Horse Loss Poems
These Horse Loss poems are examples of Loss poems about Horse. These are the best examples of Loss Horse poems written by international poets.
Darlene StreetWhat on earth is going on over there, do you have something to share, what on earth is going on over there, you are acting...
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loss, encouraging, endurance, environment, health,
Like Rabbit In a Headlight CaughtPTSD
Like rabbit in the headlight caught
I want to move, i know I ought
But quicksand stuck, I’m petrified
My body still, arms laid by side
Stretched out on...
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loss, anxiety, death, death of
Her LeprraconYour bare bottom pounds as you glide
across the cloven countryside,
tresses lifting, buoyant breasts,
your stallion savages his breaths.
Pressing knees, you turn him wide,
Pull up...
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loss, adventure, animal, devotion, horse,
Red As Blood and Wool of WailThe wound becomes inward like the pink moon
after a little rain. It glows and then becomes
red as the blood and the wool of the wail
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life, loss, sensual, write,
Tell It Like It IsSo I am supposed to be this ray of light, the one with the brilliant upon brilliant idea
The one with the cute memes and...
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loss, desire, emotions, goodbye, heartbreak,
The 27 Club
It is with sadness and long remorse
That we entertain this curse of course
It’s most absurd, and that’s the rub
Introducing the twenty seven club
Each decade we...
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loss, bereavement, death, drug, feelings,
A Mountain Man's Tale, Part ViiVII.
Reid’s eyes widened with the realization,
she was with child? How long had she known?
His mind reeled and more men gathered outside,
by this time his cover...
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adventure, family, history, loss,
A Mountain Man's Tale, Part ViVI.
When his pa had died, Reid had just felt fear,
he’d been a child, the pain overwhelming,
but to see Eagle Vision lying dead…
he felt a blind...
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adventure, family, history, loss,
A Mountain Man's Tale, Part VV.
She knew he was right, and had little choice,
winter had set in, travel was hard,
but Reid had killed elk, frozen meat to spare,
the ponds he...
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adventure, family, history, loss,
A Mountain Man's Tale, Part IvIV.
It was two years later, at age nineteen,
Reid was out checking new traps in a pond,
just his routine, when he heard a loud shout,
ran for...
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adventure, family, history, loss,
A Mountain Man's Tale, Part IiII.
They did not use Reid Gibson that kindly
as they drove him swiftly on up the trail,
when he fell behind or misunderstood
the two would both strike...
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adventure, family, history, loss,
A Mountain Man's Tale, Part II.
When he was born he was named Reid Gibson,
and his parents weren’t the richest of folk,
didn’t have money to buy land back east,
so off to...
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adventure, family, history, loss,
Something To Look Forward To, Part Iv...Emmet would converse with Sophie,
pretend he was a normal man,
while April and Abner slipped away…
young infatuation was grand.
And after their third time out there
April and...
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courage, death, life, loss,
The Eagle's NestNestled back from the bank
of the neighboring lake,
along a winding, pine-lined road,
stood a tall, majestic farmer's barn
and his wife, he adored.
Otto, a German Farmer,
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loss, appreciation, april, bereavement, bird,
My Blessing In Disguise"A Blessing In Disguise"
Sometimes life shuts you down
Scatters all your dreams & makes you bound...
This time I was all about to quit
Everything was vanished &...
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loss, blessing, celebration, endurance, faith,