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The Interview

So, young man, your ambition is to be
a bureaucrat? And a wise career it is!
And speaking from experience – now
going on thirty years – it has its challenges, 
of course, and its rewards as well. It’s true, 
if I may brag, we bureaucrats have accrued 
a reputation for resiliency. And speaking 
of that, be aware that in certain circles, 
mostly outside our own, ours has become, 
shall we say, tarnished. It’s all unfounded, 
mind you; the pettiness of small minds. 
No true bureaucrat pays attention to it.
So don’t worry yourself about it. 
Well, I’ve talk a tad too much, and I see 
by the clock that it’s my coffee break again. 
So, if you don’t mind and it’s no trouble,
please come back in a day or two – I wish 
it were sooner, say, this afternoon, 
but I have a few personal errands to do –
(it’s something I feel entitled too.)
And, please, call first – just in case I’m out
or in conference. I’m often called for 
advice by other departments; part of 
my many responsibilities, you understand. 
Just leave a message on my voice machine. 
Just one will do, so no need to bother me
unnecessarily. And if I don’t return
your call immediately, or even in a few
weeks, assume I am busy, or at the water 
cooler, or having a smoke with colleagues
outside; or if you’ll pardon the expression,
“on the seat,” bureaucrats are human, after all.

Copyright © Maurice Rigoler


Book: Reflection on the Important Things