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Janelle Poems - Poems about Janelle

Janelle Poems - Examples of all types of poems about janelle to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for janelle.
Premium Member underheld
...A shadow crossed the room in the corner of my awareness A cloud outside somewhere, probably, but for an instant, I thought that motion was you. Thoughts of you are casually intrusive. Mayb......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, boyfriend, humor, romance, travel,
Form: Free verse
'bound For Mental Institutions'
...Silk & Diamond, Kanye West, Marcellus Wiley, Isiah Thomas, Jason Whitlock, R C Maxwell, Angela Staton King, Umar Johnson, Paris Dennard, Darrell Scott, Ben Carson, F Lee Francis, Tammy Bruce, M......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, political,
Form: Free verse

The Future Child, Part Ii
......Janelle Hayes was president in those days, second woman to lead the fifty states, a career-driven woman, quite well read, she listened to Chris, all the words he said. It seemed so insane, t......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, death, emotions, future, love,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

French Verse
...Have a blessed birthday, Janelle, I've thought of penning a French verse; I've yet to write a villanelle, Great challenge it truly offers. Topic: Birthday of Janelle E. Ecal (March 13)......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, birthday,
Form: Quatrain
Lines of Natal Expression
...J-ust A-ppreciate N-atal E-xpression's L-ines L-etting E-ssential N-ame A-pply R-ight D-edication's O-pus Topic: Birthday of Janelle S. Nardo (February 09) Form: Vertica......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Expression of Love Letter
...J-oyful A-crostic N-ote E-mploys L-ove L-etter's E-xpression A-pplying L-ikable P-oem A-bout R-emembrance Topic: Birthday of Janelle Alpar (January 25) Form: Vertical Mo......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Friend of Bill
...I am a "friend of Bill" hope you don't know that thrill but if you do, trust me Bill's the hardest friend I had lately Bill doesn't take no duff and doesn't take no lies Bill sees right throu......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, addiction,
Form: Rhyme
Annual Letter
...J-ust A-ccept N-atal E-vent's L-iterary L-ines E-agerly E-xperiencing C-omposer's A-nnual L-etter Topic: Birthday of Janelle E. Ecal (March 13) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Delightful Occasion
...J-oyful A-uthor N-icely E-mploys L-ovely L-ines E-xpressing N-ote A-bout R-eader's D-elightful O-ccasion Topic: Birthday of Janelle S. Nardo (February 09) Form: Vertical Monocrosti......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Lovely Poem of Author
...J-ust A-ppreciate N-atal E-xpression's L-iterary L-ines E-njoying A-uthor's L-ovely P-oem A-bout R-egards Topic: Birthday of Janelle Alpar (January 25) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Awesome Line
...J-oyful A-ura N-icely E-xpresses L-ovely L-ife E-njoying E-very C-ool A-wesome L-ine Topic: Birthday of Janelle E. Ecal (March 13) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Sylvia Is An Earthly Goddess
...Sylvia is an earthly goddess; who can resist her lovely eyes? Wouldn't any guy be amazed by her incredible personality? Not everyone has the loveliness of Sylvia, even the simplest word is s......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, beauty, emotions, feelings, jealousy,
Form: Lyric
Earnest Request
...J-ust pray to the Lord, E-ntreat God for the blessings, E-ach and every day. Topic: Birthday of Janelle E. Ecal (March 13) Form: Acrostic Haiku......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, birthday,
Form: Haiku
Marjorie Isabella
...In the Southwest of Scotland Marin county Argyle-shire Extends a narrow mass of land Known only as Kintyre A certain mull on which is known What sea the eye adore As glitter to a rolling mist......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, father daughter, grandchild, granddaughter,
Form: Ballad
I Want To Get One
...A man talking loud in the subway For every body to hear He talking about his country And the beautiful women they have down there Well I open my ears now I playing “maco “I want to hear Now e......Read the rest...
Categories: janelle, dedication, satire, universe,
Form: Light Verse

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