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Funny Father Son Poems

These Funny Father Son poems are examples of Father Son poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Father Son Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Curtains
Setting: A parlor with money hanging on a wall becomes the topic.

Teen, short boy like to talk down on adult's
Woman, passion for hanging money


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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: father son, appreciation, beautiful, change, father


For the rest of my life, you will never be forgotten
Every day I will think of you again and...

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Categories: cry, dad, father son,

A Lil' Nip
Son, don't stand there with that cold stare and judge me
When I twist the cap and pour a glass and tilt my head gently

Just know...

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Categories: father son, angst, anxiety, drink, father

Premium Member His Dad and Baseball
His father loved baseball…he watched his favorite team religiously…
“It’s a lot like life.” He’d say. “Come and watch a game with me.”

“When it’s your turn...

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© Jim Yerman  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: baseball, father son, life,

Premium Member Frasier and Martin
Frasier Crane
had a hyperactive brain
loved all things suave and debonair
but not a fan of his dad's armchair

Martin Crane
got by with his dog and cane
was a...

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Categories: father son, funny,

Premium Member Re-Born Father
These urgent strangers dressed up in green gowns
Snip rip strip
My dad’s red pants underwear and shirt
From his ancient body

A de-frocked clown not funny anymore

“Oh Bobby,...

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Categories: birth, death, father son,

Premium Member Evolution of An Enfant Terrible
Don't point your finger
           and indict me as a spoilt child.

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Categories: father son, anger, child abuse, dark,

Them Times
I remember them days
When the bunting was hung.
From lampost to gate post
Was the thing to be done
Mis-matched tables
All together in a row.
Covered in tablecloths
Union jacks...

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Categories: caregiving, emotions, father son,

Premium Member My Father's Hand
When I was a boy I did not understand
Just how much was carried by my Father’s hand.
But now that I’m older, I stand in his...

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Categories: father, father son, growing

Premium Member Uncle Michael
His ramrod back, his brill-creamed hair 
and waxed moustache gave him a certain air, 
a certain dash, and a military bearing. 
His speech was clipped....

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Categories: father son, friend, fun,

Premium Member wayward son
there once was a thief from devin

whose teachers called him sir kevin

but his mom and dad

were indeed more sad

he worked eleven to seven.

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Categories: corruption, father son, funny,

We Put the Wrong Son Up For Adoption
My son is a thief and a drug user.
I'm not lying when I say he's a loser.
It's too much for my wife and I to...

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Categories: addiction, father son, funny,

Crazy Dialogue Between Father and Son
- Junior piece of acephalus
       go to sleep !
      "If you do not do...

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Categories: father son, funny, humorous,

Game Over
I burst through my kitchen door knocking down my mother in the process and said "outta the way loser".

I went down to my gamer cave...

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Categories: father son, allegory, analogy, boy, dad,

Halloween Night - Contest
I am not scared , 
You are not real. 
It’s just a white sheet,
It’s No big deal.

Ha! Cobwebs on the door,
I could turn on the...

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Categories: child, children, father son,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things