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Donald Trump Political Verse Poems

These Donald Trump Political Verse poems are examples of poetry about Donald Trump Political Verse. These are the best examples of Political Verse Donald Trump poems written by international poets.

April 12 Dire Prediction Civil War 2
Civil War 2.0 

Reading the latest polls 
Showing that President Biden
 And Ex-President Trump 
Tied in a dead  heat
In the polls
Particularly in the swing...

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: america, analogy, anger, angst,

March 31 Easter Bunny's Warning
Easter Bunny Warning 

the Easter Bunny
had a warning
he was tired 
of being played the fool

tired of being associated
with low-life
fake Christians
proclaiming that Donald Trump

is the next...

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© Jake Aller  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allusion, america, analogy, anger,

Premium Member The Elderly Man and His Speach
The elderly man we call leader
Would shout as if our ears couldn't hear,
Then whisper with the expectation 
We would agree to adhere to his
Foreign invasion~

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Categories: political,

Premium Member Blah Blah Blah
Fa, la, la,
the politicians stump.
Blah, blah, blah,
It's Donald Trump.
Oh La la, we've hit a bump.
Shangri-La or Mein Kampf?...

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Categories: america, perspective, political,

Premium Member Did you drink the bleach
Dear Evangelicals,
 Did you drink the Kool aid,
or perhaps it was the bleach?
Now wanting to reelect a President
who should have been impeached!
What about those values...

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Categories: america, political,

Premium Member I Hear He's a Winner
"Bolsonaro's personal motto  ... the truth will set you free "


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Categories: political,

Premium Member Two Cents Worth
Lest I be guilty of grossest negligence
I feel like I must put in my own two cents
As I watch and evaluate strong evidence
We owe a...

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Categories: perspective, political, tribute,

Premium Member When Coempathic
When I feel compassion
with my positive needs
for love

When I feel compassion
for my fears
negative fortress wants
to overpower perceived threats
against my egocentric compromises
with ruthless capitalism,
soulless patriarchalism,
strategic genocide,

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Categories: health, humor, integrity, passion,

Premium Member Healthy Compassion Parties
I am deeply concerned,
that We The Humane Healthy People
need to calmly
and firmly say:

The Republican NATIONAL Party
no longer supports:
Public Health,
Mental/Spiritual Health,
Planetary Climate Health,
Cognitive/Emotive Integrity
Resilient Economic Wealth

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Categories: caregiving, health, integrity, peace,

Premium Member Seeking Salvation
sometimes lightly lyrical,
slyly satirical,
and anthro-chosen folk
yet personally
individually woke,
and sometimes full embodied
passions in Praise Him!
shout out

Echo in-
voking round resonance
with all Earth's eternal 
regenerating lively
lovely resilience.


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Categories: earth, health, integrity, passion,

Premium Member Ruler Over Rulers
Only God can see perfectly what is ahead four years up the road.            ...

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Categories: america,

Premium Member Certify the Guy
Forget transition, just certify, "with dangerous to others" he's qualified. Donald Trump you know it's true, this is what Congress needs to do, and they'll...

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Categories: 1st grade,

Premium Member Inside V Outside Strategies
When Donald Trump
ran against very Presidential Obama,
that he did not look
or sound like a win/win public sector leader,
or even commit to expanding healthy democracy,
worked well...

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Categories: america, bullying, business, health,

Premium Member Extracultural Events
Our problem
with restoring healthy democratic justice
is that we don't all have anthropocentric constitutions.

Yes sweety,
but back here in my real world
more co-inhabited inside by people
than outside...

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Categories: bullying, business, community, health,

Premium Member The Selfinvested Boss
Straight from the New York Times,
The Macho Appeal of Donald Trump:
We saw him being a boss

A take charge kinda' narcissistic guy;
just the kind of win/lose...

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Categories: business, caregiving, health, integrity,

Book: Shattered Sighs