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You searched Exact Keyword(s): forgiveness in category: for her and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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How To Love An Unjust Man-

Loving an Unjust Man- how do you love him with heart of God in your soul and forgiveness
1/5/22 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2022©

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As We Fall With the World

as we fall with the world
i want us to die holding the heart of the other
we will always have our memories
love will forever be our Divine Centerpiece
let us cherish every memory and brace ourselves for the inevitable
forgiveness is like mistletoe with little cross windchimes
i hope to see you on the other side of the gates
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Poem For My Mother

My Dear My dear sweet giving one
Unfailing gift of God’s great love
Heaven seen, Heaven blessed
Mirrored Savior’s tenderness

Breath embraced ready song
Note secured love steady strong
Humble words forgiveness immense
Noble spirit, Almighty One blessed

Gentle heart, gentle hand
Circled now in silver band
God’s melody her bended knee
Prayer, faith now instilled in me.
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You Kept Me Fighting

It is hard for me to resonate 
with my past self, but I respect her
and the things she endured through. 
She went through so much darkness
and confusion, but she kept her dreams alive—
and that is what I think still resonates 
today—that her dreams, her light, 
her ideas didn’t die with her innocence, 
or her hope, or her happiness. 

Her dreams continue to manifest 
into life, and fulfillment, and forgiveness.
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Ablaze Rose                             Bid to me
            Beg humbly for forgiveness!

 My abloom hearts                Jovial hearts 
            Beg humbly for forgiveness!

 Oh! Panegyric fairy              Pelucid imagery 
             Beg humbly for forgiveness!

 My God send soul                 Gave in to you 
             Beg humbly for forgiveness!

 Oh! Debonair queen             Love to me again 
             Beg humbly for forgiveness!

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Before I Met Your Love

Before I met you I had confusions
I had questions and never the more had answers
So love is when you marry a rich man
And beauty is when you have everything you need from a man
So intimacy is when you are terrified of someone you feel affection for so much
And trust is when you have no money and
Your loved ones shun you for not giving them money
So forgiveness has a price
And togetherness has a negative influence
Which doesn't matter on this person as smooth as long ago jokes
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How Hast Thou Shaped Me

How hast thou shaped me? Let me now declare.
Thou hast shaped me from the muck, mud and the mire
and loved me with a love that can inspire.
Thou hast shaped me with life, by giving me air.
Thou hast shaped me with love, when all did not care.
Thou hast shaped me with God’s flame and with God’s fire
and given me purpose, hope, and strength to aspire.
Thou hast shaped me by choice, when no one else would dare.
But most of all, thou hast shaped me with thine heart’s
absolute acceptance, mercy, forgiveness, 
compassion, grace, and precious, virtuous art;
hadst thou not shaped me I’d forever be less.
Since thou hast shaped me with all these, I’ll ne’er depart
from thee—my best friend and belovéd Princess!
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What I Wished For

The sky is blue 
every one knows this to be true
but my love for you
is more than saying I DO

these are the words he said to me
covering is actions and intentions like covered tea
acting as the man i wanted him to be 
painting the picture i always wanted to see

the tears in my eyes are beyond full
making me regret i was ever faithful  
breaking my heart and pride 
but has left my eyes opened wide

all i feel is nothing but pain
with nothing to gain 
would i ever again fell the same 
with the way he made my heart a game 
living me to sink in the sea of shame 

i try to think of forgiveness 
but all that comes to my heart are the words of revenge 
yet my spirit can't stand such wickedness
making another person pass through such twinge
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Vanilla Essence Blessing By Candlelight

all out of light
darkness wins again
the candles come out of nowhere
the scent of vanilla essence in the air
you save the day again
you come and sit next to me and i hold you close to keep you warm
we smile while listening to rare free jazz
the power will be back on tomorrow
when the chips are down and we are in a freefall crunch,
we know that we will be good because we got God, Family, and Each Other
and to think, we went from loathing each other to loving each other
love is a handful, but i enjoy the work when the reward is her heart
all of a sudden, the lights are all back on, and the heat is warmer than ever
we leave the candles burning 
the scent of vanilla essence relaxes us fully
we smiles at God's Work
we'll pray for forgiveness for our oncoming sins later
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The Letter I Did Not Write To You

