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Hosen Poems - Poems about Hosen

Hosen Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hosen to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hosen.
A Woman of Her Times, Part I
...She was born as Holly Clarkson in the year 1993, and for most of her early days she lived life uneventfully. She grew up outside of London, went to uni and married well, had her first kid at ......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, adventure, age, children, history,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Her Star Filled Hours
...Her Star Filled Hours              ******** A life of such wondrous variety, Can only by a curious soul be chosen. Like a glorious wildflower will~~ never wa......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, fantasy, imagery,
Form: Rhyme

Strict Truth
...C-hosen H-umans A-re R-ightfully M-ade A-dherents I-nside N-otable E-xcellent C-hurch A-s S-trict T-ruth I-s L-ived L-etting O-bedient N-ames E-xpect S-alvation Topic: Birthda......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member An Odd Note For Someone Named Hosen
...Who are these lug nuts? Who are these featherweights? Who are these slum bums? Who are these cretins? Who are these dimwits? Who are these bird brains? Who are these crumb critters? Who are th......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, funny,
Form: Free verse
Chosen Name
...N-ame I-s C-hosen O-nce L-iterary E-xpression G-ladly A-pplies R-ighteous C-omposition I-n A-crostic Topic: Birthday of Nicole Garcia (August 03) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Exceptional Flock
...G-od's R-ighteousness A-bout C-hosen E-xceptional F-lock R-eally O-ffers N-onstop D-elight A-s R-apture I-s N-icely A-dvanced Topic: Birthday of Grace M. Frondarina (July 27) For......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Shepherd S Flock
...N-urture the Shepherd's flock, E-dify her hope and faith; V-icious lies of the devil A-re blocking the heaven's gate. N-ever leave the Shepherd's flock, G-uide her with the shining light; E......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Eternal Rapture
...G-od's I-mmeasurable L-ove B-rings E-ternal R-apture T-o C-hosen A-dherents B-y E-ndowing L-ife's I-mportant Z-enith A-ccurately Topic: Birthday of Gilbert R. Cabeliza (May 03) F......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Righteous Yoke
...M-eekly A-ccept R-ighteous Y-oke G-iven R-ightfully A-nd C-ourageously E-mploy D-evotion's E-ndless L-ove A-s C-hosen R-ole U-ses Z-ealousness Topic: Birthday of Mary Grace G......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Offering Life Lessons
...N-ote I-s C-reated O-ffering L-ife L-essons A-s I-nstructor J-ust A-dmonishes C-hosen A-dherents Topic: Birthday of Nicollai Jaca (April 10) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Secure Soul
...S-ecure soul of the elect H-as won over Satan's strife; I-t is free from potential risk, E-vading the danger in L-ife. N-o peril for the secure soul, A-s it is far away from lies; C-hose......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Exceptional Role
...F-inish E-xcellent D-uty's E-xceptional R-ole I-n C-hosen O-nes' D-ivine E-lection L-etting A-ppropriate T-ime O-f R-est R-ule E-veryone Topic: In memory of Bro. Federico G. De......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, death,
Form: Acrostic
Completed Race
...C-ompleted R-ace I-n S-eeking J-oyful E-nd R-eally I-nspires C-hosen B-eliever A-s N-ice G-od I-nstructs Topic: Birthday of Cris Jeric E. Bangi (February 19) Form: Vertical Mono......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Divine Order
...E-vangelical D-uty U-ses A-ssignment R-egarding D-ivine O-rder V-aliantly E-xecuting R-ighteousness T-o U-plift C-hosen I-ndividuals O-ftentimes Topic: Birthday of Eduardo R. Vertu......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Chosen Topic
...V-erse I-n C-hosen T-opic O-f R-emarkable P-oem A-mazingly R-hymes E-xpressing D-esign's E-xcellent S-ubstance Topic: Birthday of Victor Paredes (February 05) Form: Vertical Monocr......Read the rest...
Categories: hosen, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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