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Maiden of Musical Moonshine

Music is an undying 
art of soul ~ 
an abstract eden, where, 
euphonious unicorns 
glide in strawberry sonatas, 
amplifying rhapsody in
ballads of flight, 
when fuchsia feathers
tease those 
jingling breezes, 
infusing breaths
in every lifeless aroma;
where I can soar 
beyond the 
of symphonies that
planktons sing to me, 
in the requiems of 
forsaken pearls, 
crooning with 
silenced shimmers
beneath wavy blues. 

I'm a songwriter 
without words, 
and my electric fingers
trace the tunes 
of serene strings, 
when guitars weave
a sonorous guilt
midst ruby runes 
of regrets. 
I wish to keep
swinging in a 
cosmic cadence, 
where celestial notes 
themselves in the 
mellifluence of 
lunar legacies. 

I gossip with 
neon nightingales, 
laced with neutrinos
and compel them
to chant those
healing incantations
of love and glory,
like the forlorn 
princess - Rapunzel, 
desiring to feel 
the glow of 
familiar lanterns, 
winged with 
hazy syncs of 
unsung yesteryears. 

I wonder if, 
I'm not meant 
to compose 
crystal canticles
in a Disney duet, 
for, I believe, 
I'm a soul searcher
in the flesh of
a soloist, concocting 
an elixir of my 
existence through
cinnamon anthems
of mystical 
moonrises, as 
they softly unfold, 
a million 
unheard tempos, 
within tranquil 

I'm the 'maiden of music'
resting as a floret on 
every sepal, 
yearning to become
a unique acapella 
of nature, 
where empathy 
has an ethereal
dialect of 
nurturing spirits
and tinkles
of magical waterfalls
whisper in 
gentle lachrymose lulls
of our ambrosial Mother. 

When the harmony 
of my voice, 
kisses those 
ivory keys of 
the heart-shaped
piano, they 
echo a tipsy secret 
in my sunset skin, 
making me 
believe ~
"I'm everywhere 
in the essence, 
yet nowhere
to be found...", 
like the sweet 
scents of 
smiling behind
that first dusky star. 

      "In each husky hallelujah
                of ribboned halts and replays, 
           life is a song ~
                    where every lyric, 
                phrases an ember of end, 
      and when passionate heartbeats 
                       shall knit sombre medleys, 
                  I will hum in the last 'chef-d'oeuvre'... "

Copyright © Hiya Sharma


Book: Shattered Sighs