What is hidden behind the end? is the end a beginning?
The beginning without the selfishness that kills?
The end of the words I didn't say, and the forgiveness I didn't ask? 
will it be the same without you?
An ungiven space, an unextended hand, an unaccepted apology and an end that has no end.
if tomorrow was yesterday, I would have left our selfishness aside. 
I would have taken forgiveness from the rocks of the soul,
and I would drown in the sea of your thoughts.
and when the waves touched your feet, I would touch your hand,
in the still night, where only the two of us were sailing,
untrodden shores of bliss,
where the bare steps caressed the sand and souls,
waiting for the letter I didn't write,
and that time will bring it to you,
like a waxed message inside a bottle.
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My Angel

I didnt know that angels could be on earth
until i met one

she is beautiful
and full of compassion

she has so much love for me 
and others

when i am hurt she heals
when i am lost and confused she shows me the way
she brings light into a world full of darkness

she helps me in the little things
she guides me through the tough things

She works hard to help others strive
she makes me a better person

she forgives when forgiveness is hard
she loves when loving is difficult

she cares more then anyone could imagine
she is always there when i need her
her arms open wide full of comfort

i cant imagine where i would be without my angel
my angel sent from God
my example
my worker
my healer
my caregiver
my mom

i love you forever and always

happy mothers day 

By: Katie Borg
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The Gift That I Give You

I was on consignment; I co-created in alignment also reminded; Of the highest power; Within the hour; For just… For the gift that I give you; I fondly approach so approve; This my eternal love view; I were a flame; Justice the fire; That touch the desire Of the highest power; Just for… Just for you I shall do This any and everything This that is the gift I give to you Is faithfulness Forgiveness And a bountiful love from my spirit, mind and soul I was on consignment; I co-created in alignment; Of the highest power; Within the hour; For just… For the gift that I give you; I fondly approach so approve; This my eternal love view; This I have for you a gift that I give so true; My gift of God for you;
7/1/21 For The Gift That I Give You Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Mystic Rose Rose |
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The Adulterous Woman

She stood by his side,
trying to hide,
from the stones meant for her,
they were meant for her to die.
He kept his ground,
looked the mob in their eyes,
claimed they had no right,
to take her life.
He wrote in the sand,
words that we do not know,
and claimed to the crowd,
"He who has no sin, 
cast the first stone."
One by one the crowd dispersed,
the oldest left first,
leaving the man,
and the woman who stood by his side.
He told her she is not condemned,
forgiveness was his plan,
and declared for her to leave her life of sin.

I am the woman,
of this story we know.
I have cheated on my lover,
my God that loves me so.
I wandered towards everything else,
gave up my soul,
and waited to be judged,
ready to be stoned.
He opened up his arms,
and said dear you are loved.
And that's when I realized,
I can leave this life I lived.

Note: This poem is in reference to John 8.
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F - Female

Feeling faint
Focus on the feign feelings flowing feverishly, not the foremost flare of fear at first glance
Fated by the flux, fabricated (for once) in my favor and forever grateful
Fixated, her features and figure flashed like fortune in front of me
Fingering through her cerebral files, feeling her fortified front deemed a froward but flawless find
Fast-forward-at least five years
And still I flush from the sight of her freckles
Our faithfulness fell into fiction a few times; foolish fuel for feuding flames
Forecasting fights and frigid nights, but nothing fatal
For we are a formula, a tight fitting fixture
Fixing all fractures with forgiveness and finding ways to fathom and forget
Forsaking myself, my foundation; but further on
The fragile will flourish as we firmly fix our footing, fenced in by our family and fervent felines
Fake? No, this is fact
Have faith in the fire of love
No more frowns
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Aware- -

