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Saying Goodbye Poems

These Saying Goodbye poems are examples of Goodbye poems about Saying. These are the best examples of Goodbye Saying poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Saying goodbye
Saying goodbye to someone you've known for a long time can be the hardest thing to do...

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Categories: goodbye, death, funeral,

Premium Member Saying Goodbye To Summer

"A fallen leaf is nothing more than
summer's wave goodbye."


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Categories: goodbye, autumn, summer,

Premium Member Goodbye Dad
Quote By Poet: "Tears are rain from the eyes."

When the phone rings,
it is 1:30 AM.
A doctor saying,
your dad is gone.
How did I manage to say,

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Categories: goodbye, beach, girl, love, mentor,

Premium Member Packedy-Pack I'm Packing
I went on holiday
so I thought I’d pack
I put in my head
I’d be needing that

I packed my arm
because where’s the harm

so too my toes 

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Categories: goodbye, fun, funny, holiday, humorous,

Muted Emotions
Maybe you’ll call
Maybe you won’t 

Deep down 
I don’t like the sound 
Of either 

If you do 
I’m a cracked 
Overused step stool 


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© Ali Lynn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: anger, feelings, goodbye,

Premium Member Earth
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. Rachel Carson

Earth shows off it's...

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Categories: goodbye, beauty, green, river, tree,

Premium Member Over The Waters Blue
"over the waters blue the night winds sigh, the breakers roar" ... Samual Taylor Coleridge

Over the waters blue I love to sail,
many times I get...

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Categories: goodbye, blue, boat, love, sea,

Premium Member Look Closely
I took the short path,
as many do to get to the beach.
Loving the beach with it's white sand,
a great summertime place for all ages.
I could...

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Categories: goodbye, beach, fun, morning, summer,

Afraid of goodbye

Chained to the wall 
with a necklace of silver
Hung out to dry
on the first rainy day
Push comes to shove,
it's been waiting forever
Here at the end,

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Categories: goodbye, hello,

Premium Member Love
"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. The word is love." Sophocles, Greek Poet 

How is the tender word love...

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Categories: goodbye, cry, day, family, food,

Just One More Turn
To break a man's life down
into digits, to numbers,
might seem strange to you;
distant, or heartless, or just odd.

But that was just our way;
we'd both been...

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Categories: goodbye, death, death of a

Premium Member Just One More Time Before We Part And Say Goodbye
When we have a loving relationship
Life gets in the way
The pressures of work money worries
Piles of unpaid bills
Not enough time for each other
The relationship erodes...

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© Peter Dome  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: absence, conflict, cry, goodbye,

Rest in peace dear friend
Dylan, it sucks that we lost you so early when I heard that you first passed away the only thing that fled my head was...

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Categories: goodbye, addiction, angel, cry, death,

This Is Goodbye
It's sad when the only light in your life is one that is held under an object. It stirs and creates a demon that can't...

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Categories: goodbye, abuse, addiction, drug, farewell,

Premium Member An Assault On All That Is Sacred And Beautiful
An Assault On All That Is Sacred And Beautiful 
Standing by the canyon rim
The couple embrace
“How beautiful, still”
Are their last words 
Two old men
With tears...

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Categories: goodbye, 12th grade, america, environment,

Book: Shattered Sighs