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Flounder Poems - Poems about Flounder

Flounder Poems - Examples of all types of poems about flounder to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for flounder.
Premium Member A Masked Requiem for a Virulent Era
...A cold ever-berating light-taking rope survives relentless entropy (another year ends another variant contends) Disintegration in empty erroneous caves that swallow blank pages su......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, dark, society, surreal, word
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ma, Pet Assassin
...Chubs is gravely flat. We remove our hats. Her wheel deflated him— Chubs, my cuddly cat. Flounder is lying flat, ambling on his back. Her croutons choked him— Flounder, my friendly catfish. ......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, animal, humor, repetition,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Thought of the day
...separated from love by tricks of mind ~ we flounder about through life, like the blind......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, introspection,
Form: Couplet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Monsters And Meds
...I forgot my meds last night. I fell asleep without turning off the light. Meds sitting on the counter. As I lie in bed, I flounder. My brain knows what it's missing. I start to hear hissing......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, horror, mental illness,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Satan’s Daughter
...The ‘Satan’s Daughter’ always knows the way she ought to go There’s no-one left alive aboard to haul her rigging so Her crew and Cap’n flounder on the seabed far below But the ‘Satan’s Daughter’ s......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, sea,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member We confess
...What was surreal is now the new normal, as we bilocate between form and vast space and although we follow no practice formal, simply ambling through life at an easy pace, we have now encountered ......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, spiritual,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Poetic Podcast Episode 30 Bop
...You walk in hoping for solace or a smile, instead you’re ostracized by iconoclasts. Oh what irony! Becoming what you profess to be against, don’t you see what a joke that is? Now we’re overrun ......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, emotions, feelings, inspirational, introspection,
Form: Other
Premium Member The inconvenient truth
...Stupor of blind belief has caged soul in mind, bemused by illusions, all self-created, making us flounder about, as do the blind, hypnotised by scriptures, fully sedated. God is packaged in all c......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, religion, spiritual, truth,
Form: Rispetto
Premium Member Our glorious destiny
...1 Where are we The path appears as we walk upon it, crystallising right before our soul’s eye, enabled for those with resolve and grit, who to attain God, are ready to die. If the God-searc......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, spiritual,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Marine Life Footles
...Hero of Marine World Super Grouper The Disabled One The shrimp - A gimp Electrocuted Haddock Had shock When Sea Runs Dry Salmon Famine Her Musical Fish Faye’s carp Pla......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, fish,
Form: Footle
Premium Member How Some Cats Are
...They arrived at Tom’s house with Salmon kibble. When he opened the door he said, “I want a nibble!” They asked him which litter box they should use. Not the one by the door, it is next to my shoes......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, cat,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Untitled
... there was an old flounder named May who lived in the Chesapeake Bay each day was a test and he considered himself blessed if he survived being made catch of the day ......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, fish, fishing, funny,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member A Starry Eyed Schemer
...Floating lanterns of burning wishes dance a flickering pulse of prosperity; Hanging on to hope with such nuance they glide on still water delightfully; Remain peaceful in the throes of defeat......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, dream, emotions, inspiration,
Form: Sonnet
Sinners Waltz
...In this vast void of existence, we stand, Hearts bleeding out, met with the back of a hand. Alone we stagger in life's endless night, Chasing shadows, devoid of respite. We drift, lifeless shel......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, dark, emotions, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member LooK My Love pt 2: RIVER AT THE BAY
...We say we recognize being ankle Deep in the river at the bay. Look My love do you like this light? I love Love this riiight. What of now do You say? You say you love this life? My My My sultr......Read the rest...
Categories: flounder, africa, allusion, beautiful, black
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry