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Food Prose Poetry Poems

These Food Prose Poetry poems are examples of Prose Poetry poems about Food. These are the best examples of Prose Poetry Food poems written by international poets.

Premium Member 4th of July in my Family in the Fifties
We used to celebrate the fourth of July with our cousins.
Barbecuing food, and attending the parade up town on the square.
Sometimes we decorated our bikes...

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Categories: july,

By George P. Lumayag

A patriot digs and builds a castle underground like an ant. 
A patriot reserves much food underground like an ant. 
A patriot...

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Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade,

Premium Member I Will name the moon Dolly
I woke up inside a capsized boat.
What if I get cut on a coral reef?
What if I get stranded for four years like Tom Hanks?

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Categories: humorous,

Primal Needs
When I was younger 
a team of myself and twelve others 
spent time in a very harsh environment
an environment not suited for human habitation
it very...

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Categories: life,

Premium Member Seventy Still a Kid
I never did like old people
Still don’t
Which is why I never plan to be one.
I stayed in my art studio, painting up a storm

Got nine...

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Categories: humorous,

Premium Member Dia de los Muertos
Dia de Los Muertos
Day of the Dead
Originated by Aztecs
Celebrated in Mexico and Philippines

Aztecs called it Miccaihuitl
Catholics call it All Saints Day and All Souls Day

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Categories: travel,

theyer are all over  the world
 all races  and  faces
boys a girls
  no cloth no food  no one to trun...

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Categories: adventure, appreciation,

The Cafeteria - B
As I sat at the table in the cafeteria I was eager to feast on the food staring at me. I was oblivious to anyone...

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Categories: family, loss,

Premium Member Days Lost - A
Drove for thirty minutes to subway station, took a train for forty minutes, got into another for only ten minutes, reached Queen's Park. People were...

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Categories: cancer, life,

Premium Member Twenty-Five Days - A
drove for thirty minutes to the subway station, took a train for forty minutes, got into another for only ten minutes, and reached Queen's Park....

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Categories: cancer, life,

Premium Member Daddy's Cornmeal Mush
my daddy loved corn meal mush
mommy didn’t, she had eaten too much of it
during the depression of the thirties

I watched him cook it
because I loved...

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Categories: food,

Premium Member My Love For Biscuits and Gravy
Three times this week I have had biscuits and gravy.
They are fifteen hundred and two calories per plate.
I know because I do not make them.

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Categories: food,

Premium Member Waiting At a Restaurant
arriving thirty two minutes early
opportunity to sit in the sun without apology
I observe people waddle in and out
this is a restaurant with unhealthy food
my favorite...

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Categories: how i feel,

The World Is Changed
A man said to another man:
- The world is changed!
    everything has changed...
- You must pay for everything...

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Categories: allusion, appreciation, confidence, extended

Premium Member Emma Frost
Emma Frost (aka White Queen) is a powerful character in Marvel Comics.  Is
she a hero or villain?  Sometimes, it is hard to know!...

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Categories: fantasy,

Book: Shattered Sighs