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Lana Poems - Poems about Lana

Lana Poems - Examples of all types of poems about lana to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for lana.

Waves Kissed The Shore
The waves kissed the shore again and again and again the waves kissed the shore every second or so to remind her how much she is loved. -petulance poetry...Read the rest...
Categories: lana, art, beach, blue, emo,
Form: Free verse
A Letter To Lana Del Rey
I hope this letter doesn't end up being just another fan mail that goes unread I hope it finds its way to you before the sunset I hope you understand why I wrote it. I hope the...Read the rest...
Categories: lana, romance,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Emphasis: a Collaboration With Lana Judric
Form: Tanka Passion for what still exists Phonon of ones fists Durance of eclectic hours Fire on the hell gone towers Phenomenon is. ...Read the rest...
Categories: lana, adventure, community,
Form: Ottava rima

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

I Used To Listen To Lana
I used to listen to Lana Sit on my bistro table Furnished apartment. The drunken couple screaming next door At themselves At each other Before he died of a heart attack I’ve travelled far from that table. Beautiful kitchen Lumpy couch Lonely mirrors Lonely...Read the rest...
Categories: lana, absence, depression, house, missing,
Form: Free verse
Bel Air-Lana Del Rey
“Bel Air” ~ Lana Del Rey Ashen stoic gargoyles sit amongst the gates The sunlight shines through heaven's doors. I'm impatient and apollos chariot awaits. You'll be my golden wings as I soar up into divinity engulfed by light and...Read the rest...
Categories: lana, fantasy, god, myth, sad
Form: Sonnet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things