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Chapter 160 -- DAMIAN DELILAH MALLORY HOLANNYA: The Incident with the ACCIDENT

Date:   June  2051

11 am.  Hot moment of Monday 
Molly entertained  Dasheri 
In the gymnasium while Holly busied
Herself preparing the family's large
Meal as she appreciated a hip hop
Song. She pressed a button on the
Wall near the door which lowered
The music then operated the intercom.
"Molly can you come help me in the
Kitchen!"  8 years-old Poncho Paris
Raced down the staircase landing
At the bottom with a thud.  "Hey Auntiema!"
He hugged her while she stood at
The counter. "Hey Ponch! Where's 
Your partner? Isai  is in the playroom.
You want him?"  She kissed his cheek
And lightly embraced him.  He zoomed
Away just as fast as he intered.
Dolly delighted with a cool pool swim
Accompanied by Saderi Desiree 
Desharah.  Damian was on the road
headed to a hover craft conference
Lunch. On the trip with him was CJ, Adonis
Jackson Damali  Kyon Amadeus  DJ.
Domonic and Lenji. Adonis remarked
"Aye mighty smooth ride. I dig this
New machine. CJ said, "Yeah, me too
True to the blue!"  Damian reved, 
"Yeaah seats many as you notice."
Then waved his hand around. 
9 men in the first car. In the back
Compartment  DJ  Amadeus and 
Damali spoke of their upcoming 
Interview with the potential  employee
Diondra Posh. DJ reminded, "And
Aye don't forget that's  3 days from
Now." All confirmed. "Yeah yeah.
Three days."  While Damian and CJ
and his brothers anticipating the
Conference the driver swerved through
Traffic passing cars at moderate
Speed. Damian calculated, "Hey
This is some traffic huh?" Kyon
Remarked, "Must be out-of-towners."
The driver continued swerving.
CJ warned, "Hey careful!" But seconds
To late they hit something. 
"WHOOA! Aay Mikki! You hit 
Something?!" Damian asked
CJ said, "Sounded
Like a damn CAR!"  DJ knocked
On the partition from the back.
"Hey Dad whats, happening we hit
A car? We hit a car didn't we!"
They were excited in the back Damian 
Said don't be...aay ay. Be easy we'll 
Check it." He rolled the tinted window
Part way just enough to view a 
Belligerent blustering big brute headed
Their way. Then he began pounding
On the car hood. Damian quipped 
"Is road rage still trendy?" More
Pounding. "GET OUT OF THE CAR!
Damian yelled to his brothers. 
The men were bold and bruising.
"GO GO!"  ALL of the guys were out
Of the car but they forgot about
Their limo behind them most of those
Hakim men stepped from their
Limo as well. They were within 
Audio range. Damian peered to the
Back CJ came to where Damian 
Stood and saw the outraged man
Approaching. CJ and Damian stood
Together.  A few of his members 
We're also present and all we're
A bit enraged. "You damaged my
Car!"  Then Mikki revealed himself 
A little more stocky then the enraged
Big mouthed man. Mikki asked.
"Hey Boss you need me?" Damian 
Answered, "Not just yet Mikki, stay
Tuned."  Kyon Adonis and Domonic 
Watched and waited, prepared for
Big brutal battle. The man came
 closer to Damian and continued 
yelling. "OOH" CJ was taken off his gaurd 
For seconds. "TOP BASS!" Damian 
Roared, and both he and CJ 
 pushed the man hard
The guy hit the pavement. Now 
There was a crowd from the three
Luxury cars. The opposing family 
Seemed bewildered when they
Realized the size of Damian's People 
Not knowing initially that they were
A family. The opposers were approaching.
Damian and CJ were on gaurd but
They didn't have to be. They had 
Support Amadeus DJ Damali were
Descending, and from their car
Behind were Justin and Jordan.
Coming. And Jawah then ha! 
Ras Madan?! So at this point the
Angry strangers seem as though
They were not as sure as before. 
Yelled. The angry man's relatives
Assisted him to his feet.  "Hey hey
No trouble! We don't want this."
Damian said, "Fine no problem!"
The man said, "ye but my car is
Dam...Damian didn't let the man 
Complete his sentence. "Yeah Hoss
Get in your car and drive. It's still
Operable." The man hesitated for
A few seconds. His people were
Insistent. "Nilo get IN COME ON!
LETS GET OUT OF HERE! Those many! They're important?!
The Hakims returned to their Cars.
"You alright Dad?" Amadeus asked.
"You know I am Ame." They tapped
Each others arms and Seated themselves 
Then Damian bolstered, "Mikki man!
We will not be late!"  DJ opened the
Back window of the partition.
"Aye Dad I love you Dad buut WE LATE!
We Real LATE! Damian laughed. "Yeah?!"
Close the DAMN THING!"  CJ was
Busting with laughter. Adonis 
Explained, "Yeah that does tend to
Happen when you have a NATION 
of duplicates or clones same thing."
Kyon agreed, "Yeah big DEE YOU
GOT WAAY TO MANY!!"  Jackson
And Damali just laughed, "this is
Pure family satire!"  Kyon burned
And roasted his brother. "Ha! Heya
The SPAWNS WERE BORN!"  They were just
A bit so hysterical. CJ remarked 
"We get you every time Dee you just
Gotta  sit and quietly endure! More
And...m the brothers joined the chorus 
"AND MORE AND MORE!!"  "we sorey
Damian!" Even Damian laughed.

Copyright © Val Brooklyn Rogers Blk Panther


Book: Shattered Sighs