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Long Transubstantiation Poems

Long Transubstantiation Poems. Below are the most popular long Transubstantiation by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Transubstantiation poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Same Ol' Song and Dance
As I look back across more musical times
of rhythmic reflections,
ceremonies and commemorations
of each dawn and dusk eremitic liturgy,
if that is not an oxymoron
of sound and sight,
song and dance,
tragically sad, yet also bilaterally bound with happier...

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Categories: transubstantiation, community, dance, humanity, humor, integrity, love, music,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Theories of Every Big and Little Thing
Key CapitalistYang/CreolistYin EcoHistoric Concepts

I find a fuzzy irony in this morning’s early search for a new journal notebook, having filled my last from what had been, five years ago, an inconceivably high pile of empty...

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Categories: transubstantiation, culture, earth, health, history, political, science, trust,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Liberal Operatic Lovers
What cooperative evidence
could we final climate find
for WinWin cooperation lovers
including LeftBrain secular humanities
inviting no more or less valueflow
than RightBrain WiseElder root-branch dipolar etchings
neurologically ancient bipolar temporal systemic 
body-branch, mind-root DNA enscriptured holonic trees,
DNA  river...

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Categories: transubstantiation, environment, happiness, health, heart, integrity, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Let's Be Kinder
In his essay "Let's Be Reasonable" 
Rev. Todd Eklof [The Gadfly Papers]
reduces reasonable to logical;

This is a common left-brain dominant error,
confusion between deductive premises
and coldly reductive conclusions
calculated assuming cause v effect linear formulas
more than feedback...

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Categories: transubstantiation, health, humanity, integrity, math, political, power, relationship,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sacred Regeneration
In Regenerative Design,
dialectical cooperative contrasts
need not also mean
suspiciously diabolical 
competitive win/lose opposition
to our own internal RightWing
kinda venomously professional
commodified LeftBrain dominant encultured
prejudiced inside privileged
ego-supremacist voices.

In Regenerative Communication,
sometimes questions
are expressed as peace-intended
hypothetical Truth Statements,
awaiting sacred polycultural transubstantiation

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Categories: transubstantiation, health, integrity, music, passion, peace, power, relationship,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member In Our Town
In my town
the spiritual warriors conjoined our nature conservancy advocates,
our homeless entertainers
mystics and muses 
incarnated all the green organic dreams 
of the food righteousness brigade,

Eternal EarthDay worshipers
began pilgrimages with gardeners 
and pet-owners 
and parents,
to establish...

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Categories: transubstantiation, community, culture, environment, health, political, poverty, religion,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Primal Bonding
resilient economic exchange systems,
political empowerment,
personal revolutionary conversion,
all diverse names for one feeling of integrity
coming to us through our wise Elders;
So foolish back in their day
they had not thought to divide
sacred health from secular wealth.

Through their,

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Categories: transubstantiation, earth, health, mother, peace, psychological, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member What Grows Necessary
What is necessary
to sacred grace
and secular humane dignity 
of wealthy space--
To life as HealthyRights,
and not so much MonoCulturing Wrongs?

If sufficiently encultured,
If vulnerably innocent
RightBrain transparent
with nutritional desire,
active longing,
camouflaged RightBrain belongings,
We grow interior with exterior
mutual WinWin integrity


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Categories: transubstantiation, future, games, health, history, humanity, peace, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Unaltared Copassion Call
Our UU ecofeminist minister
was verbally accosted one Sunday morning
after celebrating multicultural peace
and respect 
and integrity
sufficient to restore private ego- and public eco-justice.

This was far too much to take in,
to peacefully and holistically rake in,
for a...

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Categories: transubstantiation, anger, culture, fear, hate, health, humanity, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Wisdom To Survive
When will we gain the wisdom to survive
this disturbing 
adolescent denialism
of fascist climate-bullying tendencies
toward shrieking violence
at silent displaced victims,
creating rivers of homeless 
multi-degenerating non-thriving refugees?

Where are the all growed up
nurturing regenerate adults
in our capital cities?


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Categories: transubstantiation, anxiety, caregiving, grandparents, health, integrity, peace, youth,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cooperative Beings
Raison d'etre,
RightBrain's voiceless shadowed FutureSearch
begets healthy past nutrition research,
both secular-natural Left centered
and sacred-spiritual Right symmetric,
cooperating Earth Patriarch/Matriarch Balance.

Restoring Food Justice,
reborn of Green polycultural ecosystemic fuel balance,
discovers appositions,
although not necessarily recovering oppositions,
uncovers mistrust without total LoseNature/LoseSpirit...

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Categories: transubstantiation, earth, education, food, health, integrity, nature, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Grave Feelings
I rediscover organic errors
hidden in co-gravitating
love language.

Gravity is easily noticed
as Apple falling toward Earth;
less visibly co-scienced,
experientially remembered,
as co-gravitational
co-relational intent

As Apple's ego-gravity core
falls drawn toward sacred Earth's
Mothering womb
smothering tomb
once more
returning toward deeply divine
anthrosupremely verbal
overpowering EarthTribe's co-operating...

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Categories: transubstantiation, earth, extended metaphor, health, integrity, math, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Reverse Creation
Taoist Principle of Reversion
grows metasystemic decomposition
reverse creation
organic time and memory moving backward toward rebirth
of a Paradise Pleasing Planet.

Reversion anticipates the Yin-reverse action 
of indigenously wise integrity.
Decompressing reimagination of effective/causal Time 
within organizing space and sacred...

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Categories: transubstantiation, culture, nature, philosophy,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Entertaining Consciousness
dry risk
with wet therapeutic opportunity,
emergent revolutions
co-arise Ego risk
for EcoOther co-opportunity.

We deeply listen with each outside curious voice,
resonantly organizing
each reweaving WinWin cooperative Both/And Other.

Tree root matriarchal systems
Tipping their sacred Points
toward therapeutic transformation,
transubstantiation digesting when ego/eco interfacing

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Categories: transubstantiation, community, conflict, confusion, environment, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Permaculturing Taoist Ecologic
Imagine with me
a bicameral NatureGod named PositiveYang
dipolar twinned with SpiritGaia named NotNot Yang,
or WinWin, for reverse dualdark YinSquared shortness 
of ecologically balancing Time.

Imagine us,
self-regenerating Positive Yang LeftBrain dominant,
as also decomposing dualdark notnot WinWin Time,
dipolar co-arising...

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Categories: transubstantiation, health, nature, political, psychological, spiritual,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Survival Through Revival
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the fairest of them All?

If you were hoping for InterFaith Power and Light,
what might you need to better empower
and enlighten your community
during Earth's Great UnRaveling?

Perhaps Earth needs global power and...

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Categories: transubstantiation, anxiety, culture, health, integrity, light, peace, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Left Brains With Right Hearts
LeftBrain ego challenges
are also investments
in cooperatively struggling with RightBrain understream flow,
understories of recreative grace,
positively trending karma,
or against, trying to swim directly upstream,
competing with RightBrain's laterally co-arising flow skills of integration.

Our moment by ego/ecoconscious moment choices

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Categories: transubstantiation, earth, happiness, health, heart, humanity, humor, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Why Positive Is Healthier
Positive values,
like health
are not best built
from Yang's strong conserving top negative emotions
down to Yin's struggling positive flow-power intention
toward winning nutrition 
while winning integrity's future nurture.

Health care core values
and truly wealthy WinWin communication manners,
grow out from...

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Categories: transubstantiation, analogy, education, health, integrity, metaphor, psychological, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member My Book of Lists
A book of lists
is what I need
to absolve Earth's Tribes
of rampant greed.

Before and after lists,
being and becoming fists,
masculine and feminist mutual mentoring trists
of transliterative transubstantiation.

I would like to hug
a warm and fuzzy theology
with prophetic philosophical...

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Categories: transubstantiation, culture, earth day, history, humor, love, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Kindred Spirits
Yours is my sacred non-zero soul
core center shared

Surrounded by your robust
masculine energy

Not to exploit
and yet not too shy

Not too retractive
nor extractive,

our cooperative re-investing,
powerfully ebbing
and succulently flowing
further enculturating future.

So, I do not cheat without you

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Categories: transubstantiation, deep, health, integrity, love, passion, political, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Nurturing Sacred Nature
What LeftBrain Yang learns about nature,
by standing apart from nature,
RightBrain Yin explores within Sacred Nature v Secularizing Pathology.

LeftBrain Yang
sells us Win-Lose choice
of therapy restoring peace, someday,
or retributive traumatic self-righteous justice,
sufficient for today.

RightBrain Yin
would offer ego/ecotherapy...

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Categories: transubstantiation, beauty, culture, gospel, health, integrity, science, trust,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Hearing Healthier Scripts
I know,
in both head
and anemic heart,
other climate healers
right here and now,
compassion theaters
across Earth's internationalized space 
and throughout tribal time

Breathe integrity's potential
feeling out and in there and here
somewhere close
and somewhere far
across Earth's polluted oceans,

Yet my own...

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Categories: transubstantiation, abuse, addiction, health, history, nature, spiritual, time,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Powers Over Me
I once read,
If I am a parishioner,
(or a student
or a child
or some other non-elite ecofeminist identity)
Then someone has power over me.

It would have been more helpful
if this "someone"
had been named,
finger-pointed outed.

I am left wondering,
Who could...

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Categories: transubstantiation, caregiving, happiness, health, integrity, joy, love, passion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Healthy Seeds--Wealthy Leaves
Mindbodies unfold from embryonic seed
toward full living-loving 
sense-synthesizing leaf production,
full YangPower during warm light-drenched days of summer,
Earth’s rotation fuelling healthy growth,
yet weedy monopolizing tendencies as well.

Seed unfolding is our first longing half, 
maturing toward healthy...

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Categories: transubstantiation, age, health, love, nature, political, power, tree,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wiseelder Revisioning
I refuse to learn a difference
between EcoHabitat
and God's Creative Reign At Hand;

between secular EarthDay sacraments of wonder
and sacred ecology of deep dense awe,
both within WinWin GaiaEarth's
PositivEnergy Proposal

more of a Promised Healthy Climate handshake,

I cannot,
with full...

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Categories: transubstantiation, caregiving, childhood, education, feelings, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Shattered Sighs