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Funny Epyllion Poems

These Funny Epyllion poems are examples of Epyllion poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Epyllion Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Unable to fear Jamaican terrorists from Tampa
Jahore Pakistani kind of terrorist driving a Tahoe shooting into my home attempting to impersonate me gain royalties from my American poetry sorry my ancestors...

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Categories: allah,

Beer Sio Maziwa
Sijui ni wangapi wata'define my history,
Wakitumia hii story.
But kitu najua ni ati nkifa,
Walevi ndo watachangisha doh kwa matanga,
na maybe;
Wengi watasema Marto alikuwa tanker.
Na ukijaribu ksema...

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Categories: art, break up, drink,

That Funny Emotion Called Love
I see some who have faith, and some who have doubts,
and why not? for so many have seen it go south.
It is hard to embrace...

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Categories: family, life, love,

Sex Workers
Late at night,
when the world is quiet,
they can plan to work,
to get what to eat.

What's funny,
they sweat the whole day,
but all what they get,
they spend...

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Categories: sad, mum,

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry