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Love Quatern Poems

These Love Quatern poems are examples of Quatern poems about Love. These are the best examples of Quatern Love poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Discard after use
Thought a tool, discard after use
Why’d we let the tail wag the dog
If bliss be flavour of heart’s muse
We’ll be blinded not in life’s fog


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Categories: silence, spiritual,

Premium Member What is eternal
What’s that that does not come and go
and what really is our soul
are mysteries we need to know,
else our mind is in a black hole.


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Categories: introspection, spiritual,

Premium Member ON MY MIND
    Dear, you are always on my mind.  
     I know well, you also know that ,

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Categories: miss you,

Premium Member The Dance of Dances

“Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.” – Carl Sandburg.

Glowing like the roused firefly glows,
Stirring souls, poetry just knows,
Love, fire, boldest winds of...

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Categories: appreciation, muse, poems, poetry,

Premium Member The Jig of Emotions
The jig of emotions goes on.
Always our feelings are changing.
We’re happy. When sad, joy is gone.
Life events keep rearranging.

When happy, we kick and we hop.

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Categories: emotions,

Premium Member Praising

Praise God! Shout to heaven, praising!
While there’s time, remember His grace,
His love, inspires, so amazing.
Praising with love time won’t erase.

Worship with hearts faithful to Him.

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Categories: appreciation, christian, god, heart,

Premium Member Slowing down
Making unfocused our soul’s gaze,
sounds of silence resound within,
leaving lower mind in a daze,
as magnetism erases sin.

As thoughts rise and in time subside,
making unfocused our...

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Categories: silence, spiritual,

Premium Member Incarnate

In the flesh, He came to save us,
With His sweet love, He paved the way
Love this alive is worth the fuss,
Grateful that He hears when...

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Categories: appreciation, blessing, christian, faith,

Premium Member First Sight Ephemera
You’re like a song that I heard when I was a little kid but forgot I knew until I heard it again. - Maggie Stiefvater,...

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Categories: appreciation, love, nostalgia, passion,

Premium Member Eye of the soul
When we see with eye of the soul,
beholding God’s light in each form,
presence feels love replete and whole, 
invoking a benign bliss storm.

Our soul ascends...

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Categories: spiritual,

Premium Member Silence enables
Assume not we are body-mind
For this is a concept untrue
So we must leave beliefs behind
To feel within us, wisdom’s hue

If we are not this, who...

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Categories: introspection, silence, truth, wisdom,

Premium Member A Hunger Unfed

         Hunger of my earnest love till unfed.

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Categories: desire, love,

Premium Member I Wish I Had

"The ego within forced me to resist,
But now I wish I had effused a love mist,
With aplomb and flair, just kind of left it...

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Categories: age, lost love, old,

Premium Member Eye of our soul
Looking through the eye of our soul,
thoughts rested, emotions distilled,
as we go about our life role,
by God’s grace, voids within are filled.

Truth of existence becomes...

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Categories: spiritual,

Premium Member We are the all that is
As a wave in the vast ocean,
inseparable from the whole,
conditioned belief, a notion,
that shows us not, light of our soul.

There is nothing we need to...

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Categories: i am,

Book: Shattered Sighs