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Hasidim Poems - Poems about Hasidim

Hasidim Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hasidim to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hasidim.

Premium Member Amish, Hasids, and Mormons
...A madman pushed me off the track, lucky not much harm I sat in the Hospital waiting room with just a broken arm. They handed me a form to fill, 20 genders, 10 types of race - I tore the sheet with......Read the rest...
Categories: hasidim, america, culture, integrity, jewish,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member On the Avenue
...From marble and granite to steel and glass, we were discussing Rhina Espaillat’s On the Avenue in class, was it 1950s or 1980s NYC and were the fifties the city’s halcyon days or is it now, the 20......Read the rest...
Categories: hasidim, america, city, god, hope,
Form: Free verse

From the Walls of Jerusalem
...Walking through the old city One feels the power of this metropolis The narrow streets are filled with youngsters running by Aggressive merchants ply their wares And as we ......Read the rest...
Categories: hasidim, international, urban,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Sitting In My Place On the Lower East Side
...TV on - outside cars rushing by quckly on the FDR drive Another evening on the Lower East Side The place radiates nostalgia My grandparents now in eternity came here for a better life I see t......Read the rest...
Categories: hasidim, nostalgia, urban,
Form: Concrete
People of the Lower East Side
...Hasidim, Chinese, Spanish Many residents of the area fall into these categories The streets are alive with memories of pushcarts, peddlers, politics The people of the Lower East Side today......Read the rest...
Categories: hasidim, history, urban,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things