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Personality People Poems

These Personality People poems are examples of People poems about Personality. These are the best examples of People Personality poems written by international poets.

The Circuits First Connected
At birth our brains are wired
For some ways that we will be,
Including certain aspects of
Our personality.

Will we be shy or unreserved?
Risk-averse or bold?
Quick to act...

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Categories: people,

Traits of My Character
Traits of my Character 

I lie often and without thinking 
I convinced myself I hate roses because most people love them 
I give the stray...

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Categories: people, anxiety, creation, humanity, identity,

Premium Member Which Element Are You
What an unusual question!
         Were we born with it, then, at our birth?

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Categories: creation, humanity, people,

Premium Member Clerihew Andrews
Sensitive soul Michael Andrews
especially with his painted views
Using spray-painted acrylic
art made his reclusive personality tick...

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Categories: art, people,

Premium Member An Odorous Attitude
As time passes by, people pass through
In all walks of life and ways of behaving
Most are congenial, but I’ve noticed a few
Who, apparently, have an...

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Categories: conflict, people, perspective,

Premium Member Guns and Roses
Guns and Roses

No, no that is all wrong! 
The real title is, "Goats, and Roses. 

My new goat is so cool. 
His name is Rocky....

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: people, best friend, happiness, journey,

Premium Member Narcissists
I must tell you,
I find the narcissistic personality
Somewhat disgusting --
The type who loves
Only him/herself, you see,
On the inside never adjusting,
Who obviously think
They are superior to...

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Categories: anti bullying, character, people,

Song, Songstress, Or Singer
Songs are made for singer; if God doesn't sing, songs may survive, not thrive

As candle to candlelight, we are light, not carrying vehicles

Waves have personality,...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: people, analogy, bible, destiny, god,

Is there anyone in this world who’s real anymore?
Have we created a society so completely synthetic
like faux suede and polyester lace
that when the going gets...

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Categories: people, betrayal, humanity, identity, image,

The Practicality Theory
The evolution of humanity 
comes from individuality  

those seeking popularity 
conform their personality 
theoretical practicality
forging their reality

when void of originality 
false becomes the...

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© Nick Trim  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: humanity, people, philosophy,

Premium Member Popular
Popular as ever,
Prom Queen did steal the show;
      Pretty and very poised.
   Petite with dimpled cheeks;

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Categories: people,

Premium Member We Are Many Faceted Chimera
A bejeweled chimera stalks
dreamtime woodlands,
a creature conjured by archetype
 who lives in the onyx waters of the unconscious.

Turquoise and white in feathered splendor,
chimera understands the...

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Categories: people, poems, poetry, spiritual, symbolism,

Party People
It was a special party of a rich personality 
All big and known names with there
I too was invited because I knew a family member...

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Categories: people, pride,

Beige, Brown, Cream, Tan -
As I have walked pass or visited high-in rich subdivisions and gated communities, I have noticed all the homes are from the same color bracket....

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Categories: people, change, color, environment, home,

In this world, so many people focus on name brands and designers.
You want designer this, designer that. You want the best, the newest, the most...

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Categories: people, clothes, fashion, god, imagery,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things