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You searched Exact Keyword(s): happiness in category: for him and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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Deep as the ocean
Falls in love like rain
But her heart is as cold as ice
She's a vapor in the air.

With soul as pure as the sea
Her happiness rages like the river
She is no different to a water
She's something I can never hold.

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My Guardian

With wings of hellfire 
And a halo of ash
You shielded me from the night
Your eyes
Consumed universes
Your smile
Illuminated all the dark cities
I was enchanted
But you were a free spirit
And you'd never let happiness 
Be your cage.
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My Happiness

It is like a chocolate
Dripping in honey
It is like a strawberry
Dipped in a vanilla ice cream
The melted taste left in the mouth

Began as a dream
Follow up as a vision
Overwhelmed with feelings
Mentoring into a way
Figures becoming one
Details | Monorhyme |

My Heart Sings

You caused my lonely heart to sing
  Oh such happiness that you bring
 I knew instantly I wasn't a play thing
You said you wanted more than a fling
  Now I'm smiling as I wear your ring

Inspired By The Five Line Contest 

Alexis Y
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Purple Days - For Darren

Average days Pass in a haze And sometimes leave us low But 'purple days' are special days With a wonderful magical glow Filled with happiness and joy For all the world to see Hope your days are 'purple days' And set your spirit free 19th April 2015

Details | I do not know? |

Do You

Are you happy
Are you loved
Are you treated as a king
The way you are meant to be

Do you laugh with joy 
Oh what a laugh you have
Do you cry tears of pure happiness 
Or are they tears or pain

Don't worry we are friends
No feelings hurt 
At least none I'll share with you.
Details | Tanka |

Joint Feels of Happiness- I Feel So Happy--

I love of girlfriend
She’s so funny and playful.
She has rife calm smiles
Funny personalities
When she walks I feel happy
I love my boyfriend
He’s too funny and playful.
He’s calm rife smiles
Funny personalities
when he walks I feel happy

written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019©
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Hold On

Hold on!
Hold on a little longer 
Please don't burn to ashes and desiccate 
Hold on a little longer
Because this is not yet enough for us
Like long starry nights, beneath a star's fall
A child dreams home, home of happiness
And if the word 'forever' was my life;
"I would have wished for you"
Forever to be drowning in love..
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My Red Rose

A love so sweet,
It’s like you’re given a red rose.
The nice scent,
bringing you calmness.
The lovely red color,
bringing you joy.
The beautiful sight the flower gives,
bringing you happiness.
You are my red rose.
You bring me peace,
you bring me joy,
you bring me happiness,
and you make me love you even more,
than I did the day before.
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Forbidden Love

Curly blond hair staring at the sun
Striking blue eyes facing the darkness
The shade, the pain
Looking at the unforgettable
The unseen, the unlovable
She has found her feet stuck in sadness
She has found her heart chasing her love
He holds her happiness in his hand
He holds a tear in his eye
But the blond-hair-blue-eye girl...
She has a waterfall streaming down her face
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Funny Man

Attention Mr Funny Man 
enlighten us clean pun,
Be the sport with thunder thought
Funny man be fun.

We're waiting on ridiculous...
gags and comedy,
The humourous and numerous 
jest and parody.

Be a fool and do it cool
with wacky be the dope,
Goosey-like, one not bright
C'mon tell a joke.

For we are girls that need some whirls and
happiness in being,
Win us all with comic sprawl
to chase you when your fleeing.
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A Great Oppurtunity

beyond the scope of her understanding
she sounded and resounded
for all to know
her refusal to have him as hers
that she wished something
from someone else and could
neither calm the storms
or find refuge from the winds
then the rains came and she
stood alone
in doubt of need
she relied on happiness
to strengthen her despair
than might he come
than might he have me as his own
days of tommorrows
to make this time a lesson learned
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Life's a game of chances
I took my chance with you
I've never been so happy
I guess dreams do come true
You're my knight in shining Armour
You're as gentle as the breeze
I think I fell in love that day
I was numb from head to knees
Firstly there was no-one
I was dying deep inside
Suddenly from nowhere 
You're around me like the tide
You've changed my life dramatically
All my hurt has disappeared
Now I see much happiness
Instead of all I feared.
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Love My Little Brother Vijay

My brother is naughty
     Smiling face is his Beauty

He plays with my books
If asked, he escapes with smiling looks

        When my dad shows him stick
       He pretends to be sick
      Later ,runs away very quick

     My brother's activities are such fun
          He plays hide and seek like the sun

    I love my little brother very much
He is my treat of happiness!!
    In fact , Only sibling to share everything 
with me in this enormous world....

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Dawn of a new day, new chances, open the door to a life full of opportunities.
Reliving the memories of us, all we did, making them into something new. 
Everlasting thoughts, ever changing, but in every thought I see you smile.
A dream that is untouchable, immortal, because no one can reach inside of me.
Moments of pleasure and joy, of pure happiness, the pictures of us inside of me.
So sleep well tonight and dream on, because our memories are forever.
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The Heat In Your Life

Where would you be without love?
Where would you be without light?

