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Students Prayer Poems

These Students Prayer poems are examples of Prayer poems about Students. These are the best examples of Prayer Students poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Passover Greetings to My Jewish Friends

    ~~~Happy Passover to All Jewish Poets~~~~

This Passover, recalls the Exodus! 
Let us never forget all those innocent i, 200
lives taken, on...

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Categories: inspirational, jewish, prayer,

Premium Member The Poems I Never Wrote
From the heart, words pour out
Silent thoughts – prayers – memories
Endless doubts and insecurities
Blessings loud and sorrows in clouds
Melancholic verbs, imaginations
Heard by the voice of...

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Categories: inspiration, muse, poetry, prayer,

Premium Member Epitaph For My Father, An Everyman
Epitaph for My Father, an Everyman

(Written with John Hughes in mind, 
      as he will understand)

One night in particular, I...

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Categories: prayer, christian, father daughter, forgiveness,

Premium Member Abortion Poem N Prayer 18
The summer before my senior year of college 
I had the internship of my dreams
Was poised to apply to the best graduate programs in my...

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Categories: prayer, abortion, baby, christian, devotion,

India's Turn
LORD, as morn yields to noon (or dawn) my SONnet will please, tease, release:
I greet thee, having access to Your throne by Jesus
And His sacrifice...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: prayer, anger, angst, international, jewish,

We Lift Up Our God
We lift up our eyes to the One whose throne is in heaven,
the eyes of servants looking to the face of their Master.
Eyes searching for...

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Categories: 11th grade, prayer, voice,

I Have a Pecan Tree
I found a pecan on the ground
I picked it up when no one was around
Sitting in the hall outside of class crying because her classmates...

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Categories: prayer, cheer up, encouraging, heartbreak,

Love Praying For My Students At Community Colleges
Midterm exams are here, and I want to pause
O no, can't do that, unless I pause to pray
They are young and retired folks, too, studying

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: prayer, america, books, business, career,

My Prayer Today
Jesus we ask you for the strength to go on.
In the face of all sorts of evil spirits that would kill our own joy with...

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Categories: prayer, appreciation, blessing, change, devotion,

I Have Been To Places of Great Death
I have been to places of great death:
walking the battlefield at Gettysburg,
as a lusty young man of no firm belief
who stepped between the great rocks

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Categories: prayer, allegory, angel, death, love,

Premium Member Use All of Me

Father God,
Kindly use all of me today...
Again, I say to You God---
 use all of me today.

I am no preacher God 

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Categories: character, christian, inspiration, prayer,

What If We Had Prayer In Schools Today
What If We Had Prayer In Schools Today?

What if we had prayer in schools today?
And the students were allowed to pray?

What if the students read...

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Categories: prayer, bible, christian, dedication, devotion,

God Listens In Silence
Loud Chants, rattling of Bells during 
"Aarti" in Temple
"Azaan" in Mosque
"Mass" in Church
is heard by PEOPLE ..... 

also heard by 
Sick, Elederly people
Students preparing...

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Categories: faith, religion, prayer, prayer,

A Prayer For Karen O'Leary (Tag You'Re It)
Calling on Karen:
Come to the water
In majesty after the fire;
Fourth degree flare refreshed a memory.
Undaunted hero of my heart inspired dreams of liberation.

Calling on Karen:

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Categories: prayer, thank you

Premium Member Fetal Prayer /Nepal 2003
Beneath the comforter curled, fetal, praying;
within the sacred orange of stucco robed walls,
students of Buddhism huddled kitten like laying;
while sound ricochets rattles down the red...

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Categories: adventureprayer,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things