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Hoeing Poems - Poems about Hoeing

Hoeing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hoeing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hoeing.
Premium Member she gardened herself happy
...Marta decided to garden herself happy It was the thing she used to love to do with her grandparents, Big Pappy and her grandmother, Nora Sue. They had spent many hours planting their seeds Hoe......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member raining in summer
...morning plans cancelled there will be no gardening to wet too muddy the ground rejoices saved from tilling and hoeing by summer's rainstorm......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, rain,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Gardening In Iowa
...I grew up in a small rural Iowa town my parents were spawn of farmers we had “farms” out in the country we did not live on them but we planted them our summers were spent hoeing, weeding, rakin......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, farm,
Form: Prose Poetry

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Hoeing Stones
...Standing hoeing garden stones Eyes awash with tears As memories flood back from More than sixty years, To the little village churchyard For which my dad cared And which duty I, as a child, So ......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, childhood, dad, growing up,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dog Gone Gardeners
...Dog gone gardeners so long in the tooth. They are planting beans today along with old Ruth. Their overalls are straight, their tails are a wagg’n. By six o’clock tonight, they may both be dragg’n.......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, animal,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Cloud Cover
...I occasionally reach back to yesterday, not because I refuse to move on and forg......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, childhood, summer, sun,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Summer Thanksgiving
...Two bails of straw, an ornament, in my front yard last fall Held a couple scarecrows, ......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, fun, garden,
Form: Rhyme
An Easy Life
...AN EASY LIFE Knowing not a lot about Growing things from seed, Sowing in the proper places, Hoeing out the weeds Sought alternative solutions, Thought I’d scrap the flower......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, garden,
Form: Lento
Premium Member Hilary a Corona Birthday
...Hilary A Corona Birthday Gown, mask, gloves, only eyes showing, Intent in her task as Hopkins nurse, Covid 19 victims owing, Their repair, escaping fate serious, To Hill-Bill types not "Status Q......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, birthday, family, for her,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Witch One and Witch Two
...Witch One had no mind of her own. She followed Witch Two around doing whatever she did. Witch Two tried to shake her, left her at home. But she always came running up; she had lost her own id. ......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Love Not Given But Received
...He said he’d leave, so I’d grieve give into his heave and hoeing for him, like fat to trim; work till dim the nights. I- so bleak are these weak cries I seek his gaze. eyes on me- lies -what a dru......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, abuse, addiction, dark, desire,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stop and Shop Strike
...The Stop & Shop strike v. Game of Thrones. In Game what’s not made plain is the condition of the people compared with warriors and queens. There’s no mention of land-clearance, tree-felling, p......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, dream, food, sun, war,
Form: Verse
Crack In the Stove
...Crack In The Stove Listen to the pine splits crack in the stove clouds down our roof like burnt pine, milk The smell of come in the shack A breeze on the wall from boiling tomatoes A baby s......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, anxiety, art, autumn,
Form: Free verse
...King Haughty,royal Ruling, gloating,dining Gold,mansion,clay,straw Sowing,hoeing,starving Humble, ragged Peasant 6-16-19......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, humanity,
Form: Diamante
Botanical Love
...i suck a drop of honey from your honey suckle flower not taking a bite but a bit nibbling on your catnip i'm hard a tree barking bark a dog wood i arose aroused she was ......Read the rest...
Categories: hoeing, muse,
Form: I do not know?

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