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Opportunity Poems - Poems about Opportunity

Opportunity Poems - Examples of all types of poems about opportunity to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for opportunity.
Premium Member Beyond the Status Quo
Traveling far, far away from home Leaving family and friends to roam Did not expect changes it would bring To a life feeling apathy’s sting Had much pity from which to borrow Saw no bright future into tomorrows Never thought to...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, 12th grade, emotions, growing
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member This one never mine
Made alot of mistakes in a life, felt days of regret asking heaven why. But that day you came in like a gulfstream hurricane thankfully wasn't one I let by. Found myself out of the...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, 12th grade, life, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Am Opportunity
I am... a hello/goodbye guest. I show up dancing, twirling about like a dervish, shaking my tambourine; dance with me! I'm no clown; take me seriously! I'm always friendly whenever we meet face to face. Shake my right hand; do not stick yours...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, encouraging, truth,
Form: Personification

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member in the silence of the dark
when the lights have gone out it's too little too late opportunity has flown by never to return when the lights have gone out the love that might have been has flown out of reach when the lights have gone out there's nobody...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, dark, loss, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Opportunity
Every problem comes with an opportunity...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, life,
Form: Monoku

Premium Member The River of Opportunity
A flowing river, wide and deep, With opportunities, for girls to keep. Let education be the guiding stream, To nourish their dreams, and make them sparkle. With every step, a chance to grow, Their potential is nurtured, to show truly. The...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, analogy, dream, education, girl,
Form: Rhyme
On the Roof of River
The wings finally untied The broken feathers laid on bushes Turned into ashes The memory of lame rests no more On the store of the brain-game New Breeze has leased The opportunities to be ceased Life has transcended Beyond the mundane Not so...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, autumn, beauty, celebration, forgiveness,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Window of Opportunity
Such is the case of the righteous in mind, faithful to the cause that is enacted by the motives that has been established an aura of decency and respect that's deserving of a heart free of stress...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, analogy,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Life Beyond the Status Quo
Life Beyond the Status Quo Traveling far, far away from home, Leaving family and friends to roam, Did not expect changes it would bring, To a life feeling apathy’s sting. Had much pity from which to borrow, Saw no bright future...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, blessing, childhood, encouraging, growing
Form: Rhyme
Some are common - others rare, But opportunities are there For us to claim, capture, declare... Unless we simply stop and stare. Long after our mother's girth... Beyond our time of childbirth, We have chances for all their worth To make our...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, confidence, encouraging, perspective,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Opportunity Lost
Happiness Exciting, respecting, valuing, Dreams of a lasting and satisfying love Until the day, distracted he crossed a lonely street, Unexpected mad driver hit my love and Mangled he slowly died. Nightmare. Just a scribble. Not exactly a diamante. My apologies....Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, lost love,
Form: Shape
Premium Member i hope one day i get the opportunity to flee on horseback
i ordered at the bar in archbishop's rig two pork sausages baked beans strawberry bear fruit snack orange juice meat free burger r white's raspberry lemonade bangers and mash pepsi corn wheels hotdog peppercorn sauce one wobbly sausage sandwich on returning to my table i overheard...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, december, divorce,
Form: Free verse
Be patience with time Who knows today or someday We'll have our favor....Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, character, engagement, perspective, time,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Dottie Waits for her Opportunity
Dottie had been looking past the relatives for sixteen days Staring out the window, at the pasture, seeing angels They motioned for her to come, but she was never alone. Her daughter did not understand the death process A...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, death,
Form: Prose Poetry
Golden opportunity
The consistency of mystery Drenched in it's simplicity Wrought with what would seem to be To our participants complacency For a golden opportunity A trick our minds eye think they see If not thought through quite logically A flim-flam...Read the rest...
Categories: opportunity, mystery,
Form: Monorhyme

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