threaten to leave
So the only really sane way
Is to make the peasants pay
More and more each passin’ day
So they can’t afford more breedin’
Than the nation is really needin’
To provide those necessary masses
To subsidise and serve the rulin’ classes

So we really really oughta
Put contraceptives in their water
Sedate their food an’ drink
So the blighters can’t think
Beyond their gratitude
For the Tory attitude
That restricts the lower human race
Firmly to their allotted place
So they really can’t judge whether
We’re all in this together.

And they continue the farcical story
Of the workin’ classes votin’ Tory
And continue with their gratitude
And respect for the Tory attitude
God’s in his heaven in all his glories
Beneficently smilin’ on the Tories
That’s how they rule the workin’ class
That mildly conforms in their mass
And they go and kiss their betters’ Ass,
And lo, these things have come to pass

Copyright © Terry Ireland


Book: Shattered Sighs