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Idaho Poems - Poems about Idaho

Idaho Poems - Examples of all types of poems about idaho to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for idaho.
Idaho Found
sweet deer feeding black bears thieving blue sky stooping to bless the forest canyons yawning salmon spawning pine trees reaching to caress the clouds wolf packs singing eagles winging Clasping talons in mating dance Wheat fields stretching snowy hills cold...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, beautiful, childhood, nature, perspective,
Form: Free verse
Randomling 35: Coeur D'Alene
Coeur d'Alene, Heart of the Awl, gem of the north, you tamed my hatred of this desert state and gave me sunlight sparkling on blue lakes under scented pines....Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, beautiful, beauty, nature,
Form: Free verse

State Hood
Don Ho was always in trouble For blowing a tiny bubble When Ida was born His cheeks went unshorn The egg on his face was stubble...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, humor, word play,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Idaho Potatoes
If you ask just about anyone in the know, they will tell you the best potatoes come from Idaho. That is a state located in the Pacific Northwest. Their underground tubers are undoubtedly the best. Whether you bake them,...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, appreciation, farm, food, travel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Idaho Why Not
Let’s go see Shosone Falls, Hells Canyon, Craters of the Moon Museum. Hold up! I said to my excited husband; where are they? Smack dab in the middle of Montana, Wyoming, Washington and Oregon. The little “gem” state,...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, usa,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Idaho
There once lived a singer from Idaho But her notes were hard to hear and quite low Tried another approach ...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, humor,
Form: Limerick
I muddle through the day like an old tire being dragged out of a muddy pond. Words and days come and go - an expression fumbles out of my mouth. Just another day of tediousness and exaggerations. I would ask you...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, destiny, humanity, image, imagination,
Form: Free verse
Passing Gas In Idaho
A lady once, passed gas in Idaho To the guy behind her she made a big show With a bit of wit, She said, "Hey, stop it" He said, "Okay, tell me which way did it go?"...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, character, crazy, creation, humor,
Form: Limerick
Elk Hunting Above Hornet Creek, Idaho
Yellow pines swaying at base camp, early October morn greets the avid hunters with its autumnal briskness, waking any sleepyheads who are stirring under covers, generators humming away at varying speeds, smell of frying bacon and sizzling eggs, add to the...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, nostalgia,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Boise Idaho
My faithful friend from Boise, Idaho Another so true, where to find one, I dunno He talks a strange lingo I think hard and then bingo The “words” he creates make sense, well sorto...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, friendship,
Form: Limerick
Not Iowa---Idaho Not Ohio---I-DA-HO That's a very old joke, you know, and it's still not funny. No, I hate skiing And mountain biking No, not corn. Potatoes And Mormons Yes, it really...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, bereavement, sad, word play,
Form: Verse
Idaho Sunset
Slate sky streaked with a painter's acid dream caresses the mountains, bleeding on their peaks. Cloud curtains lower, then rise, on an ever-changing psychedelic happening, but fracturing fingers of darkness pierce the canvas, draining the colors, drawing the curtains closed. ...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, art, beauty, imagery, sky,
Form: Free verse
Idaho Woman
A crowded bookstore cafe, during a breezy October afternoon, you inspired a thousand journeys. A voice apart, an intimate tune. Skin as fair as a wandering snowflake, crystalline eyes of brilliant blue, hands, warm like embers, Your thundering heart I knew beat...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, love,
Form: Rhyme
Man From Idaho
There was a man from Idaho Ate half a cow in one go His tummy was loaded He nearly exploded Now he is Santa hohoho...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, christmas,
Form: Limerick
Idaho Woman
A crowded bookstore cafe, during a breezy October afternoon, you inspired a thousand journeys. A voice apart, an intimate tune. Skin as fair as a wandering snowflake, crystalline eyes of brilliant blue, hands, warm like embers, your thundering heart I knew beat...Read the rest...
Categories: idaho, girlfriend-boyfriend, hope, love,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry