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Top 25 Results (Member Poems)

You searched Exact Keyword(s): confusion in category: for her and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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I Love You

Never has a silence been so deafening

Throwing static in all directions

A thousand words screaming from the mind

Filling the void with copious confusion

A moment into a millenia 

Breath is held like a door for someone who isn't coming

Thoughts are solar flares

Every previous interaction is recalculated 

Nerve endings tense

She whispers back

"I love you, too"

Details | I do not know? |


As Fickle As A Feather Floating Across The Sky 
She Really Doesn't Have A Clue 
She Can't Make Up Her Mind Confusion Instead Of Confidence Is All That's Left Behind 
Asking Honest Questions Answering With A Lie 
Hiding Behind An Open Door But Opening A Window To Escape 
Shows She Can't Concentrate She Can't Think Straight Craving Comfort While Causing Discomfort And Discord As Lonely As The Sun Has Ever Been Before
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You Kept Me Fighting

It is hard for me to resonate 
with my past self, but I respect her
and the things she endured through. 
She went through so much darkness
and confusion, but she kept her dreams alive—
and that is what I think still resonates 
today—that her dreams, her light, 
her ideas didn’t die with her innocence, 
or her hope, or her happiness. 

Her dreams continue to manifest 
into life, and fulfillment, and forgiveness.
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A Teenager's Crush

Just a thought of hers,
And butterflies would fill up my stomach,
Which wouldn't go silent,
Until I fall asleep or get lost in her memories,
So deep, that I wander out.
What is the cure of a confusion so sweet,
That I barely want its cure.
Sometimes while roaming in the school,
My eyes meet hers ,
For a second or so and I abruptly stop.
My heart beats faster
And my brain freezes. My eyes follow her
Until she disappears,
In the clad of students, roaming freely,
In the corridor in the recess.
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Wee Hour Thoughts On a Full Bladder

there are places i will never see
there are places i would like to be
there are attractions that i would like to view
then there is the main attraction, which is you

i remember sleeping under the noise
i remember waking up with mosquito bites and ticks on my genitals
i remember snot and tears turning to ice on my face
i remember laying my head against your heart, the warmest of any place

confusion left me at a standstill while still moving
confusion righted me with two left feet while still grooving
confusion created mirages in the dry desert of life
confusion lead me to you, the foundation that helped overcome all struggle and strife

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Oh Word

while words play hide and seek in my mind
while they sink and float resisting their definition and my determination to recite

when there is a resignation of words in my mind that lead me to a world of confusion
I will take out my pen and paper where my solution is found

there is a story I want to tell, but oh! sorry something holds me back
with all the information I have, its hard to share for I am held back by my situation

Ingcinga nengcingane zam zingcikiv'ubuciko bam ndancama ndatsho ngezwi ndathi " gama hlala nam
ziziphithiphithi zalaph'eziphithanise ingcinga zam , lafika lon'iphango 
njenge ngxangxasi yamanzi, zehl'iinyembezi zam

I sat and I said...Oh! word,,, you got nothing left for me??,,,I wanna recite,, I want to talk
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Desires In the Void

Make it your focal point,
Wishing into the void.
I have cloned you,
Holding onto visions,
Were they real?

Working backward,
Swimming against the tide,
Organizing the pages,
Slight distraction,
Distant flame through my eyes.

Obsession too close,
Never within the skin,
Possible shout-out,
Can my words be heard?

Is there one that we connect to?
Words "I'd do anything" haven't rung so true,
Fleeting moments of stolen glances,
Perfectly felt embrace and saw you question,
Confusion across the beauty,
Crush of circumstance.

Audience of none,
Own doing slamming against the contradition,
A lost cause, no doubt,
Moments too strong,

Cold harsh reality hits,
I've chosen what's in front of me,
You are not here,
You'll never be.
Details | Elegy |

Lady Gray

You are in between
A little move and you are unclean
Pitching water without killing the fire
Confusion and delusion, Retire.

You are in between
Like a dying rain on a bright sunshine
So sublime, you’re always crossing the line
A character a novel will never have
A life repeatedly judged, it doesn’t budge.

You are in between
A head-turning beauty, always seen.
A soul with pure intentions, 
Reciprocated with vile pretensions

Somewhere in between
A shadow of a lady and	its miniature
Wide eyed ignorant, begging for an answer
Unlock a door and let her in
Or tear her apart, rip her skin

The love she chose, the life she has given
Elements of sacrifice, the price she’s paying
Take her on either side
Don’t be an in between. 
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Here We Go Again

Here we go again

Here we go again

The question of feelings confusion

No one thought something begins

May star brightens the day

Felt the need of “come what may”

Why do I feel this again?

Does familiar air persist again?

Makes my heart beats begin.

Oh! Let’s things be awaken

or let love not be forbidden


I’ve tried to stop this

As the time passes

But each denial creates

roots of it are growing

How come?

His smiles makes my heart shines

Shut myself from realities


Should I regret after saying no?

When you said, “I miss you”

And the silence respond

when you said, “ I love you”

Or should I applaud myself

for forbidding self-invasion

Rewarding for avoiding possible commotion

Until you’re out of reach,

neglecting and rejecting
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I Am Not the Solid Island That I Thought I Was

without you, i would be 
an ostrich with my head
in the dirt

with you, i am a king holding
my head high

the message on the door to the
maintenance guys was a cry to God 
for help

frigidity has no mercy on the one that
struggles and wonders 'what next'

when you came along, i forgot the 
definition of a globe and of hope

now i play with the colorful, bouncing
rubber ball of life

i let said ball bounce all the way to our 
next destination of discovery

you make me so thankful to God that i 
decided to answer the door that cold,
dark night of sheer confusion

if i didn't, then i would still have hurt knees
and an offensive body to this very day

i guess i can now admit that i am not the
solid island that i thought i was

growing older is the most natural inspiration
for pure truth and clarified enlightment
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So Few Feelings Left

So few feelings left,
Years of confusion gone,
No more will my heart beat out of my chest,
there is only happiness when i'm alone.
From a love that used to be,
Formed resentment blind eyes could see.
The dwindling flame that once burned bright,
is gone, now there is only night.
As our dreams turned into nightmares,
A silent truth remained,
no longer can i love you,
or i will go insane.
There will be days that i will miss you,
But they will fade so fast,
so you must move on to,
only fools would make this last.
So as I put this poison pill to your ear,
know that true love and happiness are near.
for it will be with another,
and we will no longer fear,
that our future is uncertain.
Only then you will see things clear.
So this is goodbye my former love,
and know there was a theft,
for someone took my feelings for you,
because now there are none left.
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Carry Me Along

carry me along
don't leave me here 
Iook at me 
don't you see 
the hand writing
on my face 
can't you feel 
my heart beat 
I can't be here alone 
with out you 
am cold 
yes am cold 

carry me along
don't leave me 
don't close the door 
while I cry behind
it alone with out 
I can't bear how 
life will be 
with out your love
so carry me along
with your love 
never let me fall
from your care 
if not my 
heart will 
break in pieces

carry me along 
don't leave me 
in this cross road
of confusion
or I will faint 
in worries
if you leave 
my soul will
break apart 
oh baby can't 
you see 
cant you feel 
am in love 
with you 
so don't go 
don't leave 
if not my 
heart will break
and am sure you 
will not like 
to pick up it 
pieces so baby 
please don't 
leave me here 
with your love
carry me along
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Running in circles
Chasing what I want
I’ve been searching for someone like you
I swam across an ocean of doubt
Leaped over a mountain of regret
Just to find you

I beg and plead
That they won’t come back and take you home
And the confusion never stops
You are what I need 
And there are no signs of life 
Without you here the entire world disappears 

I’m standing on the edge of nothing
Hanging on by a thread
But I still look for you
Seeking you until you’re mine
You are the reason I still fight
The reason I’m still alive

I got a hole in my soul
And everyday it grows deeper and deeper
But you save me from myself
You drag me out alive
You pick me back up
I won’t fall this time

I close my eyes and I hold my breath
I take your hand and I hold it tight
I kiss your lips and I take it in
You know that I can't do this on my own
So when I’m still looking
I hope you’ll be searching for me too
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Of Her Feelings and Fear of People

Of her notion about men,
As earthy monsters.
And also disloyal.

To make her scream into heaven,
She doesn’t give the breeze a chance.
Never wants flowers to feel a joyful moment.

She doesn’t reveal her feelings before him.
She takes path of alienation, in addition.
For he may find the Truth.

He’s the true man for her. 
With firm belief she tells her mind and heart.
‘GO AHEAD’, utters Heart. 
‘PEOPLE’, strikes Mind.

In the confusion between the two,
For who to go for.
She ends up electing Mind.

Heart sees Unity,
Mind sees Separateness.
Somebody make her understand.

In giving Hell,
PEOPLE have excelled and mastered.
Somebody make her cognizant of it.

PEOPLE disappear,
After showing sham lamentation.
Somebody take her to the reality

Do not give up for PEOPLE.
For always remaining by her side,
He has taken a strong Oath.

After The Creator,
Have Faith in him.
To come up to your expectations.

A chance is the obstacle.
A faith is the way. And,
A firm confidence is the expression.
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In my advancing years
Clarity eludes me now and then.
I sit quietly in the gazebo.
Your book and glasses
not yet removed from your seat.
Drifting into sleep
I awaken suddenly.
with confusion reigning again.

I quietly call your name
The need to see you is overwhelming. 
I search the gardens for you
Panic setting in to my heart.
Then in the cool evening summer breeze.
The gentle chiming of the windchimes
Calm my panic as your soft words once did.

Then under the blooming arches 
of the rose arbor I see you.
A basket of flowers hang from your arm.
The fading light from the evening sun.
Frames a halo about your long hair.

My eyes mist
So sweet so astoundingly beautiful
As calm as the mist on a summer's morn.
You smile at me
The windchimes tinkle softly in the air.
You tell me the sweet wudruff is taking over
The hollyhocks need trimming
And the roses need pruning
You tell me all of these things.

But all I see is your 
sweet heart of purest gold.
The rose arbor framing the light of my life.
Glowing as the sun
at the Centre of my small universe.
I fall to my knees to pay homage. 
As you fade into the evening shadows.
Just the lilt of the windchimes
Dance over the perfumed bounty
Of our flowering gardens
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The Writer In Me Wants You To Know

The feeling of emotion is the beginning of dreams 
The search for the meaning of emotion is their end 
As they overlap seamlessly at the edge of my twilight time   
My mind starts to sink in dusky obscurity, unexpressed. 

After the futile walk through the miasmic day
The contours of the meandering garden path I’ve lost 
Look now for a hand to guide and show me the way 
To the unknown road destiny has paved, untraveled. 

When the day’s last sunray begins to flash past me 
Time turns to wasteland where my shadow lengthens 
Falling on the frail footprints buried under the dust
While the road to the future fades away, uncharted.

In the cycles of good times and bad times I perceive
The cross-currents of contrast in skeptic mind’s confusion 
That clears as the mist of ancient foreboding lifts 
I discover a new trail laid down for me, undepressed.

The life story I write in time's tome of flowing continuum 
Challenges me with dejection at the end of a sad chapter 
To choose if I’ll keep on writing or close the yellow notebook
But the inner impulse inspires me to continue and be a writer.

Getting past the crossroads of degrading self-disregard
And after the afflicting shroud of aloneness silently crumbles
In the domain of dreams I write the last chapter of my life book  
I’ll dedicate to you, the writer in me wants you to know.

August 4, 2021
Contest : The Writer In Me Wants You To Know
Sponsor : Mystic Rose Rose
Details | Prose Poetry |

The Death of Defeat

What rare heart you have that puts upon my own 
salvations touch.
At first too much 
to bear. And now here, in this hallowed place, 
at last comes understanding I may share, 
at last comes grace.
This mighty triumph lifting, agitated demons shifting,
clouds of concern - conceptions mindless motions 
always luring; now are gone, 
replaced by the calmness of your claiming intuition. 
replaced by the directness of the absolute;
a fall that needs no parachute. 
Down from precipice, down from altar;
down from the drunkenness 
of weaknesses’ intoxicating hold.
fallen to height, fallen to might, 
fallen to the strength within surrender.
the grandeur and the splendor 
of the found. 
If I could give you pause to know 
the certainties of life; 
breath of every new direction flowing, 
breezes lifted from 
the summer’s endless passing 
to carry you upon them
with the gift of your awareness 
separate and complete;
enjoined to share with sweetest relish 
all your life with need of no embellishment.
rest upon the nearest respite’s offering, 
face to face, with every entertaining moment.
cheek to cheek with love’s brushed sentiment 
where there is no room for confusion 
or stalwart salient sureties, 
with visceral compliance to your manifested needs.
For I have need of needs as you. 
Love’s surprise in the blink of your eyes,
curve of the world in your lips unfurled, 
knowledge of bliss in the touch of your kiss,
and the death of defeat in your love.
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Virtue Or Beauty

Strength and dignity are her clothing
Her motto is rejoicing
Her position is strong and secure
over the unknown future
having not a picture
She trusts wholeheartedly the I AM
The only man who ever loved her unconditionally
with or without make-up, hair do or even Botox
She opens her mouth in skilfulness
On her tongue is the law of kindness
To most individuals she is viewed as madness
For they fail to understand, how one becomes so perfect
without having to say a word yet all is an act
Well! Matthew 5:48 replies on her behalf
mmhhm! and I in confusion of choosing Virtue or Beauty!?
Along comes a woman,10 feet tall matching her long blonde hair
not to mention her smashing red glossy lips
She have been told chin up, chest out
and walk like you own the world
A queen she is, new shoe is an obsession
designed closet and her are like cohesion
Every girl wants to be like her
While every man wants her
but they knowing not;
Ms Knowles said it all "pretty hurts"
As blonde, thinner and taller as she is,
yet still that is not enough according to her
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall", she asks
envy hits her hard in discovery of the snow white
but this time the snow-white is proverbs 31 woman
having to realise she cant fix what she can see
for its the soul that needs surgery
confused am no more, am aware its better to be unseen 
as long as one knows her value and worth
....being a woman of virtue
31 status woman
whom fearing of the lord
comes before herself
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Yes I

yes i
I have been on a walk 
a long walk 
this walk worked out 
a lot passion
with in my heart 
so I bleed with 
scorns of messages
called poetry so
yes I 
yes I 
yes I 
keep writing 
till the end of time 

yes I
come talk a walk 
with me 
don't worry about 
the distance 
we are on same 
shoes if you 
we are both trapped 
in a world of lies 
so when you bleeds 
in side your soul 
what was your first 
cos with our disappointment
you could have been 
on your realities 
were happiness is 
the out come of 
all the sacrifice 
we give in pain
so now you feel 
why I bleed 
to this writes 
called poetry 
yes I
yes I
yes I 
keep writing 
till the end of time

yes i
am a  young soul
trapped in a world
of illusion
were adult go wild 
in calamities 
while the young 
watch in confusion
yet no one cares 
so now I keep walking
the journey still far 
as justice is on exile
while humanity is 
scarce more every new day 
now we are just shadows
in clothes of suffering flesh
our reality has turn sow 
despite our believes
we still got a long journey 
a journey too wild 
in this journey 
 yes I 
yes I 
yes I 
keep writing
till the end of time 

yes I
yes I 
yes I am not perfect
yes I 
yes I am a prisoners 
in of my thought
cos the world lack 
so many obvious truth
yes I 
yes I chose to be human
yes I 
yes I am not in the reality 
of justice
yes I 
yes I must be alive
while I live 
yes I 
yes I can write 
my songs
and now is called
Details | I do not know? |

Does Anybody Hear Her


Under the cover
The super elegant gorgeous beauties adored,
The smiles you see day to day
That slow motion of the eyes, sparkling as they blink,
The soft tenderly touch of her hands... 

But there... in the inner core,
Behind that scenes...
Cries her voice,
As she screams...
At the top of her voice!
Weeping heart tears rolling like a waterfall,
The silence is too loud she would rather be excused.

Because at every moment,
She keeps on wondering,
Wondering whether she is alone or not,
If she is worthless or invisible, 
And the same question runs in her head,
She is asking herself... "does anybody hear her"
Or anyone out there who can notice her,
At least a Prince charming to cast a spelling charm on her cries,
Or a mighty hero to catch her from the waterfall
Maybe just Him for the affection!
To put an end to her fleeing,
To embrace her and comfort her
Provide a chest for her to rest her head on
Does anybody hear her ??

But as for him
He is there,
He has always been there. 
Standing by her but she keeps on searching elsewhere.
Whenever he comes by she gives him the assurance by that smile, everything is okay.
Sometimes he would try but he would miss the spot. 
From there he is being chased away for missing, he gets the blame for it all.

He and the hims’ have been living in confusion of how can he. 
How can he hit the target by assumptions?
How can he hear her when nothing is being told,
How can he be a prince charming and know it all while he lives in reality world?
How can he be the mighty hero while all he sees is that smile and assurance that all is fine? 
If only she could say a word…

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Lips Like Wet Vagina

lips like wet Vagina
if am good 
they talk
if am bad 
they talk
they always wet
their mouth with 
their spit through their
lips like wet Vagina

lips like wet Vagina
if i live they will talk 
if I fear to live 
they will talk 
if I talk they will talk
if I don't talk they will talk
they love to talk 
their lips are always wet
 like wet Vagina

lips like wet Vagina
on my issues their lips
remains always wet
I wonder what time they 
got to waste 
I guess they lake  water(common sense)
that why always their 
lips like wet Vagina

lips like wet Vagina
I write they talk 
if I don't write 
they can still talk 
I sing my heart beat 
they feel me yet they talk
if am silent they still talk 
I can't here them quite
not for once in a while
they are use to talking
their lips are always wet
like a horny lady 
about to hit my rod
in a high state of 
talking confusion
through my sweet 
 lips like her wet Vagina

lips like wet Vagina
if am brave they talk
if am calm they talk 
if am proud they talk 
if am humble they talk 
if am intelligent they talk
if am dumb they talk 
they have no holiday 
their lips knows no stop time
always they are with 
lips like wet Vagina

lips like wet Vagina
I thank God am not perfect
am happy at least am human
I got a heart and I never
want to live without my soul 
my desire is not difficult
my dreams accommodates
all humanity all mankind
to live with the greatest gift
of nature of God 
what more is more than a life
of peace happiness joy 
in an atmosphere of love 
this has been my poems 
this has been my crime 
this has been my opinion
yet they still talk me down
to their wet 
lips like wet Vagina
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A Girl and a Boy

There was a girl who really liked this boy
But he had no idea, as she was very coy
They had known each other for years;
And had shared laughter and tears.
Daily they would hang out and talk
And played outside without shoes and socks
Running around and having fun,
Enjoying each other without anyone
Else, as it did not matter,
When they were apart both were sadder.
This girl really wanted to be more than friends;
But, as you know, summer time quickly ends
And the girl didn’t have the courage to summon a kiss,
She imagined it would be hit or miss
And she was afraid that it wouldn’t be right
Or, somehow they would end up in a fight.
It was late in August and there was a fair in town,
Of course, the two went together to hang around
When the boy went to buy a coke,
There was this cute girl who told him a joke
They shared a laugh and a smile,
Both were quite smitten as they talked for awhile
Together they went and found his other friend,
He casually said good bye so he could spend
Time with the cute girl, who quickly held his hand,
But, she was going to leave soon -- as she played in the traveling band.
So the boy did not call his friend for several days,
This made her quite sad, lonely and dismayed
The fair left town; and they were back in school,
The boy found his friend, but she walked away cold
In class he was worried and wrote her a note,
He asked to meet after school by the lake and in the boat
Where they had often spent hours
His friend showed up and she had brought him flowers
The girl just grabbed his hand and she looked him in his eyes,
Slowly kissed his lips and caught him by surprise.
The two talked for hours and said how they felt,
The words were real and made both their hearts melt
From that day forward they shared everything,
No more hidden feelings as confusion it can bring.
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The Solitary Tear

Aurora stood at the gravesite close to Robert’s casket on the bier
 “Look at her, why I’ve yet to see a tear”
The lady whispered to the other so Aurora could hear
“Her dress is disrespectful; it’s a heartless thing to wear
“My heart bleeds for her husband lying there”
This was Robert’s favorite dress and he always used to say
 “Aurora, wear it for me when I ‘go away’
If you care and I know you do you’ll dare!
Aurora, promise me please no tears
We’ve known this moment was coming for almost two years.”

Aurora saw a man appear under the oak tree on the knoll
It was Robert walking in an unhurried stroll!
He used the “royal wave” he liked to imitate
Aurora repeated it in reverse, she didn’t even hesitate
She saw and felt him there emotionally reacting
Intellectually realizing “this can’t be happening!”
Staring at each other across the expanse of lawn
Sharing a last loving communication not as two but one
Robert blew her a kiss and walked out of sight
Trembling wildly, Aurora fought to stay upright.

A solitary tear fell from Aurora’s eye, she felt it descending
In slow passage down her cheek carving a groove blistering
Stories abound about this unique and mysterious solitary tear
Report it happens infrequently, only every several years
How or why the tear finds its mourner cannot be explained 
The tear’s origin and source has yet to be discovered or named.
It’s said that a person’s intensity of inexpressible feelings
Make the tear appear by their profound grieving. 

Aurora, like others, is disorganized and unfocused following Robert’s death
Making endless adjustments, trying to catch a breath
One day she touches the scar on her cheek made by that solitary tear
Her mind clears and it becomes an amazing day without confusion or fear
Salvation and comfort take many forms if you pray
Especially if you believe what God imparts in His way
She finally understands that Robert’s soul and spirit were not lost to her
And that living isn’t meant to be a meaningless blur
Robert rejoiced in living and in his love for her taught her to feel the same
They had priceless moments together more than she could count or name
And she starts recalling all the memories they made while husband and wife
Who’s to say what or whom finally brought Aurora back
And gifted her with a tender and loving renewal of her life.
Details | I do not know? |

I Never Got a Chance To Say It

Where are you Tink,When are you coming home?
K missed me more than I  knew,
But I was so caught up in work ,with my new life.
It was almost Christmas and I wanted to go home but the stress of work and 
adjusting to this new place was tough.

I called K sometimes to make sure she was okay but then I realized had not for awhile.
She was always on my mind,she lived a nightmare taken for granted by her spouse ,
Whom to him  she was a burden,
Yet in her fragile state,she had hope,she had love.
A cruel mother who wronged her,without seeing the true colours of the culprit. 
It shattered me to watch her suffer from this blood thirsty annihilation called  Leukaemia everyday. I wasn't there,I was helpless so far away.

She was strong,stronger than any person I knew ,
Her faith made her the most gentle soul,
She lived for her daughter with every ouch of strength left in her,
Sometimes I called  and she was drained to the core
Locked away and kept like a slave.

Holidays came as quick as the breeze but I was so busy I couldn't fly to and see her.
I knew she needed me and missed me ..
I called her on Christmas day and told her I loved her for a moment.

Old Years Morning I woke up a new dawn was near,
I heard the door bell rang, It was my boyfriend all energized,
So early babe to see me ,are you alright?
He took my hand and walked me the table 
Sat me down and said to me "I have something to tell you"
Confusion filled my head ,Was he going to propose ?
I knew he wanted to for awhile ,but like this I thought it wasn't romantic.

Out came the words that pierced through my body like a knife,K's dead babe she 
died this morning,
I said "Is this some kind of joke because it's not funny ?Then he held me then left me to be alone"
I ran upstairs and sat in the study searched for her picture and cried my life out,
I didn't get to see her or tell her I loved her"
She must hate me because she wanted to see me .

At her funeral on my Birthday as I watched her lifeless body,
So pale and sad,
I would not be able to laugh with her , go fishing,walk on the beach like the old days,
She wasn't here any more I had to face that fact,
What ripped me apart everyday was not telling her on her last days 
,How much she meant to me although I am sure she knew, But still
When I wake up sometimes and call her phone I forget she's no longer here and I 
cry myself to sleep.
I try to be strong everyday to live for her and not forget,
Never take anyone for granted or you will live in regret.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things