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Personification Love Poems

These Personification Love poems are examples of Love poems about Personification. These are the best examples of Love Personification poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Help from Our Friends
Refreshing Rain sits beside Withering Rose
inquiring if He might settle around Her.
She gladly accepts the offer He bestows,
a more precious blessing She could not prefer.

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Categories: environment, friendship, friendship love,

Premium Member Sea

I am inherently patient,
I just go with the flow.
I have many dark secrets,
No one will ever know.
Sometimes I can be shallow,
Sometimes I'm dark and deep....

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Categories: love, sea,

Unconditional Love is Free to Give an Opinion
Unconditional Love is free,
To give an opinion,
To forgive,
To seek to understand,
To be a sounding board,
To bring hope,
To commend,
To bring laughter,
To spread joy,
To show kindness,
To sit...

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Categories: love, appreciation, baptism, beauty, care,

Premium Member Still in love with you
In my diary of destinies,
your song left a sweet scar.
In the silent savagery of time,
fate falters, floating like a feather,
yet my soul still sings your...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: lost love, love hurts,

Premium Member Zinnia
Quote By Poet "The faces of pretty flowers will brighten anyone's day."

Here in a lovely garden we sit,
growing very close-knit.
Our faces of pretty color,
are bigger...

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Categories: love, flower, garden, giggle, hello,

Premium Member Write
Quote By Poet "A pen must write because they love to write." 

My imagination and creativity,
is spewing ink all over the desk.
Here I sit waiting...

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Categories: love, imagination, words, write, writing,

Premium Member The Odd Sock
Grandma knitted me and my brother,
he is blue and I am pink.
We fit snug in Sally's shoes, 
off to school or to play we go.

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Categories: love, brother, giggle, girl, grandmother,

I spring alone with forgotten memories and shattered letters, I waltz through every landscape, I leap unendingly, sprinkling imprints of my fondness as rippled dunes...

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Categories: love, adventure, beach, beauty, cool,

Premium Member Thunder
I will roar,
I am not a bore.
My loud sound may put you on the floor,
or hiding behind a door.
They tell children I am angels bowling,

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Categories: love, angel, child, fun, rain,

Premium Member Tearful
“My tears are testimony of my devotion to Beloved;
and from those tears white lilies will grow that speak the truth.”

I had heard the legend of...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: appreciation, love,

Premium Member A Fruitful Fruit
The smell of cantaloupe is enticing
Yearning to feel it’s smoothly texture
It beckons me to it with an unworldly call
The slippery flesh is on my earthly...

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Categories: love, appreciation, candy, desire, food,

Premium Member Timeless adoration
“A lover asked his beloved,
Do you love yourself more than you love me?
Beloved replied, I have died to myself and I live for you.
I've disappeared...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: love,

Premium Member Rose
I started out as a pretty rose bud,
the rains are coming maybe even a flood.
Then the bright sun will come out,
my pedals open up without...

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Categories: love, beauty, butterfly, drink, garden,

Premium Member Based on a Robert Frost poem
I, a window-flower,

and he, a winter breeze,
carrying along the birds,
the butterflies, and bees

Quiet strength's my power

putting chipmunks at ease--
munching seeds, without words
looking at me, to...

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Categories: love, bird, butterfly, flower, garden,

Premium Member Daffodils
Quote-""Fair daffodils, we weep to see
You haste away so soon:
As yet the early-rising sun
Has not attained his noon." ~ Robert Herrick

Daffodils, you brave the cold,

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© Jay Narain  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: love, daffodils,

Book: Shattered Sighs