Aware, aware
Aware of my love for you;
Ever is it so shining through
of the unseen forces;
Following you
Aware, aware, aware
Aware, aware, aware
Ever so, ever so you do truly care
This is why you're so aware
We share, we share, we share
A love
so true, so true, perfectly true
You do, you do you do
Love me true... aware
Aware that my loves been untrue
Aware love is that I m aware of I've misused
Now what are we gonna do, since I've haven't been true
Those things you used to see love
Awareness has love you and left us
Aware of those four letter words
Aware of the fact it spells erawa backwards
Aware that you've been blessed
Aware of the forgiveness
that you've given onto me
I wanna be with you in a life time of happiness
I wanna be aware of your fainting breathe
Please my darling allow me forgiveness just as long as you're fair
Please forgive me
be Aware

written words by James Edward Lee  ©1974, 2019
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Words Left Unspoken

Leaving words unspoken
I keep you close
A tiny bird, trapped in the dark
The hurt I hold, like a precious rose
Afraid to let it go, afraid of the departure

But oh, how I long to set you free
To release you from the cage of my pain
To let go of the hurt, and see
The beauty of your wings fly free

I hold you tight, in the darkness of night
Afraid to let you fly, afraid of the unknown
But deep in my heart, I know it's right
To let you go, and find a new home

So with an open door, I watch you take flight
A blur of feathers, disappearing in the sky
As I stand in the dark, with tears in my eyes
I realise you and I are the same. Inside

Forgiveness is hard, it takes all of one’s might
But I know it's the only way to truly heal
So I let you go, and bid you farewell
Hoping one day, we can conceal old wounds

And though you are gone, your memory stays
A reminder of the love we once knew
But now, it's time for a new day
To forgive and move on, and start anew.
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Please Say a Prayer For Dot

say a prayer for dot
she never forgot me
she treated me like one of the family
now she is on the list for a kidney
i wish i could take her pain with me
all i can do is please say a prayer for dot
she just started dialysis
that process is NO JOKE!
reminds me of my maternal grandmother
reminds me of how good i have it right now in life
i always say that i am humbles everyday
so many people going through things twenty times as worse as my third level worry
it makes me Thank and Praise God more
i will probably need to ask Him for Forgiveness tomorrow for something stupid that i chose to do
at times it is always the good ones who are suffering through the worst of struggles
sometimes i think God is trying to tell me something
well, Heavenly Father, i am listening and paying attention today
i am not the most righteous
i am not the most rudimentary
however You judge not
i do not have a lot
that being said, with all i got
i say a special prayer for dot....AMEN....
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Taking falls alone
Causes the pain to be shown

Yet, this heart is not my own
It is our's while together it's sewn

Alas, i finally feel at home
The tyrant has been overthrown

Until my final moments,
I vow to forever remain open

Remnants of evil begin to dissipate
As my eyes begin to precipitate
I elevate above the delusions of hate
To eradicate the illusions of shame

Without you, i amass to a simple reprobate
Who tends to vacate before beginning to placate

I ask for forgiveness
Love is my witness
Guiding us into riches
& keeping us from straying into ditches

I stare at the darkness & pray for stars
I glare with sharpness to delay the scars

Beware of the ominous bars
That imprison those who don't see far

Yet, with you, i know no fear
Not even if the end may be near
Death greets me without a tear

If this may be my final year
Please know you will forever be endeared
If this may be my final year
Please know you will forever be endeared

My soul will always be here
Long after my body has disappeared

If this may be my final year
Please know you will forever be endeared
If this may be my final year
Please know you will forever be endeared
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To Her

I like her,
I love her,
I enjoy her company,
Although I am silent,
Although I don't show emotion,
She still knows,
Because she knows me,
Because she cared,
To get to know me,
When I smile at her,
She knows I appreciate her,
When I stay silent,
But look her in the eye,
She knows I am listening,
When I hold her,
She knows I like her,
When I take care of her,
She knows I love her,
When I don't run from her,
Which I never have,
And never will,
She knows I am loyal above all,
When I show affection,
Like a massage,
Or a kiss,
Or holding hands,
She knows I care,
When she is struggling,
When she is crying,
I hold her,
I speak,
In a soothing tone,
I comfort her,Until she recovers,
I am a man,
Who speaks with action,
She knows this,
And loves this,
She loves me,
Because she knows me,
Because she cares about me,
She knows my forgiveness,
And my vengeance,
I forgive all wrongs,
Meaning all wrongs,
I avenge justly,
Without malice,
She is the reason that I live,
She is the one I watch,
When I come home,
In my car at night,
Loving and cherishing,
All that I see,
We will raise a family,
And our family will leave,
But we will have each other.
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Girls Think Guys Havent A Clue But Some Of Us Do

a single guy who freely flies without looking to date 
never bothering with girls who play the game of chase 
because those games tell me those girls ain’t really to my taste 
they wouldn’t go and make the effort they want me too waste 
they’re self serving not observant I’d rather escape 
playing with my emotions for the validation it creates 
treat ‘em mean to keep ‘em keen and put them in their place 
play that game with me and I’ll be gone without a trace 
making me feel jealous for the reaction it’ll make 
to sooth your insecurities or for your egos sake 
but I have to endure this feeling that you instigate 
for every short term benefit the long term gathers hate 

seeking to control me without a care for me 
expecting me to be there when deciding I should be 
in my absence you’re the sort who behaves as if you’re free 
begging for forgiveness claiming you were too drunk to see
and though you know you’ve cheated you have no memory 
and though you can’t be trusted you are so in love with me 
so I decide that I will be the captain of this ship 
and navigate us forward while you get away with it 
until I see the iceberg that I will be sure to hit 
I’ll tell you I was drunk but remember every bit 
and will I seek forgiveness? Don’t be so stupid!
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Forgiveness Is a Lost Art

Forgiveness is a lost art

How can we...
stay together,
while you believe in fantasies

Believe in me...
there's no truth,
to be found inside daydreams

Let's pretend...
that what you've heard
inside your head, never happened

Please...don't say your leaving
I can't take another day
I might stop breathing
if I see you're on your way
but, don't stop believing, cause
forgiveness is a lost art,
but it can bind our broken hearts

Let's move on...
and leave, this fiction in the past

Don't you know...
my love for you, will last forever

Trust in me...
to give you everything you've asked

Bridge 1

I only want to see you happy
I only want to be your man
I only want to love you madly
I only want to understand

Bridge 2
Forgiveness is a lost art, but it can bind our broken hearts
Forgiveness is a lost art, but, it can bind our broken hearts

Please...don't say your leaving
I can't take another day
I might stop breathing
if I see you're on your way
but, don't stop believing
forgiveness is a lost art,
but it can bind our broken hearts

Bridge 2
Forgiveness is a lost art, but it can bind our broken hearts
Forgiveness is a lost art, but, it can bind our broken hearts

John Derek Hamilton
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Ode To My Love

Can you speak the language of love my love  am lost 
Am all empty inside without you my heart is lost
Remember the day you saw me and I Saw you
Our lives now like a pair of shoes am left you are right always 
Lets take walks then and smile for miles 
Inside our heart  two in one lets not make a crack
Never should we hurt never should we spite 
Everyone alone in the world but with you I never walk alone

Today I am missing you my love 
Someday hope you will wipe my tears along with my doubt 
Understand my fears forget am a man and a sinner 
Master forgiveness the art of loving is a science 
Annoy me sometimes just to tell how much I care its fine 
Hundreds wish to be U and I yet nobody wants the rest of the vowels 

Maybe you are doubting,maybe you are hurting
Kiss me by the lips let me taste your pain 
Am all yours trust me you are the one I was made for
Must we be apart even when we are together? 
Obviously not but the seconds without you to me are forever 
Remember I do even if you don’t, understand why 
I am yours and you are mine beware of thieves we shouldn’t lose each other 

Irene my deary love 
Remember the good times when bad is all you see 
Envy the dead for they don’t feel jealousy though its necessary 
Never give up on me always smile when you remember me love 
Enjoy the dance even when we miss some steps
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I Just Want To Talk About Heaven

Her family named her Julie
She was brought by Heavens grace
Never thought that they could have a child
So Heaven became her nickname

She was perfection at its finest
Said a young boy to this girl
Didn't know that he'd found Heaven
Told her she was his whole world

She blushed and smiled, without worry
Knowing trust was his strong suit
Said there's something you need to know
That I'll only share with you 

She said Heaven is my nickname
But it's known only to a few
He never doubted for a minute
Said she was the living proof

I just want to talk about Heaven
Her pretty eyes and auburn hair
Its not the name her daddy gave her
But it's the one she loves to hear

While perfection eludes many 
Her smile and soul keeps shining through
I love you more than life itself
He said there's Heaven and then there's you

Finding Heaven isn't easy
Most are lost and can't be found
Yet this girl was all the proof he'd need
He thought she walked on hallowed ground

I just want to talk about Heaven
Her pretty eyes and auburn hair
Its not the name her daddy gave her
But it's the one she loves to hear

He didn't need to find forgiveness
From the love that he had found
For it went on ever endless
Till they laid him in the ground

He just wanted to talk about Heaven
Said he'd wait for her up there
Your the namesake of the place, where there are no mistakes
And eternity we'll share

He just talked about Heaven........
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Baby Steps

What is true love.. The love words define..
Is it only pleasure or satisfaction..
Is it only metirials that money will put up a price.. 
Is it happiness when things are all right..
Is it felt in the heart and held in a Lustful eye.. 
True love of my own define..will try to describe.. 
To the world who have lost its meaning.. 
And still being blinded by those who.. 
Will never felt or know the truth of knowing.. 
The truest longed lived true love of all times.. 
It begins with forgiveness and radical acceptance..
Of the person who is standing by you.. 
No matter the past they have wronged you.. 
Understanding it takes both hands to clap.. 
As each one wholds responsible of the past.. 
True love is felt not only in the breathing hearts
But within the soul thats holds it all as one.. 
I once fell in love and fell out of love..
Not knowing whats to be or how to be in love.. 
But i now feel and i am well understood.. 
True love is born when two souls become one.. 
Who will stand by you when all is lost.. 
When silent words speaks volumes to one.. 
The tears will make a way to live it all  trough.. 
In the sadness the smiles becomes true.. 
Taking baby steps with all true love holds.. 
True love will always finds it way home to you.. 
I feel the true love in my heart and soul.. 
So now i feel whole and born again as new.. 
For You i am greatful to be in love.. 
You alone i choose among others of lust.. 
Knowing me all in all.. Birth of me and now.. 
You are the crystal that keeps me safe..
Alive and to breath once again..
If two souls become one in every possible way.. 
No matter What the world will have to say.. 
True love will always breath and live.. 
In the heart.. And in The Undying soul as one..!
Details | I do not know? |

An Unplanned Love Never Doth Sway That Fine Day of April

A walk around the park of the ever loving heart...
Brings back to thee mine ever loving romantic sweetheart.

I met her one fine spring day down b'tween love avenue and ever green 
sweethearts lane...
Let me to you to try to of this love story -explain.

She is my wife...
My loving beautiful life.

She fell for me with my smile of no denial...
She called me cutie-That woman of mine-That ever loving beauty.

We met as if on by a lark...
Tis true my sweet-Our eyes met first time in the man's natured filled park.

She calls me from work with stories of being lonely...
She has my heart-My one and only.

She loves to smell flowers after fresh April showers...
She holds me enslaved to her enfavoring powers.

Why do i love her so most ever much? ...
She i depend on most-She be's my emotional loving crutch.

Flowery daisy's petals assemble to her nose for an odorus inspection...
Happy were i if i were chosen to be running for her office of affection-
Happy only if i had won her heart's ever wanting and lonely election.

A kite that rode the wind currents in the park one day...
Resembled my rising devotion and love for her to rise and leave this 
stratosphere and hemesphere for her this one day's well traveled 
journey must stay. 

A burning desire will keep us both forever together...
Our twosomed love shall always adhere to each other's to never end
to the mistraveled land of 'Never Never'. 

A dismal sadness shall enshroud me in it's darkened saddened
evil shroud...
Only if i allow it to become real will i fall defeated to it's ever darkened grey black 

This shan't never to happen...
Cannot ever to ever be allowed.

A heart fast love remains unchanged...
Forever held still as weighted as chained.

Sweet forgiveness of sweet one mine...
Hope to remain as yours-Sweet of thine.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things