Drifting along on a wave of tranquility. 
Happiness bought with a smile?

What happens to love as it burns?
The sun kissed path seems long but can you 
see where it turns into the night?

Can you feel the flame weakens in life’s winds?
Do you stop to protect the heat in your life?

Years come and go as the world turns
Days of fun and sorrow always lead to the night

So, where would you be without love?
Where would you be without light?
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Who Are Men

Who are MEN? – Zamreen Zarook
Men should be men, 
They shouldn't be hen, 
They know that they are physically can,
But they shouldn't forget that they are gentleman.

Control your desire as much as you can,
Mentally you should be win,
Also be socially and monetary kin,
You find happiness then.

Men are so wise,
So, they cannot be melted as ice,
They played a big role in the economic rise,
So, not to be considered as mice.

Blood sheds by our heroes, 
They were the real Zorros,
Womens’ part cannot be zero,
Those were from mothers bureau.
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I Am a Creation

I'm a creation....
Creation of mankind.
Creation of man who call himself a father.
A man who only knew me for sometime.
I'm a creation of man who did not even care about my whereabouts.

Creation....of a self centered.
Arrogant and a selfish man.
A careless and fearless man.
Creation of a man.

Im a creatin of man...who didn't even bother about my happiness
A man didn't even care about my future.
Creation of a man who don't even know me

I'm a creation of mankind.
Creation of the King in Heaven
I'm God's image
I'm a creation of mankind.
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People desperately trying to find love, 
It's okay person,
You'll find it one day, 
Stop chasing it now my dear, 

It will come one day, 
Just like why the sun sets in the West
It's surely gonna happen one day to all of us, 
We either let go of said opportunity or don't,
It's still all up to us.

I have done both, 
And I regret both decisions, 
But I know one day she will come to me, 
One day I'll give her the warmest of embraces, 
One day she'll smile at me and see the world's happiness,
One day I'll see her smile and see my whole world.
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I call it a blessing from above
And I know everyone wants this to have
Everyone is looking for it
But only few can found it

I'm lucky I'm one of that few
And I've been blessed to found true love in you
It's like a dream came true
To be loved by the guy I loved too

To you,I felt the undefined happiness
For me,for all the guys you are the best!
And I want you to stay for the rest of my life
Coz' I really need someone like you in my life

I consider you as a blessing sweetheart
So I give to you my sincere HEART
I love you forever
And I hope that God will guide us to be together..forever
Details | Romanticism |

Out of All

Out of all the joy
I thought I knew
None can compare
To the joy of being with you

Out of all the happiness
I thought I knew
None came close
To the height of happiness
I had with you

Out of all the loves
I thought I knew
None can hold a candle
to my love for you

Out of all the heartaches
I thought I had bared
None was the eternal flame
like the heartache of losing you

Out of all the memories
I thought I treasured
None are so cherished
As these memories of you

Out of all the blessings
I thought I could count
None is the greatest
As the blessing of knowing you
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Want To Feel Wanted

I want someone who asks about my day.
If everything is good, or just ok.
I want someone to be proud of me.
Not constantly putting down my self esteem.
I want to feel beautiful again.
Not just like an average woman.
I want to be included in activities.
Even if it's raking the leaves.
I want someone who accepts my flaws.
And doesn't turn their back on me at all.
Trust can become a major problem.
If we don't communicate and try to solve it.
Don't take advantage of my kind soul.
And treat me as if I'm invisible.
I am a person who deserves happiness.
Guess my needle is still lost in a haystack.
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Thank You

Thank you because you make me happy
Thank you because you accept me
But darling, I need to stop liking you
Because even though you are my happiness, you are my downfall.

What happened today was the last straw
I thought you’ll come with me but you said “No”
I really thought we were now in sync
But I was the only one thinking both of us will stick.

It hurts having to come up with this decision
But I’ve been so blind all along
There are signs but I chose to choose you
However, it pains me so bad that I need to let you go
I’ll let destiny carry what I’m feeling
If we were meant to be, it’ll be.
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It Was Happiness

Before he met her, he was lost, he was broken, he was hurting.
Then she came, and his whole life changed;
He felt something he had never felt before.
It didn’t make sense, this new feeling.
With her, he felt as though he was no longer lost.
He felt as though he was whole again.
He felt as though he would never be hurt again.
He had never felt this way before. 
He searched for the meaning of this feeling,
In her eyes, in her smile, in her touch;
In her words, in her time, in her love.
Until he finally found what he was searching for.
This feeling she gave him even by being near;
It was happiness.
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Even Thought We Are Only Friends

You came into my life in an instant 
You stole my heart 
I became the person I was before
I love your crazy life and family
I couldn't ask for a better place to be 
Then right here with you.
Thank you for letting me be a part of it 
From the kids
From all the cats
To all the dogs 
I love it all
Fills my heart with nothing but happiness and joy
I really wouldn't change you nor your family for the world
You guys mean everything to me 
Even though I only known you for a week and living together for few days
I finally feel like 
I've found a place I could call home
Even though we are just friends.

Book: Shattered Sighs