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Meteorites Poems - Poems about Meteorites

Meteorites Poems - Examples of all types of poems about meteorites to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for meteorites.
Ancestors new dawn
...#Ancestors_new_daw My bones reverberates, my spirit can't be contained anymore, I need a 2nd reload, a spiritual beast, I hear fowls and beasts in the mountains and under waters shouting my name, cl......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, analogy, appreciation, creation, deep,
Form: Free verse
...Deeply enchanted by the things you call flaws My spirit levitates at mere sight of you Doing things you call normal. Like when you rise and set,beaming like the sun though out the day. Or when yo......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, cute love, fantasy, for
Form: Free verse

Man wants
...The paradigm of endearment, less expressed, less explained. Our tales of delusion, Prattles of “what ifs”. What does a man want? A healthier morning, more loving than nights, pointing const......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, love, romance, romantic, romantic
Form: Free verse
Premium Member the latest champion
...Acrobatic starlight new champion for League of Legends Starlight wonder queen tossed high into the cosmos amid meteorites Lightning power surrounds her as a smoky sizzling haze Soroka and Rye ch......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tornadoes are Worse in Texas
...Daddy warned us about the Texas twisters They mow down mountains Or toss them into another galaxy Over three hundred miles an hour he said Because he is from Texas and that is how they talk there......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, 5th grade,
Form: Free verse

Lurking Dimness
...Sky above crimson and spotted like a lantern fly After the setting of the sun inspired to pull out a fan bush and dabble Hastily dash away at the canvas of its vexing black yonder Illuminated ......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, light, mental health, night,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member You First
...Diana fell into space off her rodeo stallion. She traveled past the clouds until she reached the upper cosmos. Space aliens, creatures, and cartoons did not know what to think. They hid behind lar......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, science fiction,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member God Bless Each Day's Magnetic Field On Earth - With New Footnotes
...God Bless Each Day's Magnetic Field On Earth! God Bless Each Day's Magnetic Field On Earth! God bless each day's magnetic field on Earth (1) that shields the human race ......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, love, science, space,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Fizzles In the Night
...drop enough words on the universe you might crack something open you might find your way– –I don't know when a boulder hits the atmosphere it becomes a fizzle a morning glory radiant......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Independent Meteorites
...Whiskey shot of the Milky way we grow the cosmos everyday; Destroying what we have outgrown fire clears the way for the unknown; Pitfalls ward away a standstill long ago mastered how to ......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, emotions, feelings, space, stars,
Form: Couplet
Watching the Perseids
...Watching the Perseids Each year August eleven to thirteen We fly through a cloud of comet dust In those few days Watching skyward patient in the dark Shooting stars can be sporadically seen......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, creation, destiny, extended metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Tears of a Valiant Soldier
...She wept for this cause, They couldn’t see beyond the present, They didn’t deem it an urgent course, While few are willing to listen, the majority choose to resent. They say that how could a c......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, inspirational, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Enliven the Weathered Life
...Atmosphere stratified over billions of years Envelopes the Earth with protective layers Saves lives from harmful cosmic radiation Controls the climate and weather variation Burns meteorites befo......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, analogy, angst, depression, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme
A Concept of Creation
...Everything is made from atoms atoms are made from neutrons, protons, and electrons neutrons, protons, and electrons are made from quarks energy makes up 98% of every quark Imagine yourself as the......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, creation,
Form: Narrative
Haiku's Temple 231
...Adventure to night meteorites falling nature of this society.......Read the rest...
Categories: meteorites, adventure,
Form: Haiku

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