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Hoody Poems - Poems about Hoody

Hoody Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hoody to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hoody.
Premium Member Theres a film to make Mel'
...Hi'ya Mel g'day n such.' i tip me Akubra mate; you've achieved so bloody much.! An I'm looking at Hoody; at the legend that he's forged.' Along with 'our Jhonny' They've fought battles right acros......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, appreciation, courage, endurance,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Time to test,
...Its time at last..The furor'e is well past.' For those who fronted Who shamed? And claimed the high ground? and spoke of a Deaths knells blast.' Who trotted out (so called experts?) And ranted as w......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, anniversary, conflict, courage,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member A 1 And a freedom flying core?
...Are their twenty pilots?? In Australia now.? Un-jabbed Heros.? Well anyhow.! Give me the lenght of a winfield Ciggie..? To elbourate on what could be a pretty biggie..Good Move? Or deal..So to put......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, courage,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Forming the centre
...Will you form with me at the centre.? Any colonials Good and true..'Will you stand? To confront tyranny? Here there is a place for you.! all you will need is courage.. And the will to see it throu......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, education, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Room 251 13 th March 2024
...Senate legal and constitutinal affairs reference committie convened March 2022 one Senator presiding and two witnessing' The room echoes as the warriors enter.! Almost equivelent to The booming en......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, community, education, endurance,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Poet Check and Response
...This head I have on isn't a poet I just wrote about dancing with the dog Sweet, but more me and the dog conversation when we reminiscence on the day later A spider just disappeared from view out......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Bad Screen
...It is too cold for bat flights around the moon but I take the trip anyway, the jar of moonshine was crazy strong. When this year topples into the next, time will find me in a crowded stadium m......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, poetry,
Form: Free verse
My Tv Bet
...On such an important day when daylight wakes up in the morning with a blank screen looking in my face and the carriage is dragging the midday race, and colorful flags flying high in the sky while the......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, beautiful, business, clothes, dance,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A Nations Medical Shame
...Frank and Nada went together like pina-colada Each half had dreams and brought laughs He’d open doors and make real sure That his Nada; he would truly care for. He also had family from before Th......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, betrayal, care, for her,
Form: Rhyme
An Old Story Retold Unto Death
...I'm younger than I look but big a food desert will get you large but not in a good way. I'm fair for a black boy but the hoody hides my race into just a blur of ethnicity. I could be a kid or......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Not Our Kind
...In the heat we burn for Pepsi dangle feet from crick docks Traipse with garage ice to cheap motels, watch a tv that's chained to a wall, go home thinner then we came. Poor possessions, pay-ch......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sky Island
...saguaros guardians of the sonora a battalion wafting in one hundred degree heat standing sentry on granite slopes vertical green etches in carmel cliffs literally--litter the foothills r......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, granddaughter, grandfather, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Red Riding Hood Retold
...There once was a girl named Red, Whose grandma was sick in bed. She packed up some goodies, Put on her red hoody,. And made haste before Granny was dead. Now Granny lived in the woods, So Red......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, fantasy, funny, girl, grandmother,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Defiant Giant In a Robin Reliant
...And the beanstalk fell and the giant as well And the giant lay there dead I swear to you I thought it true It seems I was misled Though the giant bled he raised his head And said I want my go......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, fantasy, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
The Woodwork Shop
...The sounds from the woodwork shop kept pounding in my ears, drilling and knocking from the timeless machine spilling irritating sounds into solid air. I zoom them out as I walk about but the wind ke......Read the rest...
Categories: hoody, career, marriage, solitude, voyage,
Form: Narrative

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