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Homesteaded Poems - Poems about Homesteaded

Homesteaded Poems - Examples of all types of poems about homesteaded to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for homesteaded.

Worth Her Salt
...Sarah earned her salt in the Carolina hills The year was 1800, they mined to pay the bills The ground was hard and rocky, the winters were bone chilling The Cherokee were a mixed lot, some friendl......Read the rest...
Categories: homesteaded, adventure, youth,
Form: Epic
Premium Member How the West Was Won
...When he emigrated to North Dakota Daddy came to help fill needed quota Of young, strong men of honest worth For untamed land at its new birth. He met my mother, strong as he, Raised seven kids......Read the rest...
Categories: homesteaded, social, work, dad, dad,
Form: Ballad

Book: Shattered Sighs