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Miranda Poems - Poems about Miranda

Miranda Poems - Examples of all types of poems about miranda to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for miranda.

We shall be gathering at the river that runs by the throne room of God collections part one
We shall be all gathering at the river that runs by the throne room of God, On that bright and glorious day--when our Lord comes down and takes His Children away--right beside the River of Life--freely streaming...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Thank You My Lord For My Bedtime Prayers Number Three
Dearest Lord Jesus, Lord in Your mercy hearken unto me, Thy good and Thy faithful servant. "Rescue the perishing, pray for the dying, Jesus, (You) will rescue us (and also redeem us) Jesus will save. For...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative

Miranda Dances
Although she's always attired in exquisite clothing, Miranda Vasquez dances, but she's not a socialite. She spends most of her days embroidering dresses and decorating flowered fans long into the night. Her finely sown garments would fetch a nice...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, dance, woman,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

A Commander Deserted By Sleep
It was noon for Lady Amanda And in drove a Platoon Commander: Gerald Rutherford, full Lieutenant Many years back her Quiet Tenant... Now Military, still Great Manners, As though in defence of Great Banners, The two hoisted in front of his...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, courage, integrity, marriage, war,
Form: Rhyme
I Am Swedish
I am Swedish so I have no concept of warmth, Yet my heart has been touched by a thousand degree Gum was taken by cupid's spicy dart, An amorous wind resting through Duino's trees Who is his lover? Who...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, africa, america, angel, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Miranda Saying
While love is totally blind, the body behaves as voyeur in mind...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, allusion, creation, humorous, satire,
Form: Monoku
Miranda On the Ecliptic
Miranda orbits along a path of time and ice Rotating Uranus almost in her retrograde near by Moves upside down while dancing with the stars On the ecliptic, by the equator they go on The belly of the...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, appreciation, image, inspirational, moon,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Miranda, the Bio
Miranda Witty, wife, sister, mother Sister of Cindy Lover of freedom, grace, and hugs. Who feels close to God, much love from my husband and the need to help Who fears car crashes, dogs and my last daughter at home...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, love, sister,
Form: Bio
Miranda Writes
Miranda has the right to write in silence-- Anything you say, she will use against you because you're moving your jaw. Come knock on the door of my friend Tom Sawyer. Especially if you cannot afford a real lawyer. He'll be...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, confusion,
Form: Rhyme
It's Miranda Not Amanda
Miranda, not to be confused with Amanda cute, but I cant understand her I look for answers she's like a cancer growing faster and faster Amanda, I mean Miranda that thing you have is it your eye's is it your smile is it that shape that's...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, anti bullying, , cute,
Form: Rhyme
Your name created in poetry Only imagination could conceive such beauty Language once taught, the profit was to curse Love now sought, in which I do immerse She who must be admired This truth already known She who is now...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member For Miranda
I have been blessed With the most wonderful child. Even through her teen years When her friends ran wild. She was my rock When her father walked out. She's the reason I went on When I was in doubt. She phones me...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, daughterlife, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Miranda
Miranda is quite a girl Intelligent and quick wit Really steady And quickly does her homework when she sits Never forgets to respect her mom Daddy's girl cause she's got charm Athletic loves to play New friend Interesting too Cooperative Open warm Loving Entertaining, she's a charm Blonde...Read the rest...
Categories: miranda, friendship